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The 14th Colony September 19th, 2004 08:49 AM

Just Saw Preview For BSG '03 Series...Whoa!
I just saw the preview for the new series, and despite my aversion to the remake being made and all that, it looks intense. I cannot believe that I just sat here for what appeared to be a 3 or 4 minute preview, with my jaw dropped open. The remake has many, many faults, and is not the same as our beloved original show, but this series, from the preview, looks pretty damn fun. If only it was called something else than BSG, but it looks like a lot of action, drama, and emotion. Got a glimpse of our chum Tyol and he looked and sounded great. I can't remember all of what I just saw, but Tyrol was involved in some kind of emotional exchange with another character (maybe it was Sharon Boomer?)...Tigh commanded someone (Boomer probably?) to end their relationship immediately...and Richard Hatch had the last scene of the preview. Wow.

Rowan September 19th, 2004 11:04 AM

Have a second look then...;)

Then you can participate in the discussion here:


CommanderTaggart September 19th, 2004 04:29 PM

Previews could be edited to make Ishtar look good. I remember seeing the previews for Star Trek 5 and thinking, "Man... this could be the best ST film YET!!!"

I was more naive in those days.

Tyrol September 19th, 2004 09:06 PM are hilarious
I thought Battlefield Earth looked good in the trailers as well.
Even the Matrix series looked OK but then look what we were subjected to.

thomas7g September 19th, 2004 10:01 PM

Hey Aaron!


Ya know... I missed this entirely. Was this a special thing? Or are they still showing it?


CommanderTaggart September 20th, 2004 10:09 AM

Tyrol wrote:

Quote: are hilarious
I thought Battlefield Earth looked good in the trailers as well.
Even the Matrix series looked OK but then look what we were subjected to.
Hey, Aaron! LOL! :LOL: :eek: :duck:

Well, like I've said from the beginning... you were the absolute best thing about the miniseries... and, on behalf of the CFF, I want you to know that many (if not most) of us sincerely want you to be part of a TOS Continuation movie... I think you and Dirk would have great chemistry.

BTW, did you happen to see the Daily Variety ad this past Friday? I wasn't able to find a copy in downtown Kansas City (where I am on business at the moment), and I'm curious as to how it came accross in the mag.

Thanks again for your endorsement of the CFF... it was much appreciated and we are behind you and your career 100%.

oldwardaggit September 20th, 2004 11:00 AM

I second what Taggart said. I have just watched the mini not too long ago and besides the vipers and a quick look at an original cylon, you were the only thing on there that reminded me of the original. You would fit quite well in a Battlestar Galactica continuation.


jewels September 20th, 2004 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Tyrol are hilarious
I thought Battlefield Earth looked good in the trailers as well.

:eek: *runs in terror*

Even the Matrix series looked OK but then look what we were subjected to.
Watch it, some of us still thought the series has it's merits. The philosophical puzzle being a fun element all it's own.

Anyone can do a good trailer, whether they can craft an hour or 2 hour show that stands up to it is a totally different thing.

Jewels, who will have to make certain there are no potential projectiles at hand for the eps. Richard is in because Kara just makes her want to throw things at the TV.

Aaron in a continuation would be cool.

Tyrol September 20th, 2004 12:43 PM

that's because she is jealous

bsg1fan1975 September 20th, 2004 12:49 PM

Aaron, I hope you do think about being in the contination if it gets off the ground. You'd make a wonderful addition!

Micheleh September 20th, 2004 01:51 PM

I think he makes a wonderful addition to the series. Congrats, Aaron. From what I hear, you are one of a group of incredible, talented people, and I hope you all do very well. :)

Tibbetts September 20th, 2004 04:14 PM

Can't believe I'm gonna say this, but, I liked Star Trek: V, The Matrix Trilogy, and Battlefield Earth. *sigh*

Okay, I'm gonna go off into a corner and hide once more. :(

Dragon Lord

larocque6689 September 20th, 2004 08:16 PM

Star Trek V was a guilty pleasure of mine for many years.

They shouldn't have gutted Shatner's script. And maybe thrown more money at it. I mean - the chutzpah to challenge God himself...

I like it :)

Archangel September 20th, 2004 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by larocque6689
Star Trek V was a guilty pleasure of mine for many years.

They shouldn't have gutted Shatner's script. And maybe thrown more money at it. I mean - the chutzpah to challenge God himself...

I like it :)

Very Kirk-esque

Tibbetts September 21st, 2004 08:00 AM

Cool! Others agree with me about Star Trek: V. I thought I was the only one. :)

With Respect,

Dragon Lord


Tibbetts September 21st, 2004 08:13 AM

ooooh.... I just noticed I have a little Cylon fighter under my Avatar.

