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Lara January 28th, 2005 11:56 PM

Another One de-lurks
Hi all,
Some will recognise me from the CA forums, as I certainly recognise a few of you.
I like the look of some of the discussion and thought I would take the plunge and register. I'm looking forward to some good discussions, especially with some of the fanfic writers.

About me.. (the obligatory intro spiel..which I'm not too good at)

I've read, watched, drawn and written sf&f since adolescence. I hang around with simlilar people (husband included) who like a wide range of films shows and authors. They also game and are into computers. We were all in the SF association at Uni and even got involved in running a small convention, the club's fanzine, partying too much and discussing the latest viewing/ reading/ gaming. We've grown up now. Sort of. Honestly...

I'm a TOS fan, have seen the mini on DVD only (yet to air in TV in Australia) and I've followed the whole revival situation for many years. I've seen the utter lows. I still have hope of a continuation.
I call myself a 'moderate' on the fan passion continuim, in that I want mutual respect for all, but am willing to man the barricades when the situation gets unfair.

My fav author is Tanith Lee, but I also read Poul Anderson, Jaqueline Litchenberg and a host of more obscure authors. I like Brit SciFi (Blakes Seven, Dr Who, Captain Scarlett and Thunderbirds, UFO) Alien Nation, Stargate, Farscape and of course BSG. I have too many books and DVD/ videos and not enough time

I earn my living as a Risk and Compliance Manager for a beverage manufacturer, which means I get to worry a lot about food safety, people safety and the company's impact on the environment. I have a husband who is a teacher, we have a spoilt cat and live in a wonderful part of a beautiful city, located south central in a continent that is still wild and amazing in places and so vast you can lose yourself very easily. Our hometown knows how to throw a world class party (Formula 1 GP, Clycling races..), provides some of the best cutting edge defence techology , and has the cleanest, most wonderful food and wine.

Enough for a intro post?
Did I pass the interview?


thomas7g January 29th, 2005 12:15 AM

Not only passed, but with flying colors!

Welcome to the fleets!! I hope you enjoy the place. Feel free to come and play and have fun!

And I love alot of the same shows you do! You got good taste!

:beer: :corona:


Darth Marley January 29th, 2005 12:28 AM

"Beverage" manufacture?

Malt based adult beverages?

Gunstar Aries January 29th, 2005 09:03 AM

Welcome aboard, Lara!

What's your favorite Sci-fi book or series of books? Do you read any Fantasy?

"De-lurks"...I like that!!



Muffit January 29th, 2005 09:41 AM

Welcome, welcome Lara!!! Fleets is so happy to have you!!! :heart:

Thanks so much for that wonderful introduction, we should ALL do that!! Poul Anderson rocks!! And there were many a year I wanted to migrate to Australia (daggits migrate??? :D ), but that's another story!!

Brit SciFi is wonderful. Brit humor is to die for!!! (as you can tell by my Python joke above :D ). I was SO excited when the Python gang was asked to do a tour in the US for a whopping 13 mil guaranteed -- till one of them said no, we're too old (hey! We grew old with you!!!). C'est la guerre, I guess :(

Anywho, feel free to wander around, the people here are truly the pinnacle of warmth and awesomeness :). ANd if you have any additional talents, please do share with us!!


Gemini1999 January 29th, 2005 09:57 AM


Me favorite Aussie "sheila".....!

It's wonderful to see you round this neck of the woods!

Welcome aboard!

Best always,

BST January 29th, 2005 10:17 AM


Welcome to the Colonial Fleets!! :)
So nice to have you aboard. Be sure to check out the Gallery after you've perused some of the stories in the Library. Also, there's a project going on, in the New Twists on Old Episodes forum. You might want to check it out as well.

The Cafe, as always, is a busy place. Watch out for the "blue koolaid", though, and also for the :beaver:s. They're usually harmless but, look out if they've had a few :beer:s!!



Lara January 29th, 2005 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Darth Marley
"Beverage" manufacture?

Malt based adult beverages?

Hi Darth,

Its beverage as in soft drink, cordials and juices, altho we do a lot of alcohol work now, and we have a sister company who is all alcohol, including top shelf whiskey and cocktail liquers.

We used to make beer, and still own a microbrewery, but mostly we do RTD's thats the ready mixed drinks with 5 to 8% alcohol (like smirnoff ice), which in Australia are made with Vodka. We had an export project to USA the other year but got done by the taxes and the left over laws from prohibition that make anything with vodka a 'hard liquor' and taxed at a stupid rate. We fired up the brewery and tried making a malt based alcohol to put in the drinks (and we got a very impressive 26% alcohol due to our carefully nurtured yeasts) but the flavour profile was still too unclean. Then the BATF nailed the project dead with a non tariff trade barrier: our perfectly safe, NATURAL flavours and clouding agents weren't recognised by them for use in alcoholic products and it would cost approx $US 25, 000 EACH to get them "approved" The range of approved ingreds is very small, so our stuff would have landed up tasting like the same stuff on the market already, with all the import costs. Not competitive. Better product, no way of selling it to you!!

