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Old January 11th, 2005, 08:26 AM   #1
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Default How much of Colonial Warriors is hereditary?

I noticed something in GOIPZ today.

Leda is encouraging Croft to ditch the Arcta mission and go for his own freedom with the other convict team members. She critizes him for not firing on a colonial warrior in their previous escapade and that causing them to be caged up like animals.

her line is something to the effect of him not violating "the oath, the bloodline."

Bloodline? would this mean that most warriors had a family tradition of service to the colonies or would it imply an almost tribal or class relationship between the warriors (I'm thinking along the lines of the Spartans? perhaps, but I'm not that versed in the actual ancient cultures to know).

Any history buffs want to take a stab at what Leda meant by "bloodline" as a reason to not shoot a fellow warrior?

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