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Old May 5th, 2005, 11:01 AM   #13
On Vacation...
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Originally Posted by Breea
I found that sometimes I post before i think..LOL(my biggest fault) ...but i'm going to do it anyway. The other thing i wanted to say is this..Mother's Day is also hard for another reason...for women like me who can never have children. We miss out on that joy with an emptiness that goes to the very heart and soul of us. Never to feel a life growing inside of us, the joy of watching her take her
first steps. To be there to pick her up when she falls and wipe away the tears.
Her first tooth,her first day at school,her first date....These are the joys that I will miss,will never know the joy of sharing. I understand this all too well myself. (((((((((((((((Breea)))))))))))))))) I passionately long to be someone's mom, but after several miscarriages, my increasing age, and having endometriosis, plus being in a relationship with a "man" with whom I don't want to have children is all leading me on a fast track to having no biological children of my own.
Rowan, I'm sorry sweetheart, I wish I had been the one to have been blessed with you as a daughter. She does not know what a special, caring young lady you are. You feel the void of those who are lost and alone You know this really struck me when I read this having the kind of childhood I did has left me acutely sensitive to this in others so maybe that's the silver lining to this and your friendship means more to me than anything. I will gladly take you as part of my family if you would like. I would be the one who would be lucky..for you a very joy and a gift to all of us.
Love and hugs,
*Thud* Breea I only gave you 50 bucks this is more like a 1000 dollar post
Breea you sure know how to bring tears to a persons eyes!!! (in a good way ) I'm overwhelmed by your big soft heart!!! I think more often than not I'm a big pain in the butt rather than a joy and a gift!! You have no idea what words like that do to me Breea I don't often hear things like that in my life only once in a very long while and it's not until I hear it that I realise how much I crave it and how much a person needs to hear such things from others. So thank you for helping to fill the whole in my heart and for welcoming me into your family for your generosity of spirit and your warm and loving heart! You make a terrific Mom!!!

Does this mean you'll teach me how to barn storm??
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