Most of my employers volume is in premium cordial (something the Brits know about but Americans don't), and fruit juice drinks, and a peculiar brew called iced coffee mix, which is a coffee and chichory essence in a sugar syrup, that you drink mixed with water or milk hot or cold.

So I guess it means we make the happy juice for the party as well as for the recovery the next day!! Thats what my boss would call market coverage.


amberstar January 29th, 2005 09:00 PM

Welcome to Fleets Lara!!!!!


Lara January 29th, 2005 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Gunstar Aries
Welcome aboard, Lara!

What's your favorite Sci-fi book or series of books? Do you read any Fantasy?

"De-lurks"...I like that!!



Hi, GA,
Oh yes, I read LOTS of fantasy. Whats your preferences?? It will be interesting to see what we have in common, and see if there are any new leads.
As to my favourite:
I read anything and everything by Tanith Lee. She is the one author I will by books by sight unseen. She writes fantasy, gothic and some soft scifi. Her book Silver Metal Lover has been optioned for film and I await the out come with a mixture of happiness and fear.
Her first books, "the birthgrave trilogy' is still my favourite, Its a Howard-esque fantasy about fallen civilisations and the journey of one woman who is used, adored and finally discovers her true origins. Typically for Lee its a bit convoluted and benefits from several readings.

Her vampire novels were good too, she has rewritten several fariy tales long before HAllmark were retelling them, and she writes a lot of adolescent fantasy, which is a good read without the sex and violence. My fav one of those would be "East of Midnight"

She wrote two scripts for Blakes Seven, and even wrote a book where the main character was entirely based on Paul Darrow, about a ghost hunter (Kill the Dead) had a great twist in it . I would have loved to have seen that filmed, but it just couldn't be done without PD.

My closet brush with fame was we had her signed to our little university sci fi con, (everyone loves the chace for an expenses paid holiday in Australia in the Northern Winter...)when her stuff took off in the USA and she had to cancel to go on tour there instead. She actually phoned personally to apologise, which was nice.


Lara January 29th, 2005 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Gemini1999

Me favorite Aussie "sheila".....!

It's wonderful to see you round this neck of the woods!

Welcome aboard!

Best always,

Struth, mate, top knock off of an aussie accent.
You chanelling Bazza MacKensie?? (Just DON"T do Dame Edna, please, its like being force fed vegemite..)

:D :D


Gemini1999 January 30th, 2005 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Lara
Struth, mate, top knock off of an aussie accent.
You chanelling Bazza MacKensie?? (Just DON"T do Dame Edna, please, its like being force fed vegemite..)

:D :D



Lara - I was actually doing my best impersonation of Nick Tate....

Thanks for the compliment!

Have a bonza day!

kingfish January 30th, 2005 12:15 PM

Welcome aboard.


julix January 30th, 2005 02:14 PM

Welcome to Fleets!!!

Gunstar Aries January 30th, 2005 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Lara
Hi, GA,
Oh yes, I read LOTS of fantasy. Whats your preferences?? It will be interesting to see what we have in common, and see if there are any new leads.
As to my favourite:
I read anything and everything by Tanith Lee. She is the one author I will by books by sight unseen. She writes fantasy, gothic and some soft scifi. Her book Silver Metal Lover has been optioned for film and I await the out come with a mixture of happiness and fear.
Her first books, "the birthgrave trilogy' is still my favourite, Its a Howard-esque fantasy about fallen civilisations and the journey of one woman who is used, adored and finally discovers her true origins. Typically for Lee its a bit convoluted and benefits from several readings.

Her vampire novels were good too, she has rewritten several fariy tales long before HAllmark were retelling them, and she writes a lot of adolescent fantasy, which is a good read without the sex and violence. My fav one of those would be "East of Midnight"

She wrote two scripts for Blakes Seven, and even wrote a book where the main character was entirely based on Paul Darrow, about a ghost hunter (Kill the Dead) had a great twist in it . I would have loved to have seen that filmed, but it just couldn't be done without PD.

My closet brush with fame was we had her signed to our little university sci fi con, (everyone loves the chace for an expenses paid holiday in Australia in the Northern Winter...)when her stuff took off in the USA and she had to cancel to go on tour there instead. She actually phoned personally to apologise, which was nice.


Hi Lara,

I'll try to keep this short.

I might have to give Lee a try here. I like Howard's stuff. "Low Fantasy" and all that. Even have a copy of his short "the Grey God Passes," which is illustrated by one of my favorite comic writers/artists, Watler Simonson.

Some of the newer stuff based on his, like L Sprauge de Camp and Lynn Carter or Robert Jordan's is enjoyable. Karl Wagner's "Conan and the Road of the Kings" is one I could read at the drop of a hat.

LoTR was favorite of a good (now sadly departed) friend, so I'm trying to pull myself back into the trilogy. High Fantasy was never tops on my list, but I'm gaining a new respect for what "Perfesser T." when he did it. I've gained a whole new persepective thanks to a news interview with a Tolkien historian/expert.

