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Old July 25th, 2004, 09:02 PM   #12
Bijou88's Avatar
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You know, I've been thinking about why the remake was turned down by NBC. This occured to me: V is the story of an alien military force that arrives with the best of intentions. Over time, the people of earth learn the alien's true nature and form a resistance movement. The resistance works in the shadows, planting bombs and killing as many alien soldiers as they can with a degree of safety. Alien transport ships patrol the skies and life begins to change in sublte ways. Electricity and food distribution is spotty. The aliens randomly arrest the humans and are sometimes brutal captors. The resistance capture alien soldiers and execute them. The media is used by both sides to sway public opinion.

Everyone of these plot points occured in the first two V mini series. They have also occured, depending on your point of view, in the war in Iraq. I think NBC shyed away from the project because it would hit a little too close to home. What was a cautionary tale about the rise of fascism in the guise of a 1983 TV show would be politically incorrect as an entertainment in 2004. It would be kind of hard to root for a secretly organized group of people who go blowing things up for a cause.

I support our troops in Iraq and Afganistan and hope for their speedy and safe return to their friends and families.
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