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Sept17th October 13th, 2005 11:48 PM

Battlestar Galactica: 14th Colony (Fan Film)
That is the working title, it may not survive the weekend which is when I hope to have the first draft script done. I am the Producer, writer, Cinematographer and casting agent. Most importantly I am the money around ten grand the last time I calculated and I am the sweat behind this. I have a great talent working the FX, I hope to reveal his identity soon.

I have much to get done, a labor of love. I will use this thread to see who can step up, to see who can help out. Perhaps the staff will sticky this for me.

…so stay tuned I’ll have a list up shortly. Thanks in advance!


ernie90125 October 14th, 2005 02:48 AM


Its great news that you're going to undertake this. I wish you the best of luck...

I'm also so impressed that you're will to spend a lot of money, it really shows commitment....

If I can help out at all, the offer is there. For example, reading your script drafts, whilst keeping them secret, and letting you know my feedback...that's something I'd be very willing to do...

I really wish you all the best on this......

PS Can I list your finished piece on the Battlestar Fanfilms website I'm proposing ?

Dawg October 14th, 2005 07:12 AM

Consider it stuck, Jon.


I am

KamikazeAthena October 14th, 2005 07:43 AM

Experienced actress has her own costumes, complete with helmet, and may be able to travel.

Just throwing that out there.... :)

Sept17th October 14th, 2005 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by KamikazeAthena
Experienced actress has her own costumes, complete with helmet, and may be able to travel.

Just throwing that out there.... :)

Excellent, where are you located just country or state? PM me if you will feel more comfortable.

This reminds me of a need for this project.

Colonial Warrior uniform patterns: I will explore having one of my theatre connections make costumes for me. I spent almost a thousand dollars on one warrior costume excluding helmet. I will do more exploring at Dewback Wing ASAP but I am not finding patterns.

The following two short paragraphs will be the focus and driving motivation for this effort.


Mission Statement

My goal really is starting around the beginning of 2007 we see the Next Chapter in Battlestar Galactica Fandom. A couple of fan made shorts that people start buzzing about. Threads about ideas, people hooking up and wanting in on the fun.

WE making the Battlestar Galactica films and telling the stories the studio won’t give us.

WE leaving our mark among genre fans doing some really great work that folks download and spread.

Perhaps start an underground phenomenon that spurs on the following chapter after that. Some day we’ll all look back at Big Al Col. Charybdis’ film as our Kobol.

Originally Posted by Dawg
We do that by coming up with short, original work starring ourselves and our talents. We do what the Star Trek and Star Wars fans did - there's a thriving culture of fan films in both of those universes. We need to reach that same level. They did not start with Walter Koenig in a guest-star role, they started with fans in cheap costumes with 8mm cameras and Beta video recorders.

Sept17th October 14th, 2005 09:52 PM

I’m extremely pleased to announce that our own rjandron is the FX producer for my fan film. He will be my main and first point of contact for issues FX related. He will put together the FX team. He will run the team, who does what, where and when.

For all you CGI/FX types looking to help out and get on board I will be asking you to coordinate with him starting next month after he has had a chance to read the draft script.

…now back to my Cylon solution, I’m finally making head way!

KamikazeAthena October 17th, 2005 07:41 AM

I live in California, near San Francisco. If things worked out for everyone, with some notice, I probably could be convinced to take a week off from work to do filming. What do I expect out of it? Well, nothing personally. But frankly I am tired of all these great Star Wars fan film and it is time we BSG Fans got our due! :salute:

I will also PM you with some contact info.

WarMachine October 17th, 2005 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by Sept17th
I’m extremely pleased to announce that our own rjandron is the FX producer for my fan film. He will be my main and first point of contact for issues FX related. He will put together the FX team. He will run the team, who does what, where and when.

For all you CGI/FX types looking to help out and get on board I will be asking you to coordinate with him starting next month after he has had a chance to read the draft script.

…now back to my Cylon solution, I’m finally making head way!

Doin' my part: Still here for advice.....

ernie90125 October 17th, 2005 08:09 AM


Your mission statement is certainly worthy of reading and supporting. I wish you all the best.

My offer of help, eg reading through your script and commenting etc always stands.

Furthermore, I've mentioned in threads you've participated in that I'm starting a website listing, reviewing and linking to all the BSG TOS fanfilms. When your production is complete, may I include it on my website ?

Once again, you have my best wishes, and please do keep us up to date !

Titon October 17th, 2005 10:09 AM

Good luck to Rj and Jon.


Sept17th October 18th, 2005 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by ernie90125

Your mission statement is certainly worthy of reading and supporting. I wish you all the best...I'm starting a website listing, reviewing and linking to all the BSG TOS fanfilms. When your production is complete, may I include it on my website ?