I've a friend trying to get me into David Eddings, and another trying to get me into George R. R. Martin. Haven't delved too deep yet, so I can't let you know. Life keep interfering with my other plans...

I like Burrough's John Carter stuff. Always thought it more on the Fantasy side than Sci-Fi.

I'm not a Terry Brooks fan. Sword of Shanara was just TOOOOOO much of a Tolkien ripoff. But at least he didn't call it "LoTR Re-Imagined!!"

Sorry to hear your adult beverage product in the US never took off. I'd've like a try of that. But adult beverages are off my menu for now, anyway...



Alaric January 30th, 2005 10:35 PM

Welcome to the Fleets!

I'm still a new guy myself, but you should find a nice, comfortable home here.

As for the beverages...ship over a crate. I'm a starving college student, and any kind of beverages help. Especially that top shelf whiskey. Mmm mmm good!

Lara January 31st, 2005 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by Gunstar Aries
Hi Lara,

I'll try to keep this short.

I might have to give Lee a try here. I like Howard's stuff. "Low Fantasy" and all that. Even have a copy of his short "the Grey God Passes," which is illustrated by one of my favorite comic writers/artists, Watler Simonson.

Some of the newer stuff based on his, like L Sprauge de Camp and Lynn Carter or Robert Jordan's is enjoyable. Karl Wagner's "Conan and the Road of the Kings" is one I could read at the drop of a hat.

LoTR was favorite of a good (now sadly departed) friend, so I'm trying to pull myself back into the trilogy. High Fantasy was never tops on my list, but I'm gaining a new respect for what "Perfesser T." when he did it. I've gained a whole new persepective thanks to a news interview with a Tolkien historian/expert.

I've a friend trying to get me into David Eddings, and another trying to get me into George R. R. Martin. Haven't delved too deep yet, so I can't let you know. Life keep interfering with my other plans...

I like Burrough's John Carter stuff. Always thought it more on the Fantasy side than Sci-Fi.

I'm not a Terry Brooks fan. Sword of Shanara was just TOOOOOO much of a Tolkien ripoff. But at least he didn't call it "LoTR Re-Imagined!!"

Sorry to hear your adult beverage product in the US never took off. I'd've like a try of that. But adult beverages are off my menu for now, anyway...



My husband reads Eddings & Brooks and has the same opinion of it! But he likes Tolkein so I guess its OK. Saw an article once where Brooks admitted it was a publishers requirement that it was written in a Tolkeinesque vein, so I guess he hit the mark!

So you like 'low' fantasy, well I'll admit to reading the Gor books, and the female equivalent "the Warrior Within" and 'the warrior in Chains' by Sharon Green!!
And Red Sonja was on Cable yesterday and I love that movie. The Italians know how to design a fantasy set/ costumes, and I can look at Arnie as Conan and be happy (As I'm sure the guys can for Sandhal Bergmand and Brgiette Neilsen)
Sometimes that stuff is just what's required!


Lara January 31st, 2005 03:38 AM

I've had such a nice welcome from a swag of people, familiar and new: thankyou very much!!

So far I've avoided the blue coolaid and any drunk beavers, so I'm feeling pretty happy with myself.

There's so much here its going to take me sometime to find everything which is totally terrific..


tracyb144 January 31st, 2005 05:29 AM

You mean to tell me we've had blue kool aid here and nobody told me??!

Anyway....*ahem*...welcome to the Fleets Lara. Hope you like it here, just watch you don't trip over Tom's purple boah. I know it's around here somewhere...................


*still grumbling about the kool aid*

thomas7g January 31st, 2005 12:56 PM

I'm never going to be able to forget that dang bus ride!

Rowan January 31st, 2005 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by thomas7g
I'm never going to be able to forget that dang bus ride!

That memorable eh? ;) :D

julix January 31st, 2005 01:49 PM

why won't you just tell us Tom??????? ;)

amberstar January 31st, 2005 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by tracyb144
You mean to tell me we've had blue kool aid here and nobody told me??!

Anyway....*ahem*...welcome to the Fleets Lara. Hope you like it here, just watch you don't trip over Tom's purple boah. I know it's around here somewhere...................


*still grumbling about the kool aid*

If you didn't know about the blue kool aid, I'll be a good friend a warn you about the yellow kool aid too. Dang those beavers :beaver: :beaver:

amberstar January 31st, 2005 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by thomas7g
I'm never going to be able to forget that dang bus ride!

You'll never live it down by the looks of it :LOL: :D

gmd3d February 1st, 2005 01:08 AM

Welcome to the fleets Lara, you have great choice's in your reading and viewing :thumbsup: I to sign up just to look and stayed and have enjoyed the
conversations and the fan fic the art and all the rest..

again welcome

bsg1fan1975 February 2nd, 2005 03:37 AM

Welcome to the Fleets, Lara. As the resident Ulitmate Star Goddess it is my distinct pleasure to say hello and offer one of the many ambrosas you will probably enjoy here in the Cafe section!

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