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Old June 28th, 2004, 12:32 PM   #34
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I agree with what everyone has said. There is some really good advice here, I hope that you use some of it to your advantage. If nothing else, the idea to change your phone number and request to have it unlisted (like I do) is a good measure. You mentioned the phone company helping you tap the lines - how about having the phone company block her number (and any others she uses) from calling yours? I don't know if that's available thru your local phone company, but you should at least check it out.

It is totally wrong that you are being harrassed like this, when there is no legal ground for it. What is this whack job's problem? What is her connection to you and how did she come to stalk you so relentlessly? Of course, it's really none of my business - so if it's too private, I understand.

We are with you 100 percent, girl!

Take care,
Honda cb500t history
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