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Old September 12th, 2004, 08:25 PM   #24
out there somewhere
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I got to admit... I didn't like seeing Greedo fire first. And some changes are bad. But at the same time, I kinda can see things from Lucas's side of it.

Say you create a piece of art. But as time goes on, your skills improve and you get ideas you wish you had when you made the thing. But now its in the public. And something that represents you is seen over and over. you make a painting of a pretty girl, and the heads too big. Everyone sees it over and over. They all know her proportions are off. And you see countless people say over and over and point out her head is too big. Over and over for year after year. People keep coming out of the woodwork and tell you that yeah, you drew the head too big.

Wouldn't you want the ability to fix it and make it as good as your skills are today?

Say you write a story. It becomes a hit. Does that mean you as the writer lose your right to change it just because people like it? Its your story. You thought up all these characters. You devoted a large chunk of your life into making it.

And now the public says "Its mine now. you can't touch it."


I'm just pointing out how Lucas might see it.

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