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Old May 13th, 2005, 07:31 PM   #175
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Default comments about may 11 episode

These are my comments about the May 11 episode of Lost:
1. Did anyone catch the name of Claire's son? It sounded like she said "Tanner" or "Turner."
2. There were two comments that made me laugh out loud: The Survivor reference, when Sawyer snidely asked if he should be voted off the island, and the comment that Hurley made about not knowing who knew which secrets about which other character. Hurley's statement was of course repeating what has been discussed in all the Internet chat rooms!
3. A third comment didn't make me laugh, but it was kind of funny. Sawyer looked at Kate and said there was nothing to keep him on the island--meaning her, of course. But then Sawyer had also hit on Shannon, Jin and Claire, (and presumably every other woman there) and all of them had told him to get lost (pun intended).
4. One thing confused both me and a coworker (when we discussed it the next day at the office). Kate has her little toy plane with her on the island, yet at the end of the flashback, it was left in the car. Jackie and I both thought we'd missed something that told how she ended up with the plane again. I told her I guessed that story would be told in a future episode, unless I've forgotten something from this past season.
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