Cool! :D

With Respect,

Dragon Lord


jewels September 21st, 2004 05:36 PM

Was ST:V the whale one? There was something I did like about that....the tongue in cheek of the cast to each other perhaps.

Battlefield Earth? Oh Tibbetts, go see Sky Captain and cleanse your mind with some well done sci-fi.

and your other penance is to watch Farscape Peacekeeper Wars in October. ;) Bwahahaha we will convert him to a lover of quality yet. Even if it takes multiple showings of Serenity in April 05.... heh heh heh. ;)

CommanderTaggart September 21st, 2004 06:13 PM

No, Jewels, ST5 was the one with Lawrence Luckinbill as Spock's half-brother, the emotional Vulcan. Sigh. They went looking for God but found a convict. The Romulan babe was hot, though. Could have done with more of her.

CommanderTaggart September 21st, 2004 06:13 PM

Ooops... not as quick on the trigger as Warrior, it appears.

jewels September 21st, 2004 06:17 PM

Thank you both for correcting my ST knowledge (or near total lack) Maybe I didn't see V, though emotional vulcan halfbrother sounds familiar. Hmmmm.

Tibbetts September 21st, 2004 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by jewels
Was ST:V the whale one? There was something I did like about that....the tongue in cheek of the cast to each other perhaps.

That was Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home


Battlefield Earth? Oh Tibbetts, go see Sky Captain and cleanse your mind with some well done sci-fi.
Gonna wait til it hits dvd(Netflix) and then I'll rent it. ;)


and your other penance is to watch Farscape Peacekeeper Wars in October.
Already planned! :D Have the date and time written on the calendar and my butt will be glued to the chair with a Dew in one hand and a bag of cheeze doodles in the other! ;) heh, heh, heh....


;) Bwahahaha we will convert him to a lover of quality yet. Even if it takes multiple showings of Serenity in April 05.... heh heh heh. ;)
Quality? I like quality. I just like cheezy shows and movies.

Oh, I also am planning to go to a theatre to see Serenity. Can't wait for that to hit theatres and dvd. :D Gonna be awesome, it is.

With Respect,

Dragon Lord


Tibbetts September 21st, 2004 08:53 PM

whoopsi! others had already answered the Star Trek question.

With Respect,

Dragon Lord


Ninja September 22nd, 2004 12:36 AM

I downloaded this last night. Looks very cool. Just makes me want more now though instead of mid 2005 or whenever the new series makes it to DVD and comes down under.

Last Battlestar September 22nd, 2004 05:22 AM

Hi guys!

I haven't dropped in for a while but it has been good catching up with all the news. I just read about the miniseries DVD being released over there (US) in Dec. You mean that you guys don't have it yet? I bought our region 4 version several months ago!

G'day Ninja! Wow, great to finally see another Aussie here!

Mike, Oz

Ninja September 22nd, 2004 06:18 AM

Hey there Mike. I think we got the mini series dvd before the US due to the fact it is not aired over here...or so thats what I heard.

Reverend Dr Syn September 22nd, 2004 09:29 PM

I still think Sybok's "God" was an imprisoned rogue member of the same race, also located in the galaxy's center, that manipulated Barclay into a superhuman intellect that transported the 1701-D to them.

Sybok was also manipulated, when you think about it.

One good thing about STV, was you got to see a Caitian, one of M'ress's race bancing in a bar. Nice to see a nod to the oft underrated animated series. The floating pool game also amused me. And the Away Team costumes seemd pretty practical. Anyone notice the shuttle looks like an elongated version of the Goddard style from TNG? I kinda liked seeing Spock get mildly pissed off at the Klingon ambassador, continuing his exploration of his humanity set up in ST:IV

As for this Tyrol fellow, he sounds fine by me. I may despise this show but I have nothing against the actors. Theyre just doing their jobs. I do find that Starbuck woman's "Im Starbuck. Deal with it" sentiment off-putting though.

Archangel September 22nd, 2004 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Reverend Dr Syn
Anyone notice the shuttle looks like an elongated version of the Goddard style from TNG?

Good eye, the shuttle was built for ST 5 and then modified for reuse in TNG. Thereby saving the expense on TNG's budget.

As for the preview, I wanna see it.

Reverend Dr Syn September 22nd, 2004 10:44 PM

Oh, here's another obscure ref. In the first "Vegita" arc of Dragonball Z, you can see the Goddard class shuttle hovering alongside a bunch of PRESS aerovans. "NCC-1701" can be seen on it's nacelle.

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