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Darrell Lawrence March 11th, 2006 12:48 PM

TheHobb and SteveW official now?
TheHobb, AKA Todd Boyce, a member here who happens to work for SOny Pictures (or did last I knew) has a Battlespoo web site where he has a few of his own design takes that take place in the original BG universe. His ships are non-canon, etc etc.

This particular design-

- was then CGI modeled by our own SteveW, aka Steve Wilson, in trueSpace format.

I myself converted the model to Lightwave format for usage-

Anyways... the ship has now appeared in nuBG-

-without Todd's knowledge!

"The Defender is my own design and is now undeniably canon as the ship is seen clearly in the season 2 finale of the new Battlestar Galactica series. It is unknown at this time if the ship serves the purpose I've outlined above" - Todd Boyce, as seen on his Battlespoo site.

Look for the Defender.

ernie90125 March 11th, 2006 01:29 PM

Not sure this is BSG news, or more something for the modellers to debate.

There is a very similar debate located here, started by someone who believes that his X-Wing model has been used in SW advertising.

It is my understanding that including another ship in a film is a homage. The original Enterprise is a ship in TNS fleet, placed there by Lee Stringer, but it took 2 years for anyone to spot ! I have also heard that the Millennium Falcon is in Star Trek : First Contact.

But I think these gentlemen should follow it up....

A model of theirs has been used in a commercial production, made for profit, without appropriate credit given.

Warrior - what was the Scattered Worlds project ? And will it see the light of day ?

TwoBrainedCylon March 11th, 2006 01:37 PM

I can answer some of that. Shatterred World was a script written by John that has been adapted to Exodus Episode 2, which still retains the name "Shatterred Worlds". Production on this begins next Wed.

The Defender design was used as the "prowler" for The Exodus Series. There's some indication that Ron Moore and company paid some attention to the original script as some concepts very similar to those in the first draft script (which was posted on the Internet) seem to have appearred throughout GINO. There's some question as to where along the line this design made it into the GINO fleet but I now think the best explaination is simply that Fabio translated the Steve W. TRUESPACE mesh and was familiar with it. He could well have rebuilt the model and then used it in the Fleet as a CG effects insert. Under this concept, the producers were likely unaware that they were including a ship design that originated from a fan website. If someone has Fabio's e-mail, it might be worth it to touch bases with him and find out for sure.


Darrell Lawrence March 11th, 2006 02:38 PM

I'm trying to contact Fabs on messenger. I'm gonna talk to Lee Stringer about it too. I've pointed SteveW this direction to see if he can shed light. Also gonna e-mail/PM Todd.

earnie, this *is* news, and is thus posted here. Why is it news? Simple.

Either one or two of our members are now "famous" in having their work produced, ala Titon, *or* they've been ripped off (or both, depending on how you view it :) ).

Darrell Lawrence March 11th, 2006 02:42 PM

Ok... cleared up a lot here folks! Talked to Lee about it. He put it in as an in-joke, and was himself suprised it actually made it to screen :)

kingfish March 11th, 2006 02:50 PM

More than likely poor Steve and Todd were ripped off. Moore doesn't have one original idea of his own. It's all borrowed look at New Caprica. Well new Kobol was Tom DeSanto's idea for the CONTINUATION. Ron was going to reinvent the genre, well looks like all he did was rip peoples ideas off as his own.

ernie90125 March 11th, 2006 02:54 PM

Another inside joke, along with the original Enterprise.... One wonders how many other ships from other shows were added to the Fleet as 'inside jokes' ? Suppose the more inside jokes you have, the less original ships have to be created.

Pleased to hear the Shattered Worlds project will see the light of day......any news on the animation you were going to re-render Warrior ?

Darrell Lawrence March 11th, 2006 02:54 PM

Paul, in this case, it was Lee who put it in there. He is always trying to do REAL tributes to the original and the fans. Due in large part to him, many of the Rag Tag ships from the original are in the new show.

As we've stated before here, the FX team of Zoic is one of the BEST things about that show.

Stevew March 11th, 2006 03:08 PM

This might be the one they used but I am not sure, I did not watch the show

I could not tell but it looks like they removed the lower bay

AlternityOrange March 12th, 2006 09:39 AM

The fan ship Lee put in was seen in the Desanto inspired-episode the other night right? Was this a bit of recycled footage from the mini or early season one? I'm confused because Lee doesn't work on the show anymore and hasn't in some time.

