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Orion24 August 20th, 2009 10:48 AM

Cubit Denominations
Does anyone know the difference between the 2 symbols on the cubits from TOS? I assume they mean different Denominations, But what are the Denominations?


Charybdis August 20th, 2009 11:27 AM

Re: Cubit Denominations
I don't believe anything like that was ever mentioned. What I want to know is: why is the Galactica symbol on the back of all the money?!

That's like having the symbol of a modern US Carrier on the back of our dollar bills!!

Orion24 August 20th, 2009 11:40 AM

Re: Cubit Denominations
I know, I was wondering about the Galatica symbol myself, Unless each Battlestar issued it's own Cubits, But IMO, it's a Fluke, They Probably wanted that symbol to represent the 12 colonies Originally but decided to use it for the Galactica and they probably had the Cubits with the Galactica symbol on it already made up and couldn't change it.

monolith21 August 20th, 2009 09:46 PM

Re: Cubit Denominations
I always thought that the "Galactica" symbol was a sort of collective colonial symbol and Galactica was the flagship. Atlantia was sort of Air Force One which is why they wear the Galactica symbol with an additional insert.

All speculation and creative thinking of course! lol

Orion24 August 20th, 2009 10:20 PM

Re: Cubit Denominations
That's a Good Theory also monolith21, Too bad none of this can be confirmed only by Glen Larson, And if I'm not mistaken, Weren't there also Triangular Cubits seen on the gambling tables on Carillon?

monolith21 August 20th, 2009 10:35 PM

Re: Cubit Denominations
Triangular cubits? Whatchootalkin' 'bout Willis? I don't think so, but its worth a look.

Quick! We need pictures! I've got a collection of cubits going...if I missed one I've got some hunting to do!

Aphrodite August 20th, 2009 11:01 PM

Re: Cubit Denominations
I posted some pictures at

There turns out to be some round ones, too.

monolith21 August 21st, 2009 12:47 AM

Re: Cubit Denominations
The round ones are Orion Cheques...which also doubled as the duckets from "Man with Nine Lives". Gordon (spcglider) offers great resin replicas of them for fairly cheap! I believe they come six to the set. He makes great stuff!

If you're looking for decent replicas of cubits they're pretty hard to come by. Most of the available ones look like second generation castings of the ones. They're a bit small and the background has lost some detail.

Orion24 August 21st, 2009 07:06 AM

Re: Cubit Denominations
I Might be Wrong about it being on Carillon after seeing those pictures, But I could have sworn I seen Triangular looking Cubits somewhere on the show, Thanks Again Aphrodite. :) The only set of Cubits I had were from Intergalactic Trading Company some years ago, They were pretty good, The Designs were clear on them and they were made of I believe White Metal: although I did not pay $15.95 for them 10 years ago, Still they had the Cubit sound when you drop them together. :D

monolith21 August 21st, 2009 10:43 PM

Re: Cubit Denominations
I used to love getting the intergalactic trading rag! I used to just drool over all the cool stuff they had!

Here is a size comparison just for fun.
From left to right: A pair of supposed originals (they came with a certificate of authenticity but who knows), some resin copies I made, the Starbase Atlanta cubits, and the New Moon Props cubits which are clearly cast from either the SA or Intergalactic versions.

The background etched detail sort of turns into this bubbly mess on some of current reproductions. Its a bummer! If we could get a big enough order together we could get some quality ones struck.

As far as denominations go I'm still waiting to see that elusive "A" cubit that some people swear exists. That would be a third one!

Orion24 August 21st, 2009 10:51 PM

Re: Cubit Denominations

Originally Posted by monolith21 (Post 292646)
I used to love getting the intergalactic trading rag! I used to just drool over all the cool stuff they had!

Here is a size comparison just for fun.
From left to right: A pair of supposed originals (they came with a certificate of authenticity but who knows), some resin copies I made, the Starbase Atlanta cubits, and the New Moon Props cubits which are clearly cast from either the SA or Intergalactic versions.

The background etched detail sort of turns into this bubbly mess on some of current reproductions. Its a bummer! If we could get a big enough order together we could get some quality ones struck.

As far as denominations go I'm still waiting to see that elusive "A" cubit that some people swear exists. That would be a third one!

That "A" cubit, I would Love to See it. :)

monolith21 August 25th, 2009 12:15 AM

Re: Cubit Denominations
I think its a myth. Over at Blackstar squadron we were talking about getting a challenge coin made up to look like an "A" cubit.

Charybdis August 26th, 2009 11:16 AM

Re: Cubit Denominations
I wonder if we just can't get a challenge coin done up just like a cubit? We could probably only do one design at first, but maybe it is a possibility?

monolith21 August 26th, 2009 11:07 PM

Re: Cubit Denominations
Exactly! We're hoping to do the "A" cubit. They've done this over at ASAP and the RPF. I'd like to get someone on board who has done a similar run. Then we can get them made up!

If we can get enough people on board, the cost would be around $25.00 for two.

Sarika August 27th, 2009 10:47 PM

Re: Cubit Denominations
I hate to sound real daft , but what exacttly is the symbol representing on the flip side to the Galactica Insignia side of a cubit?:blink:
I have never known what it is supposed to mean.

BTW, Mark, how's my cubits coming along? Do I have to send the girls around ?
You don't want to tangle with Olga and Durga....:D:LOL:

And they don't have any fliffy personality, if you know what i mean...:naughty::P::D:duck::girl:

monolith21 August 28th, 2009 12:51 AM

Re: Cubit Denominations
Frack. I was going to ask if they were cute! I just ordered some new resin. You've got about twenty raw right now.

