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Flamingo Girl May 19th, 2004 06:26 PM

200 pounds lighter
I took my vacation this week with the intention of turning my bedroom around. The head of my bed is against the same wall that aparently everyone else in the apartment has the head of their beds against, and I'm tired of waking up to their alarm clocks.
So Friday night I started moving out some of the smaller things, I had no idea I had so much JUNK! Stuff I never use, don't need, and have packed away in drawers and boxes so I don't even see it all. And magazines! All these musty magazines from when I was a teen.
Last night I finished moving all the furniture around, and today all I had to do was a load of laundry and put all the small bits back, and I went through the stuff I have saved and threw away 4 big garbage bags full of stuff, have one in the kitchen and a part of one in the living room that I think I can fill. The dumpster was full or I would have taken the one in the kitchen out too.
It's been a dirty, sweaty, muscle hurting, vicious giant dustbunny fighting week, but I somehow managed to get it all done quicker than I thought I would, and with no serious injuries (even from the discovery last night that I hadn't put the bed back together properly and having it collapse under me). So, instead of having to do the work tomorrow I thought I was gonna be doing today, I have zero plans except for colouring my hair. And maybe making brownies. I don't really want a cake for my birthday, but I could do with brownies.

Rowan May 19th, 2004 06:35 PM

Flamingo Girl your making your own "cake" ? no one to buy or make you one? :(

I'd make you one :cake: if I lived closer.....or the brownies if you really prefered it.:)

That sounds like a big job! I can imagine you feel 200 lbs lighter after all that!

bsg1fan1975 May 20th, 2004 12:13 PM

awwww Flamingo I wished I had been there to help.

Muffit May 20th, 2004 06:55 PM

Hi Flamingo Girl!!! Thanks for sharing your day with us!

I'm a birthday-pie person myself ;) Lemon-Meringue and Key-Lime hit the spot...

Hope you have a wonderful evening! :heart:

jewels May 20th, 2004 07:26 PM

I like birthday pie too: mom's pecan pie. Richest pie there ever was.

amberstar May 20th, 2004 07:40 PM

Baskin Robbins Turtle pie is my choice :thumbsup: :D

Hope you had a great vacation FG!!!!!!

Flamingo Girl May 20th, 2004 07:42 PM

My plans for tomorrow include going to the theatre to see Shrek 2 and getting a bucket of popcorn, and maybe a slice of veggie pizza from the restaurant across from it, and paying a visit at work coz Lil asked that I would so she could give me a gift.

The bed refused to be fixed. I don't know what happened to it, but I finally gave up arguing with it and took it apart. Now I just have the headboard standing against the wall (it's a bookcase style and entirely useful on its own) and the mattress set is directly on the floor. That works ok tho, as it's a pretty tall set, so I don't have any trouble getting out of it.

Yeah, I have to bake (or buy, but yuck) my own cake. I'm so alone *sniffle*. I baked a box of brownies, and earlier this week I baked a turkey, so I had turkey sandwiches today.

I coloured my hair, I was expecting it to be lighter than it turned out, but I like it, it's the same colour as Dirk's when he was in BSG.

Muffit May 20th, 2004 09:31 PM

Dearest FG,

You /won't/ be alone tomorrow - simply come visit us here and we will be your own private party!


Dawg May 20th, 2004 09:52 PM

Private? Who said anything about private?

It will be a wonderful, happy, busy BLOWOUT!

Right? RIGHT????

Grrr. Grrrr.


I am

Gemini1999 May 20th, 2004 10:03 PM

Nothing's better than pie....

Originally Posted by jewels
I like birthday pie too: mom's pecan pie. Richest pie there ever was.

Julie -

My mom had thought that I had gone off my nut when I told her that I wanted a Dutch Apple pie for my 16th birthday! I vary it sometimes, I've had a Carrot cake and a Pumpkin Cheesecake too.....


DarkJedi May 21st, 2004 01:47 AM

Aw Happy Birthday Flamingo Girl!!!!!!! :rose:

bsg1fan1975 May 21st, 2004 01:01 PM

hope its a good one. Wish I was there to celebrate with you.

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