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kingfish May 3rd, 2004 03:18 PM

The Tombs of Kobol.
I just started rereading this one. I owned a copy of it many yahrens ago but gave it away. I bought the reprint last year. As an adult I can really appreciate this magnificent work. The prologue tells of how Baltar's life was spared and also why he couldn't stand Adama. They were both cadets at the academy and of all things Baltar was jealous of Adama's singing ability. Also Adama was quite the ladies man. This made Baltar choose a career in politics which he was also bad at.

The book is fantastic. Lucifer has actually achieved conciousness and strives for more than a third brain. Lucifer also has a soul which he created himself. Lucifer also believes that the Cylon race is flawed. They can't beat the Colonials because they use archaic battle plans. Another interesting fact is that Jolly and Boomer were wearing both breathing gear and gloves when they landed on the asteroid. The terrain was so harsh that they had to remove their gloves and were greeted with a gooey/watery substance on the rocks they had to crawl and climb over to go undetected. The things that we fail to appreciate as children.

Antelope May 4th, 2004 02:01 PM

How much back story is in there?

The little I have seen in the area of backstory to TOS makes things a lot less black and white. Baltar although not a good man is rational and not evil as portrayed in TOS. The original version where Baltar is killed in Saga of A Star World jives with the back stories I have read which basically says the humans were on a long term path to lose the 1,000 yahrn war and were well aware that things were not going well.

kingfish May 4th, 2004 02:18 PM

Very Interesting:

Upon further reading I discovered a number of facts worth mentioning:

1) Boomer and Jolly didn't skip decontamination proceedures as suggested by the episode, Lost Planet of The Gods. It turns out that this virus/bacteria hasn't even been recorded so there was no defense for it.

2) Apollo and Adama did have arguments petaining to the too-stiff set of regulations governing the fleet.

3) Jolly also attended the party with Boomer where they both collapsed. The scene in Lost Planet of the Gods with Cassi examining Jolly is added for effect. Salik goes to the room where they are holding the party and emerges shouting for everybody to get back. He is dressed in a transparent decontamination suit.

Apollon May 4th, 2004 02:30 PM

Kingfish, The Lost Planet Of The Gods is one of my favorite Galactica episodes and your insight makes it all the more better. :thumbsup:

Where did you pick up the reprint?

kingfish May 4th, 2004 02:34 PM has it.

Apollon May 4th, 2004 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by kingfish has it.

Thanks. :)

kingfish May 5th, 2004 02:23 PM


A new character by the name of Gemi is introduced as one of the pilot replacements. She is a short, stout woman who has the hots for Lieutenant Starbuck. She even has some of his qualities such as she is a master at both conning and tricking people. She manages to meet the colonial- service height requirement by standing on her toes. Gemi also has a knack for taking tests and manages to pass even though she understood half of the questions.


We discover that Brie is one of the dumbest pilots in training. Her former profession was a hostess on the Rising Star before the Cylons attacked.


She is a very competent pilot who does well in the simulator as oppossed to the character we saw on tos.

Athena: I got him.

Starbuck: You sure did, you also managed to shoot me down.

This scene was actually with Brie and Dietra. Athena is teaching the cadets and not Starbuck.

Brie: I got him.

Athena: Yes you did Brie but you were still firing and a shot hit Dietra, she is now dead.

Brie: Sorry.

Dietra: You're sorry!!!

Eric Paddon May 5th, 2004 07:33 PM

Gemi isn't really a new character. In part two, when a viper is blasted we hear someone urgently say, "Gemi got hit!" From that one line, Thurston built up the character completely.

One odd change from the episode though is that in the novelization, Serina becomes a religious skeptic, whereas in the episode she actually reveals herself to be somewhat devout, especially in the conversation she and Apollo have in Part 2 when both are alone on Kobol.

kingfish May 7th, 2004 02:32 PM

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