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David Kerin October 27th, 2003 07:03 PM

A Work In Progress
I've been playing around with environments in MAX, and in doing so had to throw in a Viper for good measure.

This still needs work, and I know there are flaws... but I liked the look of how this is going and thought I'd share.

Feedback is certainly welcome.

Hope you like,


thomas7g October 28th, 2003 01:42 AM

ohmygod!!!! I love it!!!

its absolutely wonderful!

btw- that's your viper currently on our frontpage. I don't know how long we will leep it, the filesize is large, and galacticon is over. But it really came out nice!!! I really apreciate having access to this mesh! It saved me when I created an ad for Galacticon. :D

repcisg October 28th, 2003 09:57 AM

That is just sooooo coool!

jewels October 29th, 2003 09:44 PM

OK, Young Lords wasn't that bad. Geez this looks cut from the footage for that!! Bravo David!

TwoBrainedCylon October 30th, 2003 07:27 AM


If you want to convert it, you're welcome to this Viper model.

Its actually just giving you your own model back. I think I started with the model you have there, stripped it down, and then tossed a few things onto it.

Its in LW but you're welcome to it if you want to try to convert it.

When you start getting more final on this, I think you need a stronger key light to show off the details a bit more. The ambient settings you have make it a bit too washed out. I'd also set the fog back a bit or layer in the grass in the foreground in post so you get a better feeling of depth. I'd even go as far as to add some noise on the hills to make them a bit more defined and then blur them in PS. I'd then load that as my background and render the bulk of the scene and then add the foreground grass last.


kingfish October 30th, 2003 07:34 AM

Your works are truly masterpieces.

Gunner97 February 15th, 2004 09:00 PM

Sandy, any chance you could send me that Viper model? Thanks!

shiningstar February 29th, 2004 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by David Kerin
I've been playing around with environments in MAX, and in doing so had to throw in a Viper for good measure.

This still needs work, and I know there are flaws... but I liked the look of how this is going and thought I'd share.

Feedback is certainly welcome.

Hope you like,


Dave I love it! It looks great!

shiningstar February 29th, 2004 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by David Kerin
I've been playing around with environments in MAX, and in doing so had to throw in a Viper for good measure.

This still needs work, and I know there are flaws... but I liked the look of how this is going and thought I'd share.

Feedback is certainly welcome.

Hope you like,


by the way Dave .........I love your Avatar :thumbsup:

Senmut February 3rd, 2012 09:36 PM

Re: A Work In Progress
None of these links still work. Where would I go to find the lovely digital goodies?

David Kerin February 4th, 2012 08:53 AM

Re: A Work In Progress
3 Attachment(s)
That was my old site from some time ago... and no longer around. Although I think I know the pic that was attached, and included it here.

I have some newer stuff at my current site,, but the older stuff I may have to share again at some point. Though a good bit of it should be in the gallery here. Will have to check.

I'm just frightened this goes all the way back to 2003. Man does time move!

Edit...added a couple other pics of cover mockups done for fun. One uses this environment setup for "The Young Lords", but Starbuck's face is just not right.

Senmut February 4th, 2012 06:36 PM

Re: A Work In Progress

martok2112 February 6th, 2012 10:47 PM

Re: A Work In Progress
Dave, what program(s) were you using for the characters on those images/covers? That's a good map of Starbuck's face for the time. :)

David Kerin February 8th, 2012 03:28 PM

Re: A Work In Progress
The figure was done with Poser, but I photoshopped the face in later from an image, thus it not looking quite right in alignment.

Reaper February 8th, 2012 03:55 PM

Re: A Work In Progress
David, are your fanedits still around anywhere for download? I had them on an old harddrive but that went bye bye

Thanks man

martok2112 February 8th, 2012 05:02 PM

Re: A Work In Progress

Originally Posted by David Kerin (Post 308926)
The figure was done with Poser, but I photoshopped the face in later from an image, thus it not looking quite right in alignment.

It looks on par with the mapping techniques that were used for the PC game "Star Trek Bridge Commander". For the time, that still looks pretty good, bro. :) I get what you mean though....the picture that you took Starbuck's image from was still a sort of 3/4 angle headshot of him, so the alignment would be wacky. A more straight-on face shot would've served better, but I don't think any such shot exists.

Whenever I map an actor's/actresses' face onto an iClone character I make, I always try to go for a straight on head shot. Or if one is not available, then as close to straight on as possible. iClone has some alignment procedures that allows me to take a face shot that is slightly off axis, and adjust it so that it does look a little more straight on. :)

David Kerin February 8th, 2012 06:18 PM

Re: A Work In Progress

Originally Posted by Reaper (Post 308927)
David, are your fanedits still around anywhere for download? I had them on an old harddrive but that went bye bye

Thanks man

I'm not sure where on the web those would be anymore. I think (believe that's the right web site) had them at one point, but have not been there in a while. Would be nice to just have them on youtube, but we know that's not going to happen with the copyright issues. Actually surprised the Battlestar/Space: 1999 crossover episode I did has not had any issues on youtube.

martok2112 February 8th, 2012 10:40 PM

Re: A Work In Progress
I have rarely seen a Battlestar video (from either TOS or TNS) have any kind of YouTube issue. And usually, most issues are for audio. My battlestar videos, to my knowledge, have not been yanked or cranked yet.

Supposedly, the way some folks get around that is by altering the pitch of the music involved. I don't know how drastically, because lots of times I watch with audio muted...LOL....but, supposedly the pitch change is a sort of workaround.

David Kerin February 9th, 2012 05:54 PM

Re: A Work In Progress
Yeah... but if I put the whole two part Living Legend up there, even as a fan edit, I'd think someone might say something. In fact I think "CylonLeader84" was a youtube user who used to post clips from all the re-edits, and at one point he was going to upload a whole fanedit ep, and it didn't last long.

David Kerin February 9th, 2012 06:00 PM

Re: A Work In Progress
Although I do have the full Battlestar/Space 1999 crossover ep online if anyone missed that. Here's the link...

A fun project, and I think it turned out half decently for trying to merge two separate shows.

martok2112 February 10th, 2012 12:34 AM

Re: A Work In Progress
David, another alternative I might suggest then, for hosting your fanedits....PhotoBucket. They will support video, and it's an image hosting site that is likely not under the same scrutiny as YouTube. :)

Gunther38Capric February 11th, 2012 09:51 AM

Re: A Work In Progress
Max is a great tool but the best are from version 2011 and up as they have a nice little tool to pain anything on your mesh.
Great if you need to put plants on walls or chatchkies for a space surface like a hull, you simply paint them on a mesh or plane.

Envirements can be tricky for max , it takes me a whole lot longer to get the envirement right then the model itself.

But in all to build models especially vehicles it is a very fast and easy tool
Im currently working one 3 projects a Viper style craft , a Battlestar Galactica Mix style and a Bridge
Also found a nice Cylon voice program on the internet sadly the background noice from the mic gets a bit in the way:LOL:

ivanhoejones February 19th, 2014 10:50 AM

Re: A Work In Progress
looks good keep it up. BSG TOS what a shame it was only one season... but people like us keep it going in our own way i guess!

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