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Old March 15th, 2005, 04:59 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by Warrior
Just to let ya know, Antelope, your assumptions are wrong.

I *have* received hate mail and death threats before regarding nuBG, back when I was webmaster of Richard's websites.

I also have met Moore a couple of times, so I do know him and he does know me in person.
As mentioned before the jackasses that do those things are on both sides.

Were the death threats to Richard (and/or you) before and/or after he went on the TNS bandwagon? Were they from TOS only, TNS only fans, or both? I saw Richard take a lot of heat when he buried the hatchet.

Warrior: I never said you disparage Moore personally. I would have to recheck your post. The post that did initiate this thread did as well as others however.

There's a big difference between saying a show sucks as opposed to the creator is an evil arrogant SOB. If people can't see the difference, what can I say. Live in lala land.

Do you think Moore dances on the grave of TOS? If you don't why support this kind of feldergarb. You met the man and Richard works with him. Is he an arrogant SOB that lives to destroy TOS and its fans or is he just a man earning his living in Hollywood? You can't play it both ways.
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