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skippercollecto September 8th, 2004 12:06 PM

the new series 'lost'
I am looking forward to the new ABC series entitled "Lost." It looks like a preposterous 70s style fantasy adventure story that the network specialized in 30 years ago.
I give it two weeks (rather than the six months that ABC used to air these types of programs). Because it's (a) not a reality show, (b) an investigative crime drama (c) a teen sex drama, the series will have poor ratings and the network will yank it almost immediately.
I predict that it will show up on Sci-Fi next spring, and SF will air the remaining six? 12? episodes (with the last one aired being a cliffhanger with a plot that is never resolved) and hopefully by next year the single season will show up on DVD.
And "Lost" fans will be wondering the rest of their lives what happened after the show ended.
Sound familiar?


Senmut September 15th, 2004 09:58 PM

Of course, but since when did the NitJerks ever do anything sensible?

shiningstar September 16th, 2004 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Senmut
Of course, but since when did the NitJerks ever do anything sensible?


thomas7g September 22nd, 2004 03:59 PM

I'm going to give LOST a try
Tonight ABC is premeiring their new series, LOST. Lost is about 48 plane crash survivors on a strange island with a supernatural bend to it.

I don't know much more. But the review I read in the LA Times was pretty enthusiastic!

So we'll see. Here's hoping for something good!

thomas7g September 23rd, 2004 02:45 AM

Okay. I saw Lost. And I LIKED it!!!!!!!!!

You start out with this one guy. He's a doctor. He comes to his senses. He was unconcious. Now...he ... a jungle...lying on the ground... he gets up ...stumbles around...and he sees bodies everywhere and whats left of a jumbo jet.

Then his instincts as a doctor kicks in, and he[s rushing everywhere trying to help alot of people.

In time the sun sets.... and there is something LOUD in the jungle...VERY can't see it. But you can see the trees in the forrest being shoved out of the way!

Looks good!!!! I can't wait to see the next episode!

thomas7g October 3rd, 2004 12:33 AM

I really like this series sofar. I just watched the repeat of the second episode. Its DANG good sofar.

There is alot of really interesting hidden mysteries going on here.

I'm clueless. Mad scientific sexperiments gone loose? A secret covert base? Who knows?

I really like the wide divergence in the casting. Everyone seems to have a unique story to tell. Everyone really is different! How on earth is one guy from the Republican Guarde? Who is that jerk who shot the POLAR BEAR? And why was that very pretty and sweet girl in HANDCUFFS?

And WHAT is running around in the jungle????


I'm tuning in next week!!!!

thomas7g October 3rd, 2004 12:46 AM

one thing I like about this island is that it give me the impression it would EAT Ewoks.



Death to all Ewoks. All of them.


BST October 3rd, 2004 08:17 AM

Aw, I like those little furballs! :(


I watched LOST last night and, overall, thought it was pretty good. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep up with it. It's on Wednesday's, right?

Muffit October 3rd, 2004 10:11 AM

Aren't they my relatives?? ---> :muffit:

:D :D :D

BST October 3rd, 2004 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Muffit
Aren't they my relatives?? ---> :muffit:

:D :D :D

That's what I thought. They must be from the side of the family that wears clothes!

:LOL: ;)

Muffit October 3rd, 2004 11:49 AM

Are you saying I'm nakey??? I better hurry and close the drapes! I might get stalked by a coffee maker!!! :D

BST October 3rd, 2004 12:06 PM

hehehe :LOL:

thomas7g October 3rd, 2004 02:41 PM

daggits are so much cooler than ewoks!

skippercollecto October 9th, 2004 05:44 AM

on three weeks already
Well, Lost has been on the air for three weeks and it was in the top 10 programs for last week, and I am really surprised. Normally this type of program gets yanked quickly.
I am really enjoying the regular plotlines of this series; in fact, in each episode, at least once I've either held my breath or have jumped at something that's happened. And the characters have surprised me too with what they are doing.
However, the whole Godzilla/Jurassic Park/King Kong/Island of Dr. Moreau mystery plot is not to my liking. Normally I love science fiction/fantasy TV series, but Lost has so many other potential storylines (a la Swiss Family Robinson/Lord of the Flies/Gilligan's Island/Robinson Crusoe) that a monster just isn't needed.


warhammerdriver October 9th, 2004 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by thomas7g
And WHAT is running around in the jungle????

Prototype BattleMechs.

I'm hooked!

thomas7g October 14th, 2004 10:15 PM

Hehe! That idea did pop into my head :D

The last episode was reaaaaallly good! I liked it! And I love how the characters all have so much depth to them. They aren't obvious. You don't know who they will be. But you always get a wonderful surprise.

