Thread: Space 1999
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Old July 19th, 2004, 07:42 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by BST
Ya know, I loved that show when it was on but, only saw the episodes a few times then, nothing for the past 20 years or so. Methinks a reminder is needed. I would like to get the DVD's if they're available.
Pete -

The DVDs for Space:1999 have been available for a few years now - you can either buy them in one complete set (called a superset) or you can buy them in 2-disk packs that have 3 episodes on each disk. You can still find them in Best Buy, Circuit City, etc... If you want to save some money, you can cruise eBay and buy them too.

If you just want to revisit an episode or two, you can rent the DVDs from That's the great thing about Netflix if you're short of cash and can't buy the whole series, just rent it! My suggestion is to start with any of the Year 1 episodes and if you feel brave, move on to Year 2.
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