Absolutely, I hope for a short time my film is the crown jewel of your site. I say short time because I hope something comes along quickly that blows my film away


Originally Posted by Titon
Good luck to Rj and Jon.

I hope you consider jumping on board. :salute:


Originally Posted by KamikazeAthena
I I probably could be convinced to take a week off from work to do filming. What do I expect out of it? Well, nothing personally. But frankly I am tired of all these great Star Wars fan film and it is time we BSG Fans got our due! :salute:

Thanks, I'll keep you in the loop.

Sept17th October 25th, 2005 01:44 AM

All right boys and girls children of All ages this is fun. I turned in the first draft of the script to my FX producer and he did not laugh or tell me to slag off. A good sign, thank you RJ.

I spend a lot of time at work running fan film production details through my head. Don’t tell the boss. I smile most times lately like today…check with me when cameras roll to see how my mood is. There will be a lot happening this year. I won’t be as tight lipped as Tom DeSanto…no I have no illusions of grandeur thinking I’m a Tom DeSanto. I won’t be as open as Ron Moore letting everyone scrutinize every aspect of the production. Can’t let my plans for Adama the hermaphrodite get out in public. I will continue to keep people in the loop here and eventually elsewhere.

The next step is talking to folks, like on the phone while I’m back in the states. Work on the second draft and the fun stuff conceptual art. YEAH!

ernie90125 October 25th, 2005 03:47 AM

Thanks for keeping us updated............

I'm pleased things seem to be going well......

spcglider October 28th, 2005 03:48 PM

Sept 17th,

This is not me volunteering, but giving you a direct order.

When you have assembled your props list, you will send it to me and I will do whatever I can to help you fill it.

I have a full prop-shop at my disposal and can make up decent mock-ups as well as hero props depending on their camera proximity.


ernie90125 October 28th, 2005 04:37 PM


You're making a very generous offer to Sept17th, who in turn is working hard to provide us with something to enjoy. This is the spirit of Battlestar Galactica. This is the spirit of Colonial Fleets. This is the spirit of this fandom.

In a few posts you have shown this spirit clearly Gordon, and you're very very welcome here.

A while ago Don announced the direction of Fleets was towards creativity. I started a thread a little later about us all working together towards a common goal of a fan made/influenced Continuation

I'm, and I'm sure Don is, very pleased to see that some people, including a new member, are embracing this spirit and moving us all forward. This is great stuff....

ernie90125 October 28th, 2005 04:38 PM

Oh yeah.....what is a hero prop ?

spcglider October 28th, 2005 06:44 PM

All productions, in order to save money, will commission "beauty" or "hero" props. This is generally one or two really perfect versions of whatever it is they are looking for...especially if it's a gun or a hand-held prop that'll be seen close-up on screen. Have you ever wondered why most of the stuff in the Star Wars exibit looks like dookie? I mean aside from the fact that it's over 30 years old... its because none of that stuff was ever meant to be seen close-up. There's alot of things they get away with in film that will be more and more difficult as Hi Def comes into use.

Most of the background blasters on Galactica looked like felgercarbe. Once again, because they were never intended to be seen close up. If you look at the helmets sitting in the holder shelf at the back of the warriors quarters, you can see that some of them don't even have crests on them.

Anyway, if you're having a bunch of background extras, you don't need to equip every one of them with FullBores and a flawless blaster casting and a working computron. You can give them wooden blocks painted black and detailed with red gumdrops and silver mylar for computrons. The camera won't know the difference... and neither will the audience unless you blab about it. :)

If you go to and watch the "Tressaurian Intersection" act 1, you'll see a bunch of seeming "sets" that look like they've been torn to shreds. They're all miniatures. And not exceptionally detailed ones at that. I built them.

My wife and I are what we term "chronic helpers". We like to help people do cool stuff.

This could be cool stuff. As long as you make it so.

-Gordon :viper:

Sept17th October 29th, 2005 09:24 AM

Gordon, thanks for making that easier, it has been my intention to get in contact with you. At some point soon we’ll trade phone numbers and talk. I’ll be back in the United States November 1st for two weeks perhaps we should talk then.


Originally Posted by ernie90125

You're making a very generous offer to Sept17th, who in turn is working hard to provide us with something to enjoy. This is the spirit of Battlestar Galactica. This is the spirit of Colonial Fleets. This is the spirit of this fandom...

