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Old July 26th, 2004, 02:21 AM   #4
On Vacation...
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All posts are quoted in their entirety

For those of you who don’t want to know anything about the movie I’ve gone through all the posts here and put anything that could be remotely construed as a spoiler in a spoiler box for the very mild stuff I’ve done the same but I’ve prefaced it with a (mild spoiler) comment just before. (Mild by my standards)

The following posts are from this is the specific thread from which I gathered these posts. But remember if you go there then you will see the spoilers.


Hi there!!
I'm here to give you a quick report of my comic-con experience!

I arrived at the Comic-Con on Thursday, the only firefly-related thing that happenned between Thursday and Sunday was the very cool appearance of my favorite actor Jonathan Woodward (Tracey in "The Message") He is the coolest person ever!! He was there on Thursday and Friday, so I saw him both days, he was amazing!
Now lets skip to Sunday (Firefly day!)
I woke up at 10:00 because my brother had a panel he wanted to attend, I waited for a couple of hours and headed straight to Room 20 (where the panel was being held) and got two great places (for me and my brother) I went through other panels (Chucky, Shaun of the Dead) but it was worth the wait!! They announced Joss Whedon (the room was packed) and he came out and said "I've got something to show you" the lights went off and suddenly a SERENITY TRAILER appears on the screens!!!!! I was about to have a heart attack!! (Read description on previous posts) then after the trailer he announced the cast! and all our BDHs came out! there was a little question session where you could stand up and ask your question out loud, and right now I dont remember what people asked (But surely someone will post a transcript) but what I do remember is that the cast was joking around A LOT, there was this hilarious joke that made Joss hug Morena, it was about stupid actors playing smart characters and viceversa, and I cant find a way to tell it to you so that you'll fully get it, but if a transcript comes up, you'll get it! Anyway, the panel ended with another screening of the SPECTACULAR trailer, what can I say about the trailer?....well the characters look so cool (Mal has this new hairdo going on) it definetely looks higher-quality than the series (I dont know how to describe this, but its colorful and BIG, so weird!) and I noticed (mild spoiler)
that there was A LOT of River in the trailer!
It was so cool!
After the panel there was a signing, but it was full (since before the panel...I guess) and there were a lot of Browncoats that just didnt get the chance to meet and greet our BDHs (One of them being me) but the smart ones (once of them being me..hehehe) took pictures and waved from far away, and the REALLY REALLY smart ones (a few of us...including me..hehehehe) waited in the terrace for their departure! So I'll tell you my version of what happenned, I went out to the terrace were they were supposed to come out and suddenly I see Loni and George (from Zoic Studios, the visual effects) so I said hi to them, I didnt have a marker so I didnt ask for autographs, suddenly they open the doors and Nathan comes out I wave to him and say hi, three seconds after Nathan, Summer, Jewel and Sean came out I said hi, took pictures etc. and after them comes Adam, Alan, Ron and Joss, the same with them, I followed them and found than Alan was all the way at the back (IN FRONT OF ME!!!) so I gave Alan a picture that I was saving for him to autograph, but the security guards told me "NO AUTOGRAPHS!" so I told him to keep it since it was a very cool picture (the one that Adam took where he has the sunglasses on) He was happy! Finally I yelled "Goodbye!" and I saw Adam taking some pictures with fans (How cool is THAT) and well that was it! The only ones I missed were Morena and Gina but I had seen them when they were signing and Gina had smiled back at me. So I am very very happy that I was there! The only thing I'd like to add is that Joss or someone gave out some
Alliance money (like some giant dollars) to some of the fans that were in the signing!! Did anyone get these? If so...share some scans, pleaaaseeee!
Also I saw a lot of browncoats there! and gave out some of my home-made buttons (did anyone here get some??)

Bye and Keep Flyin'

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