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Old February 20th, 2005, 11:14 AM   #14
Centurion Draco
Equal rights for Cylons!
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: The United European Alliance.
Posts: 568


Greetings Warriors.

Well, I return from deep space, and what do I find?
A whole squadron of replies!

I'm finding the temptation to just keep buying BSG stuff really overwhelming!!

I've seen the new figures, but they didn't really make it to the UK, so if I want them, it means ordering them from the states!
I really like the uniforms and props!
Couldn't afford that 'real' cylon that guy is selling for $25,000.00
Have got a Viper Helmet (in progress), Blaster replica's (in progress) The Krop Cylon (being built by Scott as we speak) Plus a whole load of insignia and pips etc that I've just bought on ebay from Kattarra (sp?) you know, Kathy who sells all the BSG stuff. Anyway they should be with me soon!
Going to create a big display!!
WHat was the porcelain statue of the Galactica? I havent seen them?


I think the game is great!
I really like the way they 'up-dated' the Cylons while still keeping the 'flavour' of the originals! A damn good job!
I;ve been seriously thinking of getting the new miniatures when they hit the shelves (of ebay)!
They look sweet. I have the Base Star revell kit, to sit on a shelf near my cylon when he arrives.
13" figures?? They sound good
I've been looking at scrips on ebay, but I cant tell which are 'real' and which are just run up on peoples PCs?


Whoa! You must have really worked it to manage to meet so many of the crew?
Thats amazing!
Who was the nicest in person??
I'd have loved to have met John Colicos.
My other half wants to get al the books (especially the Richard Hatch ones) So I won her a signed copy of Warhawk on ebay.
I'll be looking for the Battlestar Galactica Encyclopedia


Great site!
I cant believe how much stuff was released in the states that didn't ever make it to the UK?
Its been a real eye opener looking on sites like that, and tawling the vintage stuff on ebay. I had a lot of the UK released stuff back in the day, but I'd have had soooo much more if I'd lived across the pond

There's some good looking and very reasonably priced uniform makers around at the moment!
Have a look over at: there are loads of threads about uniforms etc.


As if I'd ever be brave enough to actually wear it outside?
I'd be too scared of it ending up looking like the originals did
I havent even finished paying for it yet, the plastic is taking the strain

Thanks I'll try and hassle someone with cable to tape it for me!
I'm going to post pics as soon as I get it all together, and displayed nicely!!
I still need to buy a mannequin for the centurian!
They are buggers to find cheap?
Unless you want an old 80s one in 'teapot' pose! Not really suitable for a cylon


I love the models, But they are such hassle to dust!
I might get a raider as I saw one in a shop yesterday for £15 (new)
I'm thinking the bluprints will look good on the wall! Will have to look on the bay for some of those!!
I've actually never read any of the comics, are they really worth getting??
Are the stories well written and 'tied in'?


Oh wow!
I'm now seriously considering making some little display cases for some more models, thanks for the amazing links
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