I think advertising this as a Jurassic park kind of island was a mistke. this is about surviving on an island. Kind of like the story we wish that reality show Survivor would have been. But instead of fake silly games, these people have hard choices.

This show is fast becoming one of the hits of the new season. And it deserves it. This is the first show in a long time that isn't the same old crap we are used to. Its got some reasl creativity and good writing going for it!


Rowan October 14th, 2004 10:26 PM

I watched the last 2 episodes (missed the first one) but I've been wondering about this "island" too. At first I thought it was another land of the lost idea or a jurasic park thing too, except that now I'm thinking these people are actually all dead they are not the ones that survived the crash. The prisoner goes free, the man who could not walk and wanted to go on a walkabout gets up and walks and goes and hunts down and kills a boar, the person who has issues with his father sees him, it's like everyone is either getting their wishes or getting to redem themselves it seems to be the consistent thread that is developing, I know weird idea. ;) :D

thomas7g October 14th, 2004 10:36 PM

So you think its like Sixth Sense? :LOL:

could be! The criminal fugitive gets free. The boy gets his dog. The father more time with his son.

I really thought Locke, the "colonel" was really a pathetic weirdo for awhile. But the way they revealed his handicap and his "miracle" in the middle of all that chaos, has won me over. I really like his character now! Its a complete 180 for me!

Rowan October 14th, 2004 11:36 PM

Well if it was a movie I would say yes but this is TV I don't think they will make it that out there although you never know. Thanks for adding those other points I forgot about the dog! ;) :D
I too had an about face with that character :D

thomas7g October 14th, 2004 11:44 PM

Ya know... we don't know WHY the plane went down. It could have been hit by a missle cause this is actually Chaos's hidden fortress! Look for Maxwell Smart and Agent 99 to save the day!


Rowan October 15th, 2004 12:03 AM

:LOL: Thomas !!

*sigh* I loved Get Smart!!! :D what a fun show!!

Stevew October 15th, 2004 05:40 PM

I have enjoyed it so far. When will we see what is making the trees move?

warhammerdriver October 16th, 2004 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Stevew
I have enjoyed it so far. When will we see what is making the trees move?

Soon I think. In the previews for next week's ep Locke tells the Doc (Jake?) he stared it in the face. Maybe we'll at least get a description.

Gemini1999 October 16th, 2004 10:43 PM

I missed "Lost" this week....

I was all hyped as it was postponed to a later time (10pm) due to the debates. I got to watch Smallville with a clear head knowing that I could watch Lost on the same night without taping or flipping channels.

I waited until 10pm, but the local Sacramento ABC afilliate thought that it was more important to show episodes of Wheel of Fortune and Jeapordy that were pre-empted from the 7-8pm hour. I never really knew when it was supposed to be on after that....

Was it any good? What happened? Someone please tell me....


Rowan October 16th, 2004 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Gemini1999
I missed "Lost" this week....

Was it any good? What happened? Someone please tell me....


I sent you a PM :D

Rowan October 16th, 2004 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Warrior
Is there a mini series called "Found"?

That way, we can have everything from Taken to Lost and Found!


thomas7g October 16th, 2004 11:51 PM

it was VERY good! I'm sorry you missed it.

This one was mostly on the guy called Locke who has that weird air about him. The one who made the whistle and caught the dog. It turns out he has ALOT of knives! And when they run out of food, Locke takes Kate and the black man to go boar hunting.

They showed his life prior to the flight. He was kind of a loser. He was a military wannabe working a unimportant desk cubicle job being harassed by his jerk boss. He also has a "girlfriend" named Helen who is revealed to be one of those 976 phonegirls. He is constantly getting VERY angry about being told what he can't do. They hide it until the last five minutes of the show when the camera reveals this man is handicaped and in a wheelchair!

His grand plan to go on an aussie "walkabout" to prove he can survive is shot to hell when the guide won't take him cause of his handicap. Then we see him flat on the back from the crash. While chaos is arround him, he is startled by his sudden ability to move his toes. Then his feet. Finally in a miracle he works his way to a standing position.

So the reason he is so weird is that he's still adjusting to this "miracle".


thomas7g October 17th, 2004 12:21 AM

That was pretty good D! :D:D

Stevew October 17th, 2004 06:41 AM

I hope so War It would be about time. I noticed they have not told any one about it as well

thomas7g October 17th, 2004 01:44 PM

I actually have less interest in seeing whatever that is. I mean I'm curious. But I don't want a lame weird storyline to suddenly take what is an exceptional writing and make it weird.


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