You are right man! I won't be working alone! For this film to happen it will take effort from the fans. One of the fun aspects of getting ready to do this is watching the great fan films out there. So please indulge some thoughts and web quoting.


my mantra, "you don't ask, you don't get" were words to live by. Many people were willing to help "Revelations". All we had to do was ask. Star Wars is beloved by many and instantly recognizable.

…my mantra, "You don't ask, you don't get" worked wonders. All I had to do was present to vendors what we were doing, show them the production value, and sometimes pay a little. But most of the time all you have to do is ask.
I believe those quotes come from Shane Felux the director or Dawn Cowings the producer of Star Wars: Revelations. Those will be words for me to live by as this progresses. I know we are fewer, I know we are just as passionate as Star Wars fans. Let’s show them all.


Similar fan films such as "Batman Dead End" spent around 30K for a 8min piece and fan trailers such as "Grayson" cost close to 17K for a 5min piece.
Also from the Revelations FAQ.

Like everyone reading this board I just can’t do that people. I’m just a regular family man. I learned a painful and valuable lesson about debt and living within ones means during college. I’ll grab from savings and spend as I go but clever elbow grease and volunteers will be needed to make up where cash is short.

While on the subject of Star Wars: Revelations it and IMPS: Relentless are the standard, the bar to reach and maybe surpass.

Another thought about a subject that comes up a lot regarding Fan Films: Actors. One of the few things Revelations gets bagged on about is the acting. Many articles mention it and on forums comments boarder on the hurtful and cruel. It’s not for lack of effort Felux I believe is from WV with Gina and Frank Hernandez coming from Jersey for a period over three years! The Hernandez couple’s acting resume is pretty stout and blows mine away. Frankly I don’t want to cast my self I want some one better who can fit into my warrior uniform. I’m not looking for the next Oscar winner but my goal is to get acting performances worthy of RJ’s special effects. Every speaking role will be auditioned I’m looking for actors first, looking and sounding the part, being fans of the franchise is almost irrelevant.

Last thoughts for today: What the hell is the film about? The first draft is barely dry and things will change and evolve a bit over the next six months. The time will come but not for now. It’s looking around twenty minutes. A fake movie trailer. Will the whole episode ever be shot? Maybe but I’ve committed to some else’s story first, yes there will be more than one Battlestar Galactica fan film. My story takes places some thirty years after Hand of God…I’ve seen the reaction of recasting Starbuck it aint pretty. We have talked much about continuation the film will be away to see what it might look like.

spcglider October 29th, 2005 09:56 AM

The first episode of Starship Exeter cost the guys about 20K. But you'd be amazed how easy it is to scrape together 20K a few bucks at a time. As long as you have the time to make it part of your normal spending habits. Sell stuff on ebay, have a bake sale, a garage sale, whatever. Get a seed and keep watering it.

The other thing is to WRITE CHEAP. I've seen some pretty fantastic digital models of the galactica interiors out there. Using a green-screen (available on eBay of all places for a truly fair dollar investment) is a perfect way to keep costs down.

The fact is this: You WILL NOT have a full scale Viper to use in your shots. BUT you CAN manage enough (couple hundred bucks) to build a very nice replica cockpit that can be gimabled and such for close up shots. That sort of thing goes a long way.

Another thing to consider: Apollo and Starbuck aren't the only warriors on board the Galactica. In fact, we never even SAW Red Squadron during the run of the show. What... were they on the "night shift" or something? You could do whole episodes starring the entire "evening crew" of the Galactica. If you really want a tie to the real show, have Commander Adama appear on the screen and give some orders with a voice-over. Or Tigh, or whomever. You could probably get Richard Hatch to do a few lines for you at a convention in front of a small green screen. He could appear on a monitor and even interact with your actors. But keep it VERY breif. And be prepared to pay him a stipend or even a full hour's rate. It would be worth the investment for the realism it would bring to your show. (Remember when George Takei appeared in a fan film of Star Trek back in the late 1970's?)

Oh yeah... and try to keep your cast SMALL. I know everybody wants to get in front of the camera in a fan film and hey... why not? They're free. But the fact is, if someone commits to be in the show, they have to COMMIT. They have to realize they are NEEDED to get the project done. There will be hours of tedium and boredom waiting around for everyone else to get their stuff ready so the camera can roll. Don't let anyone get all excited about being in it and then duck out because they aren't feeling like they are the star.

You will also be having to shoot more than one day. PERIOD. Get that through eveybody's head. They will ALL have to be available on numerous dates for shooting and such. Its a long-term commitment. That means not only the actors, but the camera guy and the lighting guy and the set construction guys and make-up guy and script prompter guy and production assistant guy... you know EVERYBODY. Its really a pisser when everybody shows up except for the camera guy and nobody can get a hold of him because he's sleeping off a bender.
In short: NO, its' not too much to ask people to act professionally even if they are volunteers. But you have to stress that from the very first minute... BEFORE they commit. They have to know what's expected of them.

