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Old March 16th, 2005, 12:36 PM   #113
Darrell Lawrence
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Originally Posted by Antelope
Not all my questions were directly related to your previous post. I was looking for incite especially since prior to your reply I have never read anywhere that anyone received death threats from mini or TNS fans, although I am well aware of the animosity generated by individuals during the clone war to include law suit threats.

I apologize if my questions were vague and will try to be clearer. Please answer if you feel inclined.
Well... it's RARE that anyone would bring attention to themselves in saying they received death threats.

I've never mentioned it before because I laughed it off.

Originally Posted by Antelope
1. Were the death threats you received from TOS, TNS or both types of fans?
Both. Like I said though, I laughed them off. Pretty hilarious stuff actually. I recognized the e-mail addies as well. They were told where they could stick their heads
Originally Posted by Antelope
2. Did Richard Hatch receive death threats? If so were they from TOS, TNS, or both types of fans?
He didn't receive them while I was webmaster through the website. As for him getting them by other means, no idea.
Originally Posted by Antelope
3. Were you still working on that web site after Richard Hatch made his positive comments about Ron Moore and TNS?
Yes, I was.
Originally Posted by Antelope
4. I assume Ron Moore is an egotist. My main question may be obscurred by that word. Do you believe Ron Moore's goal was to destroy hope for a TOS Continuation or to make a financially successful science fiction television program?
Both. In his very early comments, he made it no secret that he'd neverwatched the series, and only after talks of getting the gig did he watch the pilot premier. He said then he liked the armehgheddon aspects, but didn't care for the mythologies, etc. He stated he was going to do away with that, etc etc and anyone that disagreed with him, then the "popcorn" was in another isle, etc. Many of his disparging comments towards both the series *and* the fans came back then.

THis was BEFORE Galacticon, and BEFORE he approached Richard to be in the new series.
Originally Posted by Antelope
5. Do you believe Ron Moore wants to intentionally inflict pain on other human beings, in particular fans of TOS (based on Eric's dancing on grave comment earlier in thread)?
Ron says things in a very "snide comment", sarcastic sort of way. Some can take it as him trying to be funny, others don't.

It's through that type of "humor" that a persons real take on something generally comes through.

So to answer that question, in all honesty, I do believe Moore wants osBG to just go away, and he doesn't care what the osBG fans think. Within that not caring what certain fans think, that means he could care less about them and doesn't care what toes he steps on. And by not caring who's toes get stepped on, then yes, he intentionally inflicts emotional pain on those people.
Originally Posted by Antelope
After all this time in the BSG web world this thread has been enlightening, however the enlightenment was unexpected. I understand the pain many people feel about the perceived loss of hope in regards to a TOS Continuation. I also understand the hatred some carry to TNS as a travesty compared to TOS. I also know there are elements that have personified this feeling onto Ron Moore and Bonnie Hammer. I have been surprised however by the depth of this personification and the willingness to believe in evil intent as opposed to money motivation behind them at this point by people I did not expect to see such comments from.
Oh ho... Regarding Bonnie, that story goes WAY back to the time of Richard first proposing BG come back as a continuation. Back then, she flat out said she didn't care what fans thought. She was going to do things her way. Luckily, someone at top told herto cool her jets at the time.
Originally Posted by Antelope
I guess I think Ron Moore, Bonnie Hammer, or any of the other maligned figures of TNS could be greedy, uncaring, egotistic, and foolish. I don't see how people take the leap from that to making them into evil individuals whose goal is to inflict pain. Moore and Hammer had a goal of making a television show that gathered high ratings and was a financial success. I'm sure they knew some people would not like what they did. Some people having hurt feelings was an ancillary to what they did however, not the purpose or intent.
I think I answered that above regarding their "inflicting" pain. To make it clear, it's emotional pain, not physical
Originally Posted by Antelope
I Ask this simple question:

If Ron Moore tomorrow could push a green button and the results would be that TNS would fail and TOS in any form would never be seen on television again or he could press a red button and TNS would be a great success but it would also result in a successful TOS based series which button would Moore press?
Neither. He doesn't have that power, even though he likes to think he does
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