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Mieal Deneb September 9th, 2008 07:05 PM

Re: New Store- Vendors
Would seamstressing fit into the "Vendor" category? I have a commission to create a classic (of course!) BSG Warriors tunic & pants. Once I establish the patterns and get through my current list of people waiting for costumes to be sewn, I would be willing to take orders.

monolith21 September 30th, 2008 11:07 PM

Re: New Store- Vendors
I think that is a wonderful idea. People are looking for a reliable source for accurate uniforms. It would definitely be a cool thing to promote here.

Mieal Deneb October 1st, 2008 11:19 AM

Re: New Store- Vendors
Of course, it's going to take quite a bit of time before I'd be ready. I have 12 people in queue for various costume elements. :eek: Monolith, you are #6 technically, though it's more like #5 because one costume is on hold awaiting trim from the client.

monolith21 October 1st, 2008 11:45 AM

Re: New Store- Vendors
That is perfectly alright with me. One of the reasons I was happy to commission you to do the uniform is that you have a queue and won't take more orders than you can handle. There have been a lot of problems with people taking on more orders than they can handle and a few orders getting lost in the mix when it comes to Battlestar costuming. Looks like you have the right idea and a good eye for detail.

Mieal Deneb October 1st, 2008 12:01 PM

Re: New Store- Vendors
Thank you for the kind words. :blush: I try to be as upfront as possible with people. I've had some people turn away because I was honest about the wait, but most people are willing to wait because I don't rush my sewing & they know I'll give them a quality product in the end. I'd rather be late and have it turn out the best it can be (i.e last for years and years and be as close to screen accurate as possible) rather than just slapping something together and getting it done in a week.

Darrell Lawrence October 2nd, 2008 08:57 AM

Re: New Store- Vendors

Originally Posted by Mieal Deneb (Post 277505)
Would seamstressing fit into the "Vendor" category? I have a commission to create a classic (of course!) BSG Warriors tunic & pants. Once I establish the patterns and get through my current list of people waiting for costumes to be sewn, I would be willing to take orders.

Yup. It qualifies :)

Mieal Deneb October 2nd, 2008 11:25 AM

Re: New Store- Vendors
Thanks. I'll let everyone know when I'd be ready to start taking orders. :salute:

monolith21 February 25th, 2009 11:04 PM

Re: New Store- Vendors
Not sure if its possible, but we could contact wilco models and see if we can link to their Battlestar prop and model kits. I'm told they are offering a languatron, belt cylinders, and "blasters". The laser is pretty cool. Black resin...cuts down on repaints. Love it. I have a Blade Runner PKD, DS Gun from Logan's Run, and a Browncoat pistol...all from them. Great stuff.

Mieal Deneb February 26th, 2009 02:31 PM

Re: New Store- Vendors
That would be cool if we could get the link to their models. I've GOTTA get a blaster. Being cast in black resin is a great idea. :thumbsup:

monolith21 February 26th, 2009 11:43 PM

Re: New Store- Vendors
It really helps a lot! I put in so much work on my first blaster and the first time I drew it from the holster I suddenly had little white spots showing through!

Mieal Deneb February 27th, 2009 11:52 AM

Re: New Store- Vendors
That would be frustrating! :erk: If you were just going to have it sit there and look good, any color resin would work, but the black is perfect for drawing out of the holster. Does you holster have felt padding on the inside?

Reaper February 27th, 2009 04:46 PM

Re: New Store- Vendors
for right now, I'm acting as the go between for Wilco Models.

You can see the thread here -
I'm hoping to get enough orders in this to get a decent break on the price.

I know how painful it can be with the plastic BSG holsters. My main one (I currently have 2 complete gunbelts) is lined with felt, but the edges still work over a paint job. Even Leather does the same damage. I know my Star wars holsters used to eat up my resin blasters.

The black Resin is a god save lol.

when I contact Wilco again, I'll see if he would like to be in the CF store here. :) and then I'll post his info for you.

Mieal Deneb February 28th, 2009 11:59 AM

Re: New Store- Vendors
Reaper, thanks for posting the link, I hadn't seen that thread and I would have been so mad at myself if I had missed out on this! :cry: Thanks for setting this up. I'm all about saving money! :D

Reaper February 28th, 2009 12:36 PM

Re: New Store- Vendors
no worries :) I'm all about getting more TOS BSG costumers out there!!! :)

Mieal Deneb February 28th, 2009 12:47 PM

Re: New Store- Vendors
I've wanted a BSG uniform for a long time, but only recently did I start thinking about making my own. I have to wait a while on completing mine though because I'm currently 5 months pregnant. :) After the baby comes and I [hopefully!] shed the baby weight, I'll work on my uniform. :thumbsup:

kingfish April 26th, 2013 10:03 AM

Re: New Store- Vendors

i sell some battlestar galactica merchandise along with a number of other science fiction titles.

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