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Flamingo Girl May 10th, 2003 03:43 PM

BG-04: The Long Patrol
While patrolling in the prototype Recon Viper #1 (with the new C.O.R.A. computer system), Lieutenant Starbuck has his ship stolen and is incarcerated in a case of mistaken identity in a strage prison where the inmates serve time for crimes committed by their ancestors.

Series stars; Richard Hatch as Apollo, Dirk Benedict as Starbuck, Herb Jefferson Jr. as Boomer, Lorne Greene as Adama, Terry Carter as Colonel Tigh, Maren Jensen as Athena, Tony Swartz as Jolly, Laurette Spang as Cassiopia, Noah Hathaway as Boxey, Sarah Rush as Rigel, David Greenan as Omega, and John Colicos as Baltar.

Guest starring James Whitmore, Jr. as Robber, Ted Gehring as Croad, Sean McClory as Assault, Arlene Martel as Adulteress, Ian Ambercrombie as Forger, Robert Hathaway as Enforcer, Nancy DeCarl as Slayer, and Cathy Paine as the Voice of C.O.R.A.

(Thanks to Michael Faries Battlestar

Senmut July 12th, 2003 12:56 PM

Since the Colonials encounter places they know of after passing through the asteroid duct cloud, this ep should have been put towards the end of the show. Say sometime after MORS. It would have made more sense that way, but Hades Hole...Networks!

kingfish July 20th, 2003 02:32 PM

This is one of the best 1 hour episodes of the entire series. Starbuck also shined in the romance department by romancing both Athena and Cassiopeia at the same time. What made the scene believable is that none of them had their clothes off. You can do sex with class and have more by showing less. Arlene Martel who played the Adulteress also was T'Pring in TOS Trek. I read that in the novelization Robber was a female who latter took the name Roberta. The audience even was shown what a Sixth Millenia fighter ship looked like. BG had its moments and this episode was definately one of them

Charybdis July 21st, 2003 10:00 AM

This episode is very interesting. It shows Apollo and Boomer in a heated gunfight with a human being. I don't believe they ever did that in the rest of the series.

Also, as someone mentioned, if they were entering a part of space beyond their own galaxy, then why were there old penal colonies out there?? If no one from the colonies had ever gone that far out, then there shouldn't have even been the Proteus prison and the manufacturing plant for ambrosia...

kingfish July 21st, 2003 12:39 PM

Take The Celestra
This is the only other episode in which we see humans shooting at humans. There was also laser blasts ------------------ instead of the usual muzzle flashes.

Charybdis July 22nd, 2003 10:10 AM

You're right!
I forgot, in Take the Celestra, Apollo and Starbuck have to draw their weapons on the Celestra mutineers...I always thought that it was quite interesting that in situations when the argument was getting heated up, it was usually our heroes who drew their weapons first!!!!!

In Saga, Boomer draws his blaster on the security guard outside of Sire Uri's room. In Living Legend, it's Apollo and Boomer again drawing their weapons on the Silver Spar squadron!!!

What's up with this???

Charybdis July 22nd, 2003 10:15 AM

Oh, I think I forgot that in Greetings from Earth, they draw their blasters on the Security guys in the landing bay!!!!

shiningstar August 15th, 2003 01:07 PM

I think you are right about this episode belonging closer to
the end of the show Senmut

jewels September 10th, 2003 08:45 PM

I think I know how the logic works on the "leaving their star system" thing. Early in the war, the distant penal colony lost contact with the Colonies (remember the 500 yr. old + ambrosa?). This would mean that no one living at the time of the Cylon Holocaust had been to Proteus or her system.

Just a thought.

originalsinner September 11th, 2003 08:46 PM

A Laser bowl and Laser gun fight vs Nomen in "The man with nine lives" and "Baltar Escapes"

skippercollecto September 12th, 2003 03:54 PM

Actually, I think the term is "laser boll," meaning a capsule, such as in cotton boll or boll weevil.

shiningstar October 3rd, 2003 08:18 PM

I agree With that. CLASS is something that BSG had
Plenty of ........while the 'remake' is simply FULL of "IT"
(and I don't mean CLASS)

Charybdis November 15th, 2003 04:55 PM

Gotta love the ORIGINAL Starbuck...
If you want a great episode to showcase the true Starbuck, this is it!!!!

