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Thunderstruck May 8th, 2012 01:41 AM

The Blackhole
I was just thinking that, a similar mad scientist,
say steven hawking, na just kiddin, lol

No, but an updated and remade film with todays artists in Gfx and film,

might not be a flop.

Does anyone recall I think Disney's Blackhole?

I was watching a tut on modeling this robot, and it looked so similar at first to R2D2,then it began to look like those floating robots in the film.

Just some passing thoughts. proves my mind never stops.....:yikes:

gmd3d May 8th, 2012 02:13 AM

Re: The Blackhole
I like The Black Hole.

I like to see that tut on modeling Vincent myself.

Was it a flop..? I saw it in the cinema when it was released (same time as Star Trek TMP) and I like it alot ... the effects are still brilliant I think.

The Cygnus model looks great .... The Palomino less so (even though I built it in Lightwave).

Problem for me was the actor did not want to ware the space suits that here made for them... and in some shots where a space suit was very much needed they get away with it....

lucky chaps

Thunderstruck May 8th, 2012 04:31 AM

Re: The Blackhole
well, maybe not "A" flop, but I thought that it did not make money.

I used to know a site that listed film grosses and actor salaries,

doubt it may have this one. Why I brought it up, cause I always liked it myself.


Benedict May 8th, 2012 09:06 AM

Re: The Blackhole
Used to watch it a lot as a kid partly as my Dad was (or is) a big John Barry fan. Film wasn't exactly a success from what I've read and in some quarters it's a bit embarassing (critic wise). But it has Max Schell and his robot, "Maximillian!"

Oh and Ernie Borgnine...

gmd3d May 8th, 2012 09:55 AM

Re: The Blackhole

Originally Posted by Benedict (Post 309617)
Used to watch it a lot as a kid partly as my Dad was (or is) a big John Barry fan. Film wasn't exactly a success from what I've read and in some quarters it's a bit embarassing (critic wise). But it has Max Schell and his robot, "Maximillian!"

Oh and Ernie Borgnine...

I a John Barry fan myself .......

Max Schell is great in it.

Peter Ellenshaw was called out of retirement to work on it.

not sure about its success really .. it was popular among us kids back then ........ in some ways more than Star Wars.......... it had floating robots and that was cool:D

Thunderstruck May 8th, 2012 04:42 PM

Re: The Blackhole
"I like to see that tut on modeling Vincent myself. "

the tut was not for the "Vincent" model, but for another original.

It reminded me of those floating tin cans lol

here I got the link if you still want to see it..

its a new tut by a young guy whose post I came across.

They remade Tron and it paid off ! so lets see a Black hole!

Senmut May 8th, 2012 09:54 PM

Re: The Blackhole
Yes, I remember it. Saw it in the theatre. I recall it so well because I got violently ill he same day (before seeing it!), and have never forgotten.
The Cygnus was cool, and I liked the Palamino, too. As always Yvette Mimeaux was a dish.

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