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Old July 13th, 2004, 09:58 AM   #18
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Webster defines “lie” two ways:
1) to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive
2) to create a false or misleading impression

Adama’s subterfuge to both get a squadron of Vipers down to the surface of Carrilon, and his replacement of warriors with clerks and mechanics in uniforms for the celebration, both in defiance of council orders I might add, certainly qualifies.

His calling for a "battle stations drill" at Cimtar is skirting the line pretty close.

The Magnificent Warriors is practically built around Adama having to deceive Belloby. He does it poorly, but he does it nonetheless.

And let’s not forget that he ordered Tigh to lie for him to Count Iblis.

I’m not trying to impugn the character in any way; he is one of my heroes. Nor am I saying he wasn’t right to do any of this, but do it he did, and in doing so, he was lying.

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