Darrell Lawrence March 12th, 2006 09:46 AM

I'm not sure when the footage was from. Zoic had done a LOT of FX shots that were never used. This could be one of those.

On the other hand, when I talked to Lee yesterday, he didn't say whether or not he was still with Zoic, who *is* still doing FX for the show.

AlternityOrange March 12th, 2006 10:08 AM

Well I know for certain he's not working with Zoic at present. My wife and I had dinner with him and Karen not too long ago and I spoke to him on the phone last week.

Does Zoic still just do two or three shots every couple of episodes like they were toward the end of season one or has skiffy actually started paying to use them fully again? I, mercifully, haven't been watching the show nor have I really kept up with Zoic since Lee left.

Darrell Lawrence March 12th, 2006 10:23 AM

Well, I haven't watched it either :LOL: As to Zoic, not sure just what they're doing as far as the show. I state they are still working on it given far too many folks have commented RECENTLY about Zoic's work on the show, and Zoic was nominated for awards for S2 work.

Darrell Lawrence March 12th, 2006 10:25 AM

Oh, and I just found out yesterday he was living in Orlando now. Lucky you!

TheHobb March 16th, 2006 10:24 AM


Hey there everyone!

Sorry for the delay in replying, I've been at a convention the last few days and haven't had internet access.

I noticed what looked like my ship in a couple of far-away shots in some previous episodes but nothing truly conclusive until I saw the shot pictured above in the finale. I was figuring that either someone at Zoic or someone from here that was working at Zoic (Titon maybe) and made it rather than an active effort of the production and I don't mind at all, though it does give me leverage should the production/studio decide to give me grief over my website in the future. :devil:

If Lee was the one that did it, could someone see if he could get me some nice renders of it for me?


ernie90125 March 16th, 2006 10:45 AM

I think this design is pretty neat, I like how it is within the Battlestar design family, whilst having its own character.

I hope that someone might make a fanfilm of her, with beauty shots and perhaps fending off a Cylon attack.
Show her in all her glory as a TOS ship, she deserves a showcase.

Jan Reinar March 16th, 2006 10:56 AM

It's is a sad way to make a first post but I think they can made little changes in the original desing as the lack of the lower bay. But it still is the same ship! :salute:

Darrell Lawrence March 16th, 2006 10:59 AM

Todd, do you mean by way of renders from the show shots, or just simply renders of it?

TheHobb March 16th, 2006 11:14 AM

I'd love to get some simple top/side/front/back/bottom renders and a couple of 3/4 view renders. Nothing fancy but optimally, if Lee wouldn't get in trouble, something I could use on my site to replace the image I grabbed from the screen. :thumbsup:

Darrell Lawrence March 16th, 2006 11:38 AM

Like these, you mean?

Stevew March 16th, 2006 12:15 PM

Hey Todd how ya been

Here is my latest

Stevew March 16th, 2006 12:16 PM


Darrell Lawrence March 16th, 2006 12:40 PM

Pst! Shadows, man... work in some shadows :D

Stevew March 16th, 2006 12:43 PM

Don't like shadows
:rotf: :rotf:

Darrell Lawrence March 16th, 2006 12:56 PM

Learn them. Love them. Bask in the glory of them ;)

TheHobb March 16th, 2006 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Warrior
Like these, you mean?

Hehe, yeah, exactly like those in fact. :D Look'n good!

Hey Steve, I've been doing pretty good, how about yourself?

TwoBrainedCylon March 16th, 2006 01:12 PM


Those are great!!! Any chance of scamming the Lightwave model from you?

(I'm going to alter it of course. I want to convert it to the Cygnus design for cover art, with credits to you and Todd of course).


martok2112 March 16th, 2006 04:41 PM

I remember too that in my fanfic, Dark Exodus, that the Hasari Battlestars looked almost exactly like Colonial Battlestars, except that Hasari ships had a singular landing deck beneath them.

I remember gushing to Steve W about just how good his meshes looked, and how I would love (if DE were made into a movie) to use his designs as representative of the Hasari battlestars.


Jan Reinar March 16th, 2006 05:53 PM

Your ship is amazing! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

KamikazeAthena March 17th, 2006 07:50 AM

This is a masterpiece! (even without the shadows...)

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