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thomas7g April 18th, 2003 11:17 AM

Things that make you say BAH HUMBUG!
Excuse me while I rant a bit.....

I'm having computer problems up the whazooo

All my old art is in apple macintosh format. But the only imac I have access to has had this weird quirk, the system disk that came with the computer doesn't work on the machine. The disk is OS 9.0 while the minimum the imac will take is OS9.04. And of course I didn't notice this until it was too late to get a exchange. No biggie... I'll just buy a new system disk when I have trouble right? I mean why buy a system disk when it will go out of date before I need it and buy another when they upgrade the system?

well... that is what I thought. That is how it worked since the mid 80's. But not now! They IMPROVED IT. (sarcasm). The new operating system (OS X) is incompatible with the old system. It has to run the old system in emulator mode to run older programs. Unfortunately.... the minimum system OS X understands is OS 9.2!!!!! So Now I got a system that is incompatible with everything I got!!!!! And no way to go back!!!



Flamingo Girl April 18th, 2003 08:47 PM

Well, that just sucks.

Micheleh April 18th, 2003 10:12 PM

Have you seen this? I don't know if it will convert os9 graphics to osx, but it's worth looking in to...

thomas7g April 18th, 2003 11:11 PM

I appreciate you looking up the info. I didn't know that Graphic Converter is now OSX compatible. I have earlier versions of it and it really is a standard for converting graphics. Its the Mac equivalent of IrfanView for PCs.

I'll have to get that program as soon as I get the imac up again. I actually called Apple and paid for an OS9 disk. It sucks to pay more money... but there is no other real option.

Oh well.... :/:

bsg1fan1975 April 19th, 2003 03:53 AM

sorry to hear about puter problems you are having

Flamingo Girl April 19th, 2003 06:44 PM

And I thought macs were supposed to be the be-all-end-all.

thomas7g April 19th, 2003 07:18 PM

I've actually had a pretty good record up till now. I do like how they have a tendency to have less conflicts than windows.

I guess this must be a huge shift in the internal workings of the OS. This program really should be bundled with the previous OS since it is so important for running old programs. It only costs pennies to include it. :/:

Flamingo Girl April 20th, 2003 07:20 PM

But then they'd loose out on the money from people having to buy the program seperately.

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