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Old July 15th, 2004, 01:30 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by antelope526
I am not accussing anybody of anything. I do however wonder about the mindset of what is going on. The reason I question this is very simple. I see many people who hate the mini and the unseen Moore series who open thread after thread and reply after reply on the subject that accusses Ron Moore or anyone who likes his work of all kinds of horrible things. I see stated over and over again that Ron Moore is an arrogant SOB who intentionally is destroying Battlestar Galactica. I see these same people saying how they will not watch his show and even if they did would do it on video as not to increase the ratings. We do have a stealth campaign to tell people not to watch so as to keep the ratings low so the show can be destroyed. Once it is destroyed we can "celebrate".
Yes, you are accusing. You're accusing an honorable man of being two-faced about his aims.

There is one aim of CFF and its leadership: showing support for a TOS movie. Period. If you also liked the mini and are looking forward to the series, great. More power to you. We don't care. We have a very narrow view: if you liked TOS enough to want to see a continuation movie made, then you're part of CFF, too. The mini or the upcoming series, no matter how well it does or doesn't do, isn't part of that equation.

Our personal views of the mini vary. These, however, are non-issues where CFF is concerned.

Originally Posted by antelope526
The CFF needs every penny it can get from every Battlestar fan. We are all regularly asked to help, primarily by Commander Taggert. People including Ron Moore and yes even myself and many other TOS/mini fans sent money. The very leader of this contribution drive turns around and says horrible stuff about Ron Moore as a person and says that anyone who likes the mini is not a real Battlestar Galactica fan. Saying we are not Battlestar Galactica fans is about as condescending and insulting as you can get on a Battlestar site. Maybe in your mind the person and the organization are two separate things but to me the leadership of an organization tends to reflect the thoughts and values of the organization. It is not funny or reasonable to read a thread where mini fans (as opposed to the mini) are attacked followed a few replies later saying they don't want to help.
I actually follow that. But I point out again that the CFF effort is a very narrow one: support of a continuation movie. Period. Our personal opinions of the mini or its creators do not enter into that one iota. CT has answered that eloquently over at CA; I suggest you refresh your memory.

Originally Posted by antelope526
My question is this: The goal of CFF is to show Larson et all that there is still interest in TOS Battlestar Galactica. Don't you think that has been accomplished by the sale figures of the box set, the multiple web sites dedicated to TOS, the written hostility to the mini and Moore at conventions, and most importantly the success of last years scifi remake?
The sales figures are the largest piece of the equation to the suits so far. Web sites might tickle their interest, but not much, I think. What they're waiting for is the grass-roots indications that there is support for such a film: the TOS sales figures, certainly, but there needs to be more. The CFF ads are aimed at that "more". There can never be too much positive influence.

Originally Posted by antelope526
I just question now if the goal of CFF is to have a big ad saying we love TOS Battlestar Galactica in the hope that when the series tanks as many hope the Continuation doesn't go down with it? Are we trying to differentiate the properties? Is this to some extent an ad that says behind the lines: We don't want the Battlestar you are giving us?
The goal of CFF is to have a big ad saying we love TOS BSG. Period. And to hopefully get letters written to Glen and Tom in support. Period. End of story. How many times to we have to say that the success or failure of the mini/series has no influence on our goals?

Originally Posted by antelope526
I guess my bottom line on this subject is that you can't ask and take peoples money and then insult them tomorrow and expect them to sit idly by and think you are benevolent.

There are not enough purist around to make the goals of CFF happen. If you get those ads it will be thanks to ALL Battlestar Galactica fans. I am sure some say CFF is separate from its leaders but the handle that appears with hat is hand is the same handle that kicks you in the butt and laughs about it.

I wouldn't want to see what a mad dog can do. Over the last year I have seen throughout the Battlestar Galactica web world what happens when a TOS only fans gets in a hard argument with a TOS/mini fan. The TOS/mini fan gets cut out of the board because they are always the insulting party in the eyes of management. Now that you are a co-owner at I can see what you are implying.

Is CFF an organization for ALL Battlestar Galactica fans? Does CFF believe that people who enjoy the mini and TOS are Battlestar Galactica fans? If the owners of CFF do not think TOS/mini fans are real Battlestar Galactica fans why should we feel like we are part of the CFF team? Is the CFF really the TOS only fan force or would you ask Count Iblis for his money and then kick him in the butt once you cashed his check?
Since you're simply repeating yourself here, I'll answer the last. CFF is an organization for all BSG fans who want to see a continuation movie. If you want to see a continuation movie, you're part of CFF. You've given money, antelope, then you're part of the organization. You're a valuable and valued part of CFF. The fact you're looking forward to the new series is immaterial to me, as part of CFF, as part of this board, as co-owner of CA (and I resent the implication, after so long being part of this community, that I'd allow that to dictate whether I'd ban somebody).

The success or failure of the CFF campaign won't be known, possibly for a year or more. This is an effort to show what kind of support there is for the movie.


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