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Old June 26th, 2004, 06:59 PM   #31
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My turn to say that I am not afraid to talk about my faith. One of the most wonderful things about being married to Bombadil is that we do share our faith. It was one of the things that attracted me to him in the first place. I wanted a man who really loved God and was willing to let that show in the way he lived. Living that faith and being able to speak openly about it in our home has been a tremendous asset in raising our 5 children. It is not always easy. They watch us and they know that we are not perfect. But God has been there helping us and we have watched each one embrace the faith, and actually follow it. They are all off to a good start in life.
We also enjoy praying together and we have prayed for some of you here on the board. I am hoping that this thread will inspire some of you to consider eternal things. We live in a world that is all about the here and now. Many people never stop to think about what is beyond this life. Battlestar Galactica may be fiction but sometimes fiction inspires us to think about real things.
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