It's got the love interest scenes (fantastic!), hot shot flying, CORA, and the Proteus prison scene.

Anyone watching this episode will see why they royally screwed up with this new mini and what they did to OUR Starubuck!!!!

dru November 18th, 2003 03:13 AM

Just watched this one last night. CORA wasn't as annoying as I remembered but I was not quite five when I first fell for BSG back in '78-I even still have my Mattel toys.

At the end, when Starbuck corrects Boxy's map drawing, I sighed with annoyance how that clearly called for further investigation of what the map was or any other "history" which might have shed light on the 13th tribe. Also viewers saw what appeared to be a very old Viper design (noticed Larson reused the joystick in Buck Rogers). Unfortunately that opportunity to learn more about the early centuries of the war and Colonial history that was lost for the viewers. That's an opportunity for depth that could have been mined in return to the Galactica universe or storyline. Sadly, the moved out of there fast at the end of the episode.

This is a great one hour episode and good Starbuck feature.

Charybdis November 18th, 2003 06:12 AM

Good point...
There is so much to see and learn about ancient Colonial history with these early episodes, but unfortunately, the premise of the show with the Cylons in hot pursuit forces them to quickly leave the scene. It was a double-edged sword.

But the writers could have bought them a little time at each stop, no?

silverspar November 28th, 2003 05:28 PM

starbuck gets out of the prison and meets apollo and boomer, first words out of starbucks mouth :

"guess what, this place is piled high, , , , , ,with ambrosia, (happy gleeful look) we're rich!!!!!!"

boomer shakes his head at apollo, "can you believe this guy?"

shiningstar January 5th, 2004 04:38 PM

LOL Silverspar I forgot about that line!

Darth Marley January 16th, 2004 03:35 AM

Re: spelling

Originally posted by skippercollecto
Actually, I think the term is "laser boll," meaning a capsule, such as in cotton boll or boll weevil.

I always thought it was a "bola."

The bola is another field-expedient weapon that is easy to make (Figure 12-7). It is especially effective for capturing running game or low-flying fowl in a flock. To use the bola, hold it by the center knot and twirl it above your head. Release the knot so that the bola flies toward your target. When you release the bola, the weighted cords will separate. These cords will wrap around and immobilize the fowl or animal that you hit.

bsg1fan1975 January 16th, 2004 05:22 AM

I loved the line where C.O.R.A. informs Starbuck that the amborsa has gone up in flames. I laugh every time.

shiningstar January 18th, 2004 04:03 PM

I remember that well Bsg1fan1975! LOL!

LucianG January 22nd, 2004 09:38 AM

I think Darth Marley's correct on the bola, though in the show, it sounded to me as if they'd shortened it to "bole" to make it sound like the earth term but different, like year and yahren, etc.

Darth Marley, just noticed you're from Nashville! I often claim it as my hometown, though I was raised and my parents still live about 45 minutes south of town. I lived in town for several years while attending VU.

WARDAGGIT73 February 14th, 2004 11:15 AM

* to 4****

More filler, neither the best nor the worst of the early episodes...

Aeneas February 25th, 2004 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by WARDAGGIT73

More filler, neither the best nor the worst of the early episodes...

I dunno, it's one of my favorites. In fact it's my second favorite 1 hr ep(behind "Lost Warrior"). The dialogue alone make this one a classic.

ADULTRESS: What of offense is "Star-buckin'"? Sounds interesting.

STARBUCK: It's not an offense... it's a name!

FORGER: [laughing] There one in the same, boy!!

ADULTRESS:[also laughing] I wonder if our ORIGINAL SINNERS were as ignorant as this one!!

STARBUCK: [confused] "Original Sinners?"

ASSAULT: [matter of fact helpful] Yes, our ancestors. The ones who were first sentenced here.

