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michaelfaries November 3rd, 2003 02:07 AM

If you missed Tom DeSanto's presentation at Galacticon
If you missed Tom DeSanto's presentation at Galacticon 2003 (or wish you could see elements of it again), stay tuned.

It's premature to make such announcements, but I feel it's prudent to do so: is returning for three major reasons, one of which is to give BG fans a better look at some aspects of the DeSanto/Singer 2001 production. (It's too little, too late in the scheme of things, I know. We can't cry over spilt milk at this point.)

I don't have a timeframe for when I'll be ready. It's been a little work here, a little work there over the past week to get some items ready. (I also have to get a new web host for I still have a couple of items to iron out with Tom before I can publish them. I also have some additional co-ordinating to do with Don, Darrell and others on few items. (Check your e-mails tomorrow or Tuesday, guys.)

It's time for fans to see what might have been...

As before, will continue to operate with it's Open Content Model/Creative Commons License (for non-commercial use) -- and other Battlestar fan-based web sites can host copies of the content, too, provided they follow's posted guidelines for usage.

About the other two reasons the site is coming back: After January 2004, I ought to be ready to announce item #2. (No, I'm not working for Glen Larson, Richard Hatch or anyone else trying to bring back BG right now; it's not related to any of the productions... it's something else.)

Btw, I've sworn off the insider information role for now. It's been a blessing and a curse over the past number of years. If there's one thing I can/should say, it's this:

"Battlestar Galactica" is still VERY near and dear to Tom DeSanto; it wasn't/isn't a passing fancy; those who saw his panel session have a better understanding about how genuine this man was/is. It shows in every aspect of what you'll eventually see. And we can only hope/pray that he, like Glen Larson, like Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict and others, will indeed have the opportunity to see the dream realized. It ain't over yet, no matter how that reimagining felgercarb does. Don't carry false hopes that we'll suddenly get what we want. (That way lies madness.) Do, however, work constructively to keep the original series in the forefront of old/new fans alike. Keep the torch burning brightly.

Hope Springs Eternal,

peter noble November 3rd, 2003 05:47 AM

Michael, it'll be great to see up and running again. It was the first place I visited BSG-wise when I gained access to the net.

I miss the art section!

Err... do you think you'll finish those things I can't talk about? ;)


KJ November 3rd, 2003 05:51 AM

Thats great to hear Michael. i've always had the utmost respect for what you've done. It is sad to hear you've sworn off doing the spoilers work for the fanbase. But real life matters are more important in the long run. since many of us didn't get the chance to attend Galacticon.

I'll check out Battlestar when she returns alright! BG is still in show near my heart as well. i've come this far, so i won't miss out on what your websites still have to offer in the future either.

Thanks again for your information and all round kindness in giving the fans stuff they wouldn't otherwise be privy to Michael Faries!


Stevew November 3rd, 2003 06:03 AM

Great to have you back Micheal, albeit in a smaller way. If I have anything you can use, it is yours
Steve:D :D :D

Titon November 3rd, 2003 06:32 AM

Michael, it's good to hear. If anything it will help be the catalyst for what's to come. We'll help in any way needed to make come back in a big way.

There is a bright bright future for Galactica folks. If nothing else we'll never let them forget!


jewels November 3rd, 2003 09:45 AM

Anyone that missed the talk: you can get a preview of it in the BSG Companion book that Levine & Criswell just published. So far it's well worth the price (and I've only read about 5 chapters (if you count the forward and intros as individual chapters: they are that good content-wise).

thomas7g November 3rd, 2003 09:54 AM

so that's where you've been! I haven't seen you around much :D

michaelfaries November 3rd, 2003 11:03 AM


Originally posted by Warrior
I'm itchin' to see what yu come up with... especially after that big tease at the Con about this :)
It's everything we discussed. ;) :) :D And (hopefully) even more...

