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Old October 6th, 2004, 12:58 AM   #25
Colonial Story Teller
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Default that I am back...

I found very moving moments in the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series . I do not compare these to the original Battlestar Galactica series because again, it is two different levels of appreciation for me.

In the miniseries....The scene where Laura Roslin goes to the cockpit of Colonial Heavy 798, and finds out from the pilot that Caprica and several other colonies had been nuked. The pilot is trembling bad, and Laura calms him down by taking his hand and reading the report herself. That was pure genius. How anyone can NOT see the emotion in that scene is beyond me.

When news of the attack on the colonies is issued by Commander Adama, granted we do not see a lot of the crew crying, but they are maintaining their composure as best they can...Dualla did cry, and that said enough for me. With all due respect, I don't have to have everyone crying on screen to know that these people are probably terrified and at a loss.

Adama's scene when he thought that he had lost his eldest son in a Cylon fighter attack sent chills up my spine. Tigh moving in to comfort his friend was beautiful.

Starbuck's prayer : "Lords of Kobol, hear my prayer. Take the souls of your sons and daughters lost this day. Especially that of Lee Adama." Sweet! I choked up when I heard her say that with the conviction of someone who had lost another who was close to her, despite their conflict.

The reunion scenes with Tyrol and Boomer, Apollo and Starbuck, and the innocent kiss shared between Dualla and Billy (President Roslyn's aide), and the reunion between Apollo and Adama were beautifully portrayed. The musical theme only heightened my connection with these people.

This is not intended as a slam, but I must say that I know that some (not all) of the original Battlestar Galactica series fans who decided to watch the mini, only did so to spitefully poke fun at it. They did not watch with an open mind, therefore, the bias was already in place, and anything that did convey emotion was completely lost on them. Again, it is NOT a slam. I know many the original Battlestar Galactica series fans were wounded deeply that this is not the Battlestar Galactica that they wanted.

Thankfully, I cannot turn around and attack the original Battlestar Galactica series because I am also a fan of the original Battlestar Galactica series . Therefore, it is my duty to make fans of the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series feel welcome here.

I can see that this will not be easy, as long as there is the underlying hostility that I still see. The hostility might only be geared toward the show, as far as many might be concerned, but please understand that fans of only the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series might see this as personal hostility, just as some of only the original Battlestar Galactica series fans see people who praise only the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series as a hostile act...regardless if they have said nothing of the fans.

I hate it when people talk smack about my beloved original show, but I also hate it when people talk smack about the mini too. (Again, I am only a "potential" fan of the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series . The show has not yet proven itself to me, so I can only defend the miniseries.) This is a precarious position to be in that many times has made me want to abandon Galactica (and sci-fi) fandom altogether.

Everyone has opinions, but unfortunately, opinions here are and abroad are still carried out all too "matter of factly." Opinions are NOT facts. and BELIEFS are only vehemently held opinions.

I wish I could pick one side or the other, but damn it, I cannot! I love everything that I have seen except for Galactica 1980, save for "The Return of Starbuck".

Ok...I am gonna stop here before I show the dark side of a really pissed off Klingon.

Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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