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Old March 5th, 2005, 05:48 AM   #8
Retired or am I?
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Special Effects Artist
Battlestar Galactica 2003
Colonial Fleets

Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 2,527


Interesting how this silly television show has caused so much pain and grief. It's to a point it's almost laughable. I cannot understand why we all get so wrapped up in such a thing but i guess it goes to the old saying that it's human nature to have conflict in our lives. Conflicting over a tv show has got to be the most wasted conflict of them all.

In the end there's always going to be goings and leavings. Like you told me Tom a while back you'd never shut the door no matter how much i begged you to close it for me. Same goes here. You know my feelings about this tv show and how i feel that it is still unrealized. And your right it quite possibly may never see it's true calling.

I've taken a different approach to it lately. I don't watch the new series but i've given up badgering it since it won't do me any good anyways. Instead i've refocused my energy to the one project that makes me smile, art. You've always said that art can be great in healing what ailes you.

In the end Tom practice what you preach. This forum is dedicated to BG but like i said earlier has become a community to alot of people. I don't have a idea where this place is going or for that matter BG but i do know that you can't stay away anymore than i could. So good luck my friend, you've always been a shinning light.

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