[Right now, it's a crash course in learning Macromedia Flash to finish one of the projects as a slide show presentation. Y'know, the "wink-wink" stuff I mentioned to you and Tom (conundrum7g) which everyone will drool over and say, "Why the FRACK didn't THAT get made?!" Other information projects are coming together, too, although I need to get some additional source material first. The current project file is up to 6.2 megabytes and I'm not even halfway done yet!] To everyone: I don't enjoy teasing about this stuff; I figured people need to know that special BG projects are being worked on.

My heart and soul sings loudly with happiness when I'm working on it. It's really, really cool!!... and worth waiting for!!

Steve: As soon as I finish those tests on your model files, absolutely! (And, yes, I'm checking 'em! Albeit slowly, due to software issues on my end.)
Don: Thank you.
Peter: Not that one. Not yet. That would be item #3, though. ;)
LKJ: Thank you, too!


Stevew November 3rd, 2003 11:14 AM

Cool Michael
If they work it will open a lot of doors

michaelfaries November 6th, 2003 12:32 AM

Sample page attached
While it may be a few more weeks until I'm ready, here's a screenshot from one of the various projects underway:

Sample image (96k, .jpg format, 640x480)

Note: The final files are being outputted into .swf (Flash) format to permit users to zoom in and see the extraordinary quality/care which was put into each sketch, render and photograph.

When these projects are ready for prime time, look for announcements from me and others.


David Kerin November 6th, 2003 07:44 AM

Damn Michael,
If you were a woman you'd be a temptress!

Not that I ever imagined you as a woman. You'd be a tall woman though.

It will be great to see what could have been... and hopefully still can be.

I'll be looking forward to more, and the great return of


michaelfaries November 6th, 2003 04:02 PM

Re: Damn Michael,

Originally posted by David Kerin
If you were a woman you'd be a temptress!
Oh my... :devil: Hey, since I'm male, does that make me a temptor?


Not that I ever imagined you as a woman. (...)

That's reassuring. (LOL)


It will be great to see what could have been... and hopefully still can be. I'll be looking forward to more, and the great return of
You know this, but I'll mention it to the masses here who don't: Everyone shouldn't expect too much with the return of The web site will see some intriguing developments in 2004 which BG fans should check out, but for the most part, I'm still retired from the BG fan community at large. (And with another baby on the way, I doubt I'll have very much free time, especially with my and sites.)

The bottom line, though, with The work of Richard Hatch and Tom DeSanto (separately) to keep the original "Battlestar Galactica" show alive and well in the hearts and minds of people everywhere over the past few years will NOT be forgotten. (Man that was a long sentence!) And Glen Larson has my full support, provided he doesn't pull the reimagining garbage akin to the SCI-FI Channel's BG December 2003 production goals. Ugh.

Frankly, I'd still like to get's Analytical Guide (to the episodes) section done, though, after I crank out these other BG projects.


Raymar3d November 6th, 2003 05:04 PM

Kick ass artwork Michael!!!
Not so retired as we were led to believe....

So much the better....

I really dig the sample you posted. I'm very intrigued!!

Ken :)

P.S. the Demonslayers forum is BACK!! I want to do a Neverwinter Nights campaign world, and I'm considering a BSG mod for the fun of it---IF anyone's interested, you're the audience for it! If not, I'll strictly concentrate on Demonslayers. You have to go there and show some interest. Making cylon and warrior helmets and costumes is time consuming for a game....

dvo47p November 6th, 2003 05:56 PM

I for one do not want change your gender.

On that Galacticon, the one guestion I wanted to know was if Michael Faries was OK. Seems so, great!

I've Bookmarked Pegasus again. Well I will, it's still on top of a google search, not 404 just nothing, yet!

But do put a NEW news section, that was great oxymoron!