STARBUCK: [astonished] You're in prison for crimes committed by your ancestors?!

FORGER: [indignant] Well at least we're not an original sinner like you !!

shiningstar February 25th, 2004 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Aeneas
I dunno, it's one of my favorites. In fact it's my second favorite 1 hr ep(behind "Lost Warrior"). The dialogue alone make this one a classic.

ADULTRESS: What of offense is "Star-buckin'"? Sounds interesting.

STARBUCK: It's not an offense... it's a name!

FORGER: [laughing] There one in the same, boy!!

ADULTRESS:[also laughing] I wonder if our ORIGINAL SINNERS were as ignorant as this one!!

STARBUCK: [confused] "Original Sinners?"

ASSAULT: [matter of fact helpful] Yes, our ancestors. The ones who were first sentenced here.

STARBUCK: [astonished] You're in prison for crimes committed by your ancestors?!

FORGER: [indignant] Well at least we're not an original sinner like you !!

This was one of my favorite scenes of the ep! I thought the way Starbuck
interacted with the inmates was fantastic! :thumbsup:

Aeneas February 25th, 2004 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by shiningstar
This was one of my favorite scenes of the ep! I thought the way Starbuck
interacted with the inmates was fantastic! :thumbsup:

How's about this one...

STARBUCK: You mean all the cell doors are like this one?

ASSAULT: They haven't worked in..generations.

STARBUCK: Then why don't you come out?

FORGER:[frightened] NO NO NO!!!

ADULTRESS: We're PRISONERS!!! Our fathers were prisoners; our mothers were prisoners. It is the way of the universe!

STARBUCK:[outraged] FELGERCARB!! You have rights! You're HUMAN BEINGS!! Look, if you wanna spend the rest of your lives in an Ambrosa stupor that's fine, but... What about your children?

FORGER: Well, they will contribute as we have... making Ambrosa for the Colonial Warriors!

STARBUCK[really p.o.'ed at trying to reason with a bunch of drunks] ALL THE AMBROSA HERE IS AGING OUT ON THE LOADING DOCKS!!! The Colonies long ago forgot thes penal asteroids existed. Probably thought they were lost early in the War.

CROAD[arriving with a squad of Enforcers] He lies!

STARBUCK; Yeah? Well when was the last time a Colonial freighter docked here?

CROAD[p.o.'ed] Silence him. {Enforcer fires into cell just as Starbuck nick of timely ducks back in}

STARBUCK: You're wasting your lives! You haven't helped the Colonies; just kept the Enforcers in power.

ASSAULT:[opening his cell behind Croad, curious and angered at this prospect] YOU DAGGITS!!


ASSAULT[having none of it] IS IT?! IS WHAT HE SAYS TRUE?!!

CROAD: He's a dirty lying bootlegger!!

STARBUCK[rising like a king to parlay the news]: I...AM A COLONIAL WARRIOR!!! :salute:

{throughout the cellblock}: WARRIOR... A WARRIOR...WARRIOR

{various cell doors opening--Croad and his men are surrounded}

ADULTRESS[angrily]: Show us the Loading Dock, Croad!!!

{all hell breaks loose}

shiningstar February 26th, 2004 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Aeneas
How's about this one...

STARBUCK: You mean all the cell doors are like this one?

ASSAULT: They haven't worked in..generations.

STARBUCK: Then why don't you come out?

FORGER:[frightened] NO NO NO!!!

ADULTRESS: We're PRISONERS!!! Our fathers were prisoners; our mothers were prisoners. It is the way of the universe!

STARBUCK:[outraged] FELGERCARB!! You have rights! You're HUMAN BEINGS!! Look, if you wanna spend the rest of your lives in an Ambrosa stupor that's fine, but... What about your children?

FORGER: Well, they will contribute as we have... making Ambrosa for the Colonial Warriors!

STARBUCK[really p.o.'ed at trying to reason with a bunch of drunks] ALL THE AMBROSA HERE IS AGING OUT ON THE LOADING DOCKS!!! The Colonies long ago forgot thes penal asteroids existed. Probably thought they were lost early in the War.

