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Old March 14th, 2005, 05:30 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Eric Paddon
There are two points in your response, Antelope, that illustrate the differences we have now. You say that TOS critics are a minority reacting reflexively to TNS criticism, but does that account for what I think is the bigger problem, namely what comes from Ron Moore and the PR machine behind TNS?
When I go to very pro-TNS sites, like Ragnar Anchorage I see some of the same thoughtless post by some TNS only fans that I see at very pro-TOS sites from TOS only fans. Both groups claim they are responding to what is said by the other side. I think both groups drive each other in a series of responses and defenses. I probably come off as "pro-TNS" when I am on a pro-TOS site and can say the same thing and come off "pro-TOS" at the pro-TNS site.

Ron Moore has always been respectful of TOS and the TOS fan whenever I have read anything he has actually said. I think people are judging him by his product not by his words or intent. He is not being paid to do a TOS continuation nor does he feel one is a viable commercial endevor.

The SCIFI PR machine is in the business of making TNS a success. They are going to say TNS, Stargate, and Manquito for that matter are the best thing since sliced bread. I am sure ABC said the same things about TOS and even BG80. When is a show ever remade when it is not called "new, improved, and updated to today's audience"? Don't take personally how every remade show is marketed.

Most of the articles we see that rip TOS have nothing to do with Moore and SCIFI, they are products of television and entertainment critics at various media outlets, especially newspapers. Look at any show that is rated G versus any show that has a sexual component, violence, dark politics, and anti-heroes. Modern critics take the dark anti-heroic show every time. The critics hated Saving Private Ryan, the Passion of the Christ, and many supported Pulp Fiction over Forrest Gump. This tells you who writes television and film critiques throughout this country. It's been this way for some time now. It's not a Moore or SCIFI PR machine. It's simply how it is for better or worse.
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