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Old July 17th, 2004, 08:22 AM   #3
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Don -

Thanks for that interesting bit of history! I've never read that article, but of course read bits and pieces as to how our Battlestar "bit the dust". It was gratifying to hear the entire story for a change. I've heard lots of people since say that BSG was merely a mediocre show with mediocre ratings. I do remember seeing BSG on the covers of every major magazine from People to Newsweek. Everyone was talking about it before it even aired.

BSG was a cultural phenomonon even though the show only lasted one year - To be sure, it was riding on the coattails of Star Wars, but so was every SciFi television show and movie for the next couple of years. What Star Wars and BSG showed to the studios was that there was a marketable audience for science fiction, too bad in the end, that ABC felt that it wasn't the show they wanted spearheading their network.

I'll tell you something, BSG isn't the first successful TV show that was cancelled because the network didn't want to carry it. Shows such as The Beverly Hillbillies, Petticoat Junction, Green Acres and Gilligan's Island were some of CBS's most successful shows during the 60's. Even thought they greenlighted these shows and were pleased with the ratings, they were loathe to think that these "low rent" comedies were the shows that people associated with CBS - hence their cancellation despite strong ratings.

*sigh* - I'll never understand Hollywood.....

Best regards,
Easy Vape Bowl
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