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Old March 12th, 2005, 05:47 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Mustex
What I will do however is request that you either read my posts thoroughly, or don't respond. I want to see Space: 1999, but I haven't gotten a chance yet. I like "soft" sci-fi to. However, you all constantly skim over the portion of my posts in which I explain the distinction between "science fantasy" and "science fiction." It seems you merely saw the name "Space: 1999," and jumped to the ill-concieved conclusion "Mustex called S99 'fantasy.'" I, in fact, called it "Mushy Soft sci-fi." There's a difference. Somethings level of hardness within sci-fi is debateable, but once it contains a single element that is clearly super-natural, it is clearly in the realm of fantasy.
Mustex -

I did not "skim" over your post. You made a reference to Space:1999 - a show that you admittedly had not yet seen and it's one that I'm fairly well versed with. How can you have an opinion or explain the nature of the show, if everything you know is by second hand information?

I don't care if you called it "fantasy", "mushy" or whatever brand of SciFi that you're trying to label it. You're trying to explain the difference, but none of the references that you're using are applicable in this case. If you watch any number of episodes of Space:1999 - especially Year 1, you'll see a lot more science than an episode of TNS, but from the point of view of scientific concepts of the early 1970's.

Just for the purposes of discussion, all SciFi shows are stepping stones in the genre. When the orginal Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon movie serials were created back in the 30's, it was all speculative as humanity had no firsthand knowledge of traveling in outer space. When you look at all past SciFi shows throughout entertainment history, some of the science was real, some was speculative and some was just pure entertainment value.

If all SciFi shows provided was real, concrete science, then you might as well watch any number of programs on the Science Channel. I've found many of those very entertaining and educational, but not nearly as much fun as a one hour SciFi show.

If you're going to cry foul with everyone that doesn't agree with you, then what's the point of having a discussion? You're seventeen - most of the folks here are in their thirties and fourties - and very well versed in the genre. I would think that you'd be interested in what they think, not so much as if they agree with you (or the website you're getting info from) or not.

I'm sorry that you're flustered, but a discussion is an exchange of ideas, not one person talking and everyone else listening and nodding in agreement.

Best regards,
"When Commander Adama sees these, he's gonna go crazy!" - Col. Tigh - "Saga of a Star World"

"If you love long enough, wish hard enough, anything is possible" - From The Boy Who Could Fly
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