I always figured it was some sort of denomination that was never clarified. It could also symbolize where it was minted.

Orion24 August 28th, 2009 05:53 AM

Re: Cubit Denominations

Originally Posted by monolith21 (Post 292854)
It could also symbolize where it was minted.

That's a good theory monolith21, But those are really big mint markings if that's what they are.


Sarika August 28th, 2009 09:49 PM

Re: Cubit Denominations
Okay, I won't send the girls around then....(yells out, "Olga and Durga, don't worry about putting on your spiked gloves...the job is off!"):D:LOL:

So you have twenty done in raw resin so far, how many did I originally ask for? I can't recall.
I do still want them spray painted in gold too, hon.;) Thank you so much for your hard work!

Hmmm, as for that symbol, that may be a possibility it may indicate a mint marking..perhaps.:)

Charybdis August 30th, 2009 08:23 PM

Re: Cubit Denominations
Just a report. I got some of the New Moon Props metal cubits and they are not very good. The paint is lackluster and the cast is not very clean at all... Save your money if you want something really nice, however, at $4.00/pair, it's not too bad if all you want is quantity in metal cubits...

Stick with for nice metal cubits at a decent price ($15.00/pair or so)

137th Gebirg September 24th, 2009 12:43 PM

Re: Cubit Denominations
IIRC, There were three cubit types (don't think this has been mentioned yet here). The "G" and "L" types were most common - generally accepted to be the initials of the show's creator, Glen Larson. The "A" cubit (for Larson's middle initial) is a bit of a genre urban legend. Many have spoken of it, none have seen it. I frequent Dewback Wing and I'm pretty sure nobody has ever made one. Gordon Smuder (aka SpcGlider) would be the one in the know.

Yes, the round ones are Orion Cheques. The "triangular" cubit is not a cubit at all, but the badge that Starbuck "won" in a Pyramid game, mixed in with cubits and cheques.

Orion24 November 19th, 2009 08:11 PM

Re: Cubit Denominations

Originally Posted by 137th Gebirg (Post 293869)
IIRC, There were three cubit types (don't think this has been mentioned yet here). The "G" and "L" types were most common - generally accepted to be the initials of the show's creator, Glen Larson. The "A" cubit (for Larson's middle initial) is a bit of a genre urban legend. Many have spoken of it, none have seen it. I frequent Dewback Wing and I'm pretty sure nobody has ever made one. Gordon Smuder (aka SpcGlider) would be the one in the know.

Yes, the round ones are Orion Cheques. The "triangular" cubit is not a cubit at all, but the badge that Starbuck "won" in a Pyramid game, mixed in with cubits and cheques.

You know 137th Gebirg, I think your right about the Triangular one that's where I got confused, And I didn't know about the G and L I just assumed they were denomination markings, Well you learn something everyday. :)


Orion24 November 23rd, 2009 11:24 AM

Re: Cubit Denominations
In the Episode "The Man with Nine Lives" There is a mention of some currency called MARKAS, It was leant to Chameleon by Siress Blassie, Does anyone know what it looks like? As far as I can see Siress Blassie had a handful of Cubits and Orion Checks. :?:


Orion24 November 27th, 2009 06:12 AM

Re: Cubit Denominations
I just found out that the Symbols on the cubits are not G and L, The Symbols are from the Alphabet of the Magi, I like to thank 137th Gebirg on the Battlestar Forum for pointing this out, Go here to see the Pics: :)


monolith21 November 28th, 2009 11:05 AM

Re: Cubit Denominations
He just posted this over at Blackstar as well. Its a pretty major find in the world of Battlestar fandom!

Orion24 November 28th, 2009 12:22 PM

Re: Cubit Denominations
Yup, It is, At least we know that someone from the show just didn't scribble the design on paper.


Galactifan December 1st, 2009 09:04 PM

Re: Cubit Denominations
Check out some original Colonial Cubits vs. copies here...

Orion24 December 21st, 2009 08:43 AM

Re: Cubit Denominations
In the Episode The Man with Nine Lives if you listen closely, Siress Blassie says to Chameleon I have Markas, Cubits and Orion Checks, If you look at the Screencapture of her holding the money you will see a few Cubits and a Red Circular plastic coin that resembles a Ducat (I assume these are Orion Checks) and 3 Dark Blue Circular plastics coins, The Dark Blue ones have to be the Markas, According to the Battlestar Zone Concordance and Battlestar Wiki: "MARKAS A form of money leant to Chameleon by Siress Blassie" So that means there are 3 different forms of Currency in the Fleet. Heres the Screencapture:

The Problem is now, Where do the Markas coins come from?

Bill :salute:

Kronus December 22nd, 2009 12:46 PM

Re: Cubit Denominations
In fact from that screen shot you see the obvious metalic gold bar cubits but there is also the coin shaped blue, red and gold chips. The blue and red seemed to be somewhat identified but what about the gold shaped coins?

Orion24 December 22nd, 2009 07:18 PM

Re: Cubit Denominations
I see what you mean Kronus, Perhaps the Gold Coins are the Markas and the Red and Blue Coins are the Orion Checks, But the shot of the Gold Coins aren't that good, What a Shame. :(


LZaza December 23rd, 2011 09:44 AM

Re: Cubit Denominations
I have a question, only having ever seen the pictures of cubits. Is the inscription the same on both sides? Or are the two sides different?

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