Blah blah blah. I sure can pontificate, can't I?


ernie90125 October 29th, 2005 11:50 AM

Is your storyline that of The Second Coming ? Can you descibe your basic story outline ?

Does anyone know the name or where we can see the fanfilm starring George Takei ? Its often mentioned, so it would be great to learn/see more.

I never intend to make hurtful comments about fan's work. I'd like to think everyone here on Fleets encourages others to fulfill their potential. But it is fan's acting that often is the let down compared to professional productions. You're wise to hold auditions.

I'm not sure that Richard would accept a role in a fanfilm, as to not upset his current employers. I also understand Dirk has been asked but declined. However, perhaps others would be worth asking ? Terry Carter and Anne Lockhart have a reputation for hearing fans out....maybe if BSG fans have one major production achievement, they might be prepared to consider being in a second ?

I absolutely agree with the advice of Gordon about writing cheap. I'd also advise a priority list of scenes, so you're not stuck if you can't get one scene. Plan B and alternate avenues should be well planned.

I'm looking forwards to reading here and on your blog of any updates........

Darrell Lawrence October 29th, 2005 12:06 PM

Costumes needed, aka pre-made?

spcglider October 29th, 2005 12:30 PM

It would be a great help if donated the USE of uniforms for the film. Damaged uniforms would be purchased and pristine uniforms would be returned for sale. They could even market them as "screen used" in a fan film. If the film turns out well, it could be a great selling point. Or perhaps for a credit (a really BIG one), might cut you a deal on the uniforms or perhaps sell you un-adorned uniforms and you could sew on your own braid and supply your own patches and insignia. It certainly would help the overall look of the film to have the uniforms be all the same shade of tan and made from the same materials. Everybody has their own idea of what that tan color (or blue color) is. So I dont think I've ever seen two fan uniforms look exactly the same in the same lighting.

Of course, the best thing would be to find actors who are willing to foot the bill for their own uniforms!

As for getting the stars to participate, that's the main reason why I suggested that they appear solo on a monitor giving instructions or warnings or "be careful out there"s. That way, they are somewhat removed from the actual production and in the event that the film is somehow embarrassing to them, they can easily say "they caught me in a generous moment at a con" and distance themselves from the embarrassment.

I think names were more willing to do this sort of thing before the internet. usually fan films were only ever seen late at night in a private room at a convention. Now they can be seen by anyone anywhere anytime.

I'm sure you'll have to promise to leave their names out of it. No promoting your film with "STARRING: ANNE 'SHEBA' LOCKHEART". That would be bad. But as a little treat for the fans, it would be a really cool thing. Of course, you'd have to figure out how to help them avoid being approached by every fan out there who's contemplating making a film... that could get tiring really fast.

But hey, Richard's an actor. So's Dirk. And Anne and Terry. If you talk with their agents and pay them their day rate, maybe they'd consider it seriously. I mean, Richard doesn't have anything to crow about when it comes to the quality of films he's been in (did you see any of his stuff from the mid-80's?). Just a matter of making it business. Looks like another bake sale to me.

Remember: jus because it's a fan film doesn't mean that it can't operate like a professional one.


ernie90125 October 29th, 2005 12:42 PM


I'm sure you'll have to promise to leave their names out of it. No promoting your film with "STARRING: ANNE 'SHEBA' LOCKHEART". That would be bad.
Why ?????

I'm totally polar opposite to this view. Firstly, I think your obliged morally (and possibly legally?) to credit appropriately. (with their consent of course)

Secondly that would be a MAJOR plus to a fanfilm. Just look at the references the Sulu Fanfilm still gets all these many many years later. Any other fanfilm from that long ago has been forgotten - that Star Trek one is still talked about even on a Battlestar Galactica messageboard !

It would also help us give a clear signal as a fanbase of how serious we are...and how dedicated we, and the original cast are, to getting a Continuation. The Second Coming didn't miss of its strongest asset in the credits......nor did the Space1999 production...or the Star Wars production that the had original cast members in....'ve given great advice and support....but I am of a polar opposite opinion to you on that one. In a big way.

spcglider October 29th, 2005 01:10 PM

No offense taken. ;)

First off, I haven't seen the George Takei fan I don't know if he's been actually credited or not. But once again, that film was made back in the 1970's before there was an internet. I was unaware that any of the Star Wars stars had been involved with fan productions... I don't like Star Wars so I avoid watching their fan films as often as possible. :barf:

There are myriad reasons why you may not legally be able to promote your film that way.