Oh yeah, your REVIVAL link got my juices flowing a few years ago.

crash4587 November 6th, 2003 06:34 PM

Re: Sample page attached

Originally posted by michaelfaries
While it may be a few more weeks until I'm ready, here's a screenshot from one of the various projects underway:

Sample image (96k, .jpg format, 640x480)

Note: The final files are being outputted into .swf (Flash) format to permit users to zoom in and see the extraordinary quality/care which was put into each sketch, render and photograph.

When these projects are ready for prime time, look for announcements from me and others.


Michael, Thanks for the tease, I know if Desanto gets his chance...............

michaelfaries November 7th, 2003 08:07 AM

for crash4587
I agree. We can only hope that Tom DeSanto will indeed get his chance someday again. God, his version of BG would have rocked -- and now you'll finally get to see why, although I (like some other folks) am not happy with the character arc for Apollo. I know it was one way to get Richard back into the show, particularly when the network wasn't willing to bank on these older actors as the main leads again. It doesn't mean I liked the concept, though.

It's so frackin' ironic that two years since the DeSanto/Singer production fell through that I'm finally getting to post this stuff. Now you'll see why I was so gung-ho and supportive of that team -- and remain so.

I still cannot get over the fact that we might have seen Jane Seymour back as Serina (and by her own request to Tom!) -- AND aboard the Ship of Lights as an angel/Seraph (where Serina would be helping Apollo to heal/come back into the side of good...) God, the fact that isn't happening is JUST WRONG! I don't think of myself as a fanboy, per se. But in this case, I'm stomping my feet, muttering "Why? WHY?! This is SO RIGHT!!"



michaelfaries November 7th, 2003 08:37 AM

Re: Kick ass artwork Michael!!!

Originally posted by Raymar3d
Not so retired as we were led to believe...
Oh, believe me, still very retired. :)

Hey, fellow Dad-to-be-again, has Millie delivered yet? (I can't recall the delivery date.)


Raymar3d November 7th, 2003 08:50 AM

Re: Re: Kick ass artwork Michael!!!

Originally posted by michaelfaries
Oh, believe me, still very retired. :)

Hey, fellow Dad-to-be-again, has Millie delivered yet? (I can't recall the delivery date.)


February :)

kingfish November 7th, 2003 09:07 AM

Re: for crash4587

Originally posted by michaelfaries
I agree. We can only hope that Tom DeSanto will indeed get his chance someday again. God, his version of BG would have rocked -- and now you'll finally get to see why, although I (like some other folks) am not happy with the character arc for Apollo. I know it was one way to get Richard back into the show, particularly when the network wasn't willing to bank on these older actors as the main leads again. It doesn't mean I liked the concept, though.

It's so frackin' ironic that two years since the DeSanto/Singer production fell through that I'm finally getting to post this stuff. Now you'll see why I was so gung-ho and supportive of that team -- and remain so.

I still cannot get over the fact that we might have seen Jane Seymour back as Serina (and by her own request to Tom!) -- AND aboard the Ship of Lights as an angel/Seraph (where Serina would be helping Apollo to heal/come back into the side of good...) God, the fact that isn't happening is JUST WRONG! I don't think of myself as a fanboy, per se. But in this case, I'm stomping my feet, muttering "Why? WHY?! This is SO RIGHT!!"



I believe a movie version will be much much better. I would love to see the combined talents of all three(Hatch, DeSanto, Larson) on a BG project. Richard has some great ideas. If the three of them put their heads together then the outcome will be worth waiting for.

dvo47p November 10th, 2003 02:51 PM


Originally posted by Lord Kingjason
I'll check out Battlestar when she returns all right! BG is still in show near my heart as well. I’ve come this far, so i won't miss out on what your websites still have to offer in the future either.

What gets me is that some nincompoop @ The Scifi Channel seems to think is up and going. Plus the sites with the latest Ron D. Moore stuff, I E are below Hell most of the Galactia URL's are pro-continuation? Even The Pulse has more, Moore news that the prick Apothis/Ted on that suck up board he started & never left, that has plenty of graph junk, but Ian has real news. Eick, Moore, Hammer & everyone else cannot get past sites like Colonial Fleets, Edward James Olmos did not help The Scifi Channel mini with his,"don't watch.....avoid the the DVD's" shot quoted everywhere. The Complete Epic Series:DVD sales numbers, has got to got 'em worried, also.

