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Old August 9th, 2004, 09:43 AM   #2
The 14th Colony
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The STNG ep where a probe gives Picard a chance to out a whole life as one of the last of an extinct people. That is probably my favorite!
Yes, an outstanding episode. I believe this one was titled The Inner Light. It was where he learned to play the flute, and continued it after he had been returned to his own reality.

STNG- Yesterdays's Enterprise. Tasha returns in an incredible story about how one ship can change the course of history. We all remember this one.
I do remember this one well, it's one of the most dramatic of the series.
STNG- Where a Romulan defector defects to stop another meaningless war. Only to discover he's been setup. Extremely good performances. A very tight script.
Agreed, one of the best.

STNG- The first appearance of the Borg!!!! Q is at his best.
I think this one was called "Q Who?" It was a good episode. My favorite involving the Borg, and indeed one of my favorite TNG eps of all time, is The Best Of Both Worlds. "I am Lacutus of Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."

DS9- The one where an old Cardassian is captured and accused of being a war criminal. Only to be revealed as a pathetic former desk clerk who wants to atone for what his people did.
I loved this one. Especially the change in feelings by Kira Nurise (sp?). She had hated the man intensely at first, only to feel sympathy and understanding afterward, to the point of defending him. Great performace by Nana Visitor.

I have about 90 or so TNG episodes on video tape, taken from their original airings. I should rewatch them, because there were so many good shows that I can barely remember.

There was an episode called "Points of Perspective" where Riker was accused of murdering a scientist and destroying the space station where his experiment was being conducted. For his trial, the holodeck was used to recreate the events leading to the murder and explosion, and replays of the events were shown depicting the relaying of events by Riker, the scientist's wife, and an assistant to the scientist. It was interesting to see how the same events were perceived differently by the 3 people who were there.

Riker was the star player in an excellent episode where he had been captured and brainwashed to believe that he was in an alien insane asylum. When he awoke from his experience, he found that that too was a fabricated existance. That one had good plot twists and twists of perception and reality, and good acting from William Frakes.

Unification: Leonard Nimoy enters the TNG universe as an aged Spock, striving for reunification of Vulcan and Romulous.

Times's Arrow: Responding to the discovery of a centuries old head of Data found in a cave in San Francisco, Picard and co. go back in time through a time portal to ancient San Francisco where they try to stop an alien plot to steal humans from Earth. While going back to the future, Data's head is destroyed and left behind in the cave, and back on the Enterprise they outfit him with the centuries old head that they had found in the cave, which was the one that he had just lost in the past. I love time travel stories like that!
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