Thread: Who Said It ???
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Old December 3rd, 2004, 02:49 AM   #1121
Gunstar Aries
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Exclamation Hold your THWACKING there THWACK MOMMA!!

Before LOTR came out, the original Conan was one of the best fantasy films out there. More an amalgamation and re-editing of any of Howard's stories, it still captured the character very well. And the orchestral score was outstanding. One of my favorite CD's, in fact.

Conan is still tops in the 'low fantasy' category for me. (Think Fafner and the Grey Mouser, Thieves World, if you're familiar with them...) Basically, low fantasy is set in a world that's a dangerous place, the more base human instincts prevail, no elves, dwarves, no heros singing happy songs while the wood nymphs and cherubs stretch ribbons in front of them.

LOTR is a great example of high fantasy. Elves, dwarves, etc, the main characters are motivated by a heroic ideal, story is epic in scope, etc.

So while we're in the fantasy realm, how about this one:

"I will need battle lords such as you!!"

Hint: it's from the movie that also has this quote: "I will build... a round table....and a Hall around the table. And a castle around the hall!!"

Man! Can't believe I'm having a disagreement with Shining Star....

Antwaan Randal El is no name for a football player! It's a name for a Star Wars Character!! Can't you just hear Obi Wan saing "A young Jedi named Antwaan Randal El, who was a pupil of mine..."
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