Speaking of DeSanto " hope that Tom DeSanto will indeed get his chance someday again" is still a big if. It does bode well that he was @ The Galactican. Larson is a TV dude, DeSanto has done well in movies. Glen Larson might hand off to his "superscout" son Chris, whom has done what? Knight Ryder IV......................

Singer was in front of DeSanto on that Fox/The Scifi Channel deal. Perchance this is not a bad thing, Singer was in Esquire or some other not entertainment type magazine, as THE BOY WONDER. A not so little know story had Singer wanting to take a day off, to the consternation of Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman and Miss, “you can kiss my black ass” Halle Berry. Tom saved the day, and so it was quoted & posed all over.

Ah, Universal has got to be worried, good they should have read my regestered letters, Faries poll & the hits on these pro-continuation sites, BUT NOOOO!

I'll take & pay for a fleet of mini vans full of kids to see a GOOD movie, but not pay a penny for the mini DVD!

shiningstar November 10th, 2003 05:35 PM

I've missed it will be a great pleasure to see it up and running again

Last Battlestar November 13th, 2003 01:49 AM

Hi Michael!

Great to see you back here again :)

I heard that you met Charles Adams at the con. I'm hoping he passed on my best wishes to you in person!

I have missed your little teasers for a long time. It's good to see some more to brighten my day.

All the best mate, Mike

PS. I have some new pics of my Galactica if you'd like to see 'em?

TULLISGRAPHICS November 13th, 2003 03:12 PM

Hey Michael-

Glad to see you posting again! Can you e-mail me privately when you get some free time? Thanks!


kingfish November 13th, 2003 03:15 PM

Hi Tullisgraphics,
Cool homepage. I love WWII history.

TULLISGRAPHICS November 15th, 2003 09:30 AM

Hey Kingfish,

Yeah, I love it too. I've been a 'serious' researcher about 10 years now-beats having a real job!


BSG_Sci_FiPulse November 16th, 2003 06:15 PM

Hi Everyone,

You will be glad to know that Scifipulse which has the luxery of being somewhat independant of fandom, but covers all aspect of Galactica and not just re - imaginings has just posted a shorter version of Michael's announcement about Battlestpegasus re-opening.

I have done this because Michael helped me out a lot in the last year, plus I think it is as important to keep running editorials, interviews and views on the classic series as well as the remake, if only to give newer fans a sense of the history that is Galactica.

This remake may not be what people want, but it may still serve to get younger fans curious enough to read up on it's origins. So there for am quite happy to help out.

Unlike some news sites in the sci fi genre which I will not mention by name, I am of the oppinion that it is better to tell both sides of every story, and you could literally make a four hour documentory about Galactica and the many revival attempts that it has had.

My brief promo for the opening of Commander Faries's newly referbished Battlestar Pegasus can be found at the link provided. It is basically Michaels own words.

michaelfaries November 17th, 2003 02:27 PM

As always, Ian: You ROCK. :colwar:

Thank you,

BSG_Sci_FiPulse November 17th, 2003 03:08 PM

No Prob.

See you guys later, am off to chart new frontiers for a few hours:)

shiningstar November 18th, 2003 05:15 PM

Thanks for posting that BSG_SCI_FiPulse.

BSG_Sci_FiPulse November 18th, 2003 06:25 PM

No Prob,

Got something today that am not keen on posting. To do with remake, they've counciled it............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Had you all going for a second there, didn't I. No joking aside, I got sent official notice of the Battlestar Galactica Mini series official magazine. Which is due out, or probably out already, because have not posted anything on it yet, cos am full of a cold, and cannot concentrate hard enough in order to do anything with it as of yet.

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