First, there may be SAG (Screen Actor's Guild) rules that prevent it. There may be contractual obligations between the actor and their agent that prevent it. The studio may take umbrage that you're playing in their sandbox and prevent it. Perhaps, just maybe the actors themselves wouldn't desire it. :no:

I may not have been clear in my ramblings above, though, so your opposition may be based on my mushy explanation. If you HIRE Richard or Dirk or Anne or Terry or Larry or Noah or Eve the Chimp for that matter, and actually pay their day-rate and all that goes with it, you have the right and obligation to credit them in your film. If they do it for you as a lark or a favor or just out of the goodness of their hearts, it would be completely up to them and their agent and the rules of the union how to apply the credit. Some actors might not want to have their name on a fan film. I can't imagine that it would harm their career, but some might not want it for their own reasons.

Also, if Anne Lockheart (for an example) appears in your 20 minute film for a total of 1 minute on a non-synched video screen and says "Congratulations warriors! You've successfully completed your mission!" you wouldn't necessarily want to oversell her involvement. "Special Guest Star" maybe... "Reprising their role as" possibly...but STARRING? I'm sure there are SAG rules about that too. But then again, I've never talked with Anne about this subject (or any other)... maybe she'd WANT to be labelled as the STAR. :)

Its just a matter of being careful is all I'm saying. Most studios are pretty liberal about allowing fans to make films like this... but you have to get REAL intimate with the unspoken rules of "gong too far". The problem is that it's a sliding scale. What's okay with Lucasfilm or Paramount might NOT be okay with Universal. And depending on who it is in the legal department who discovers your fan film, you might be okay or you might be declared an "enemy of the state" and get a cease and desist order.

This probably didn't help at all. Did it?


ernie90125 October 29th, 2005 05:08 PM


Your response now more directly addresses the issue you were wanting to discuss.

The best way of tackling any original cast endevours, is by asking them. Then the ball is in their court. Your second post far more clearly makes your point, than your first which just said we shouldn't and it would be bad. Your second post is now much more clear. We should ask them, and with that I 100% agree.

Interestingly, I have heard from an excellent source, that Universal no longer holds the likeness rights and therefore individual agreements with people must be made to do stuff. Except from old stock photos etc. So that is a mjor ball back in the cast's court. And Larson holds the theatrical a fair amount of BSG's future is out of Universal's hands.

Universal could shut down anything they wanted classic BSG related at any time. They could send a cease and desist to this site for the use of artwork - captured or remade. They choose not to do this, and I understand the general rule is not to make a profit, and things should be OK.

What we need to do, is mount a the cast and world how serious we are, and then see what people's reaction is. If I was a cast member, I wouldn't come onboard until I saw real results and chances of success.

So the first ball is in our court, and I salute Sept17th for having the guts and 'get up and go' to start it rolling....

Sept17th October 30th, 2005 03:36 AM

The subject has come up. Firstly the film will not hinge in any way for a TOS actor to perform. The film will have to be nearly done and sent with any request. How a TOS actor would be credited would be up to the actor.

ernie90125 October 30th, 2005 03:55 AM

Exactly the right angle to take my view....

spcglider October 30th, 2005 08:48 AM

You're right. I simply assumed that a cast member might not want to be credited. If I were an actor from the original show I would probably want to go uncredited just to avoid any legal troubles that might remain unforseen.

And yes... I applaud Sept17th as well. I'll really make a hoopla when his project is well and truly underway. :salute:

And please, PLEASE don't infer from my "playing devils' advocate" that I am poo-pooing the effort in the least (not that I'm accusing you of that.. I'm not). We DO need more of this sort of thing. Its part of what makes the internet and fandom an interesting place to hang out. :)

Jeebus it's difficult to get intent across sometimes in written form!!! :blink:

I love the English language, but sometimes it's frustrating!


Sept17th October 30th, 2005 09:35 AM

Gordon, you and Ernie are making very good points and your passion for TOS material is clear. We'll be having some great fun over the next year. :salute:

Sept17th November 11th, 2005 04:08 PM

An Example of Help/Support
An Example of Help/Support

I just got back from packing and shipping off my Colonial Warrior uniform to friend for use in his fan film project. With boots, blaster and holster the ensemble runs around $1,000 not including shipping. A lot of money from just regular working folk will go into the Battlestar Galactica: 14th Colony film, it’s looking like $15,000. A copyrighted property none of us can profit from. We do it for the passion we have toward franchise.

As this project rolls on there will be things needed. I hope those who share the passion and believe in what we are doing will help.

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