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Old September 23rd, 2004, 10:57 AM   #14
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When Baltar left the Atlantia, I assume he had a device similar to Apollo & Starbuck in 'The Hand of God', which told the Cylon Raiders that his shuttle was a friendly craft not to be fired on. I suppose he killed the shuttle pilot and either transfered to a Cylon ship after the battle was over, or flew to Caprica himself to rendezvous with the Basestar.
Thats how BRG reckons it went down.

Charybdis is a odd one though! Again, I assume he was sabotaging Caprica's surface defences in preperation for the attack, and had an escape route ready but somthing went wrong so he had to buy his way off the surface.
But the part I find confusing is this- nobody suspected Baltar's treachery until the sh*t hit the fan. But how do they suddenly know Charybdis was his right hand man, and why does no one know what he looks like?

Last edited by BRG; September 23rd, 2004 at 11:00 AM.. Reason: spelling errors!
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