CROAD[arriving with a squad of Enforcers] He lies!

STARBUCK; Yeah? Well when was the last time a Colonial freighter docked here?

CROAD[p.o.'ed] Silence him. {Enforcer fires into cell just as Starbuck nick of timely ducks back in}

STARBUCK: You're wasting your lives! You haven't helped the Colonies; just kept the Enforcers in power.

ASSAULT:[opening his cell behind Croad, curious and angered at this prospect] YOU DAGGITS!!


ASSAULT[having none of it] IS IT?! IS WHAT HE SAYS TRUE?!!

CROAD: He's a dirty lying bootlegger!!

STARBUCK[rising like a king to parlay the news]: I...AM A COLONIAL WARRIOR!!! :salute:

{throughout the cellblock}: WARRIOR... A WARRIOR...WARRIOR

{various cell doors opening--Croad and his men are surrounded}

ADULTRESS[angrily]: Show us the Loading Dock, Croad!!!

{all hell breaks loose}

What I really liked was the look on their faces when they saw the Ambrosia and
then the cylons coming at them .................. Good thing they Consumed all that
ambrosia ...........I think it really helped keep them from panicking

Antelope March 5th, 2004 01:33 PM

From what I read of proposed Colonial history it would not be an issue to run into such a place as Proteus when they did. From what I read the colonials have been at war with the cylons for nearly 1,000 yahrn prior to "Saga of A Star World". As we can tell from this episode and things said in the Pegasus episode it appears that over time the cylons have been slowly wearing down and defeating the colonials prior to the start of TOS. Over time it appears the area controlled or allied with the colonials has dramatically shrunk. It would appear to me that all the human settlements reached by the Galactica prior to their arrival in the Terra system are remnants of the old colonial sphere prior to their long term reversals at the hands of the cylons.

Such a history also makes "Saga of A Star World" a more plausible episode. If as it appears the cylons have been winning the war over time it is quite understandable that many in the colonies would be greatful to accept the cylon terms for peace in the belief that it was only a matter of time before they ultimately lost the war. At least in the minds of the colonials at the time of the false armistice they would feel like they were negotiating from a position of relative strength compared to what position they expected to face in coming yahrens.

It would also explain some reason why the colonials lost touch with Earth, Terra, and/or any other human civilizations. As a result of war the colonials have become isolated into an ever shrinking sphere of contact for at least 1,000 yahrn. This episode at least says that some humans with contact with colonial populations still knew where Earth was at least as late as 400-500 yahrn ago.

shiningstar March 5th, 2004 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by kingfish
This is one of the best 1 hour episodes of the entire series. Starbuck also shined in the romance department by romancing both Athena and Cassiopeia at the same time. What made the scene believable is that none of them had their clothes off. You can do sex with class and have more by showing less. Arlene Martel who played the Adulteress also was T'Pring in TOS Trek. I read that in the novelization Robber was a female who latter took the name Roberta. The audience even was shown what a Sixth Millenia fighter ship looked like. BG had its moments and this episode was definately one of them

I liked this episode also. I think that Starbuck going after Cassiopia and
Athena was a classic. I can't blame the matrie'de for admiring his gall at
doing that. :D

shiningstar March 5th, 2004 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by kingfish
This is the only other episode in which we see humans shooting at humans. There was also laser blasts ------------------ instead of the usual muzzle flashes.

I remember the firefight in the episode.

THe line "'Starbucking what type of crime is Starbuckin?" that was a classic.

shiningstar March 5th, 2004 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Charybdis
I forgot, in Take the Celestra, Apollo and Starbuck have to draw their weapons on the Celestra mutineers...I always thought that it was quite interesting that in situations when the argument was getting heated up, it was usually our heroes who drew their weapons first!!!!!

In Saga, Boomer draws his blaster on the security guard outside of Sire Uri's room. In Living Legend, it's Apollo and Boomer again drawing their weapons on the Silver Spar squadron!!!

What's up with this???

WEll if they hadn't they probably would have been killed by the mutineers.

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