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Sept17th September 17th, 2003 02:56 PM

September 17th 8pm 1978, Not Just Another Star Wars
As I write this the Stu Phillips 4 disk Anthology plays in the background.

On September 17th, 1978 I quickly realized at eleven years old what many jaded adult TV critics could not. Battlestar Galactica was not just another Star Wars it was the next step in the new genre of Space Opera. The promotional material at the time promised me an adventure on the scale of Star Wars every week, which is what got me to tune in the first night. The epic tale and true hero’s that I could admire kept me watching.

This was not a band of rebels attempting to over throw a tyrannical government; this was the remnants of a once proud civilization on the run. My hero’s where young professional military officers, who happen to be pretty hot pilots, not a pirate smuggler or young adult on the cusp of his first adventure. These people where led by a pair of wise strong military commanders not a knight of faded glory living as a hermit. The ruthless enemy was not men wearing suits of armor but merciless brutal killing machines built by an alien race.

I loved Star Wars but I was enjoying this story much more. Each week Sunday could not come fast enough, I behaved very well mother had a new weapon in the punishment arsenal. Tonight I will celebrate Battlestar Galactica’s 25th anniversary by watching "Hand of God" in anticipation of finally seeing this year the next chapter of Battlestar Galactica to grace the screen. No, not the Sci-Fi mini-series coming in December but the 4 ½ minute trailer called "The Second Coming" in October.

To all true fans of the mighty Battlestar Galactica happy anniversary, enjoy the memories…let your kids stay up late to finish the world premiere of some hot new show!

Everyone get the box set of "Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Epic Series" and enjoy the true Battlestar Galactica.

:cylon: :cylon: :cylon: :cylon: :cylon: :cylon: :cylon: :cylon: :cylon: :cylon:

BST September 17th, 2003 03:20 PM

Nice to see you again, Sept17!!

Your words are good and true and can be echoed by us all!
Hopefully, we'll being seeing you around these parts again!!


Dawg September 17th, 2003 03:31 PM

It wouldn't be Sept. 17 without Sept17.

Hey, Jon.

I am

The Blue Mule September 17th, 2003 03:48 PM

Nice Sept17th!

StarWars has never been anything to me,Space Battleship Yamato 1974 has always been in my heart.

BSG has a strong dark message that i admire, SW is just kiddie fare,comic book hijinks to me. I will always love darker stories(no sex though) thats what always drawn me to BSG that long dark nightmare (that we on earth might accomplish if we dont smarten up) of a world destroyed and civilization strugling to starting all over again.

Happy endings are ok too,if you like that sort of thing! Just kill off a few main characters and it'll be perfect! ;)

May Galactica come back a true mature Epic story that engages us through its plot,themes and characters not sex,hip and cool GQ 20 somethings and techno babble.



originalsinner September 17th, 2003 09:36 PM

It was never "Star Wars'
No "Star Wars just got SCIFI rolling again, years after 2001, came out, 'Battlestar Galactica was a wagon train in space,

jewels September 17th, 2003 09:55 PM

Thanks for your words Sept17, I liked the Galactica story better also. The depth that could have been explored.

Charybdis September 18th, 2003 07:08 AM

It's amazing how you and I think alike!! I, too, decided to watch Hand of God instead of the movie premiere to celebrate what the series was and to console the loss of the show which has never returned EXCEPT for Richard's 4 1/2 minute trailer!!! It's what I have been saying for the past year now!!!


Shatter September 18th, 2003 07:28 AM

I've always felt that the "Star Wars rip-off" label that was applied to BSG was entirely unfair. As Sept. 17th rightly pointed out, there are enormous differences between the two stories and the characters in each. When I was young, I was taken with idea of the continuing fight against eveil, even when evil seemed to possess overwhelming advantages. As an adult, the same theme grabs me, but I see it more as keeping hold of hope, even when a positive outcome appears very uncertain. Refusing to yield, regardless of the odds stacked against you. I enjoy Star Wars, but I've never gotten such a message from it. That message, along with the memorable characters and stories, are a big part of what has endeared BSG to me for the last twenty-five years, and are amongst the main reasons that this wonderful show deserves to be preserved and properly continued.

Senmut September 19th, 2003 12:47 AM

Both SW and BSG have a message. BUT, it is entirely different, and to compare the two is unfair. Unfair, and shows the shallowness of the so-called critics, who wouldn't know good stuff from postage-stamp glue.
Comparing the two is like comparing Harry Mudd with Wo Fat.

shiningstar September 19th, 2003 10:27 AM

Welcome home John. I missed you.
I too loved both Star wars and BSG but
I never tried to compare them. I found
it was better simply to accept each
SciFi Event on it's own merits. And to
tell the truth I did not see the "MERIT"
of the Law Suit against BSG. Not then
Not now. Even my mother laughed
at the creaters of star wars on that one.

Sept17th September 20th, 2003 12:45 PM

Coming Home
Its good to be back but the break was indeed needed. After the Milton Clone Wars I never thought things could get more weird. I lurked here and there; my jaw dropped this got to the point where Michael Faires was Called Out! This whole thing was really sad because great people where being hurt by one of their own. These are great people I met in secret chats and forums when the battle against the mini-series seemed winnable long before the likes of Milton. People who really cared for one another as much as an online community can. I didn’t like loyalties being questioned; I didn’t like not knowing who to trust. I knew Sandy would get to the bottom of this. I’m saddened to find out that Scooter turned out to be a rat.

Looking ahead now I can enjoy Galacticon 2003 with some “old friends”, the DVD Box Set and catching up with some new folks who I didn’t always agree with at first Tux and Fletch come to mind.

A good thing did come from this I learned that I can take time away from CF and CA and not wilt and die. Which is great because I’m busy with Plaza Suite which opened last night and shooting The Secret of Ivy Headstone. Here is a link about our little Indi Film

:cylon: :cylon: :cylon: :cylon: :cylon: :cylon: :cylon: :cylon: :cylon:

My brutal Cylon killing machines would like to show their support by sporting I LOVE COLONIAL FLEETS bumper stickers on their back packs!

Senmut February 6th, 2012 01:49 AM

Re: September 17th 8pm 1978, Not Just Another Star Wars
Do the bumper stickers come in BaseShip size?

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