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toltec1 December 31st, 2002 06:14 PM

Worst thing that ever happened to Galactica?
Surely isn't the Moore interpretation of BSG.

Go back and read the absolutely god awful garbage spewed out by Maximum Press Studios in the form of a comic book back in the early 90's. 1993 I think.

Think Moore is bad?

Rob Liefeld should be lynched.

Thomas P January 1st, 2003 08:21 AM

That last sentence would be a valid post all by itself. ;)

toltec1 January 1st, 2003 10:21 AM


Originally posted by Dennis
That last sentence would be a valid post all by itself. ;)


I have the misfortune of knowing the little megalomanaic. THe guy is a complete whack job in the head.

Being a penciller myself, I did a "comic" about Rob and sent it to him anon.

I understand he threw a 2 year old style temper tantrum when he read it.

SS1 January 1st, 2003 10:26 AM

Re: Worst thing that ever happened to Galactica?

Originally posted by Dark Overlord
Surely isn't the Moore interpretation of BSG.
Oh Yes it is.


[i] Go back and read the absolutely god awful garbage spewed out by Maximum Press Studios in the form of a comic book back in the early 90's. 1993 I think.[/B]
I've read it and I agree that the story is on the week side but not all that horrible. It does not nearly come as close as being bad as RDM's script.
What I didn't like about that comic series was the terrible artwork. Starbuck looked liked Fabio, Baltar was bulit like a super Villian and alot of of others flaws that would take a page or 2 to explain.


[i] Think Moore is bad?.[/B]
I think his script is bad.


[i] Rob Liefeld should be lynched. [/B]
I'd rather see Liefeld's vision as a mini series rather than Moore's narrow vision.

Nice Try DarkOverLord!

crash4587 January 1st, 2003 10:48 AM

Try Paul Tigh
the bitter drunk, this makes me puke, I know enough bitter drunks,I don't need to see one on BG

toltec1 January 1st, 2003 10:52 AM

Re: Re: Worst thing that ever happened to Galactica?

Originally posted by Scooter2000
I've read it and I agree that the story is on the week side but not all that horrible. It does not nearly come as close as being bad as RDM's script.

I think you need to go back and re read it then. My 8 year old could write a better story.

Find earth, no civilization there, some pyramid looking thingy with suspended humanoids in it, time travel back to the day of the attack, try to reset everything, blah.....

Not all that horrible? I guess if you don't mind a steaming pile of dog crap in the middle of the living room floor.


What I didn't like about that comic series was the terrible artwork. Starbuck looked liked Fabio, Baltar was bulit like a super Villian and alot of of others flaws that would take a page or 2 to explain.
There was a lot more wrong than just the juvenile attempts at "art".


I'd rather see Liefeld's vision as a mini series rather than Moore's narrow vision.

Nice Try DarkOverLord!

Okay, I almost took you seriously for a moment. Liefeld's "vision" would have fans attacking the network with chain saws. There is nothing in that steaming pile of crap worth wasting a mini series on.

Nice try.

toltec1 January 1st, 2003 11:25 AM

Re: Try Paul Tigh

Originally posted by crash4587
the bitter drunk, this makes me puke, I know enough bitter drunks,I don't need to see one on BG

yeah, that was pretty bad.

Which is why I brought up Liefeld's "vision" No matter how bad you think things are, they can be worse. :)

KJ January 1st, 2003 12:10 PM

Why bring up Liefeld work now? Wasn't Marvel work on BG hated more by fans. Liefeld stuff started to suck royal during "Journey End" storyline i grant you and he is still hated within the comic book fan community with a vengence but why bring up the Liefeld beef now? If anything the guy was praised in the letter pages of the MP comics the world over for doing the Maximum press stuff.

Don't get me wrong, you are right about the guy. He as a person and his business relationships have always been brought into question? But the universal hate is something i wouldn't get into, dislike maybe, why the strong bitterness? wasn't the Realm Press work also talked about with certain negative feelings also by people and fans?

Whats up? Dark Overlord :(


dah66 January 1st, 2003 12:27 PM

Well, I think the worst thing that ever happened to Galactica was its initial cancellation!

peter noble January 1st, 2003 12:54 PM

Re: the Maximum Press comic series, Rob is a fan and you can tell through the series it's written by fans of the series.

I didn't like the reimagined uniforms and vipers and Lucifer but it did have that sense of being Galactica for me.

I did like that Apollo and Sheba had a son called Cain and the artwork by Hector Gomez was nice.

The best story was the one Richard wrote. :)

The Marvel series is the most professional job but it failed to intergrate events from the series into it like Sheba coming aboard.

The Realm Press series was wonderfully painted but the whole operation was amateurish.


michaelfaries January 1st, 2003 05:56 PM


Originally posted by dah66
Well, I think the worst thing that ever happened to Galactica was its initial cancellation!
Bingo. Well said, Dave.


michaelfaries January 1st, 2003 05:57 PM


Originally posted by peter noble
The Realm Press series was wonderfully painted but the whole operation was amateurish.
As someone who was there, I concur. ;)


SS1 January 1st, 2003 08:04 PM

Re: Re: Re: Worst thing that ever happened to Galactica?

Originally posted by Dark Overlord

I think you need to go back and re read it then. My 8 year old could write a better story.

Find earth, no civilization there, some pyramid looking thingy with suspended humanoids in it, time travel back to the day of the attack, try to reset everything, blah.....

Not all that horrible? I guess if you don't mind a steaming pile of dog crap in the middle of the living room floor.

okay, I almost took you seriously for a moment. Liefeld's "vision" would have fans attacking the network with chain saws. There is nothing in that steaming pile of crap worth wasting a mini series on.

I only read the first mini series I didn't get as far as the time travel story.
Never the less, it does sound like a bad story but not as bad as Moore's script.

Also you quote:

"Not all that horrible? I guess if you don't mind a steaming pile of dog crap in the middle of the living room floor."

The only steaming pile of dog crap that I can smell is Moore's script and believe me if it ever gets made it wont be in my living room because it is that unwatchable.

January 2nd, 2003 01:20 AM

I hated Leifield's style and his little Maximum Press-gang that emulated it.

That said at least his (bad) stories acknowledged the original series and did present some odd ideas.

I should try and pick them up and the ones from Realms (which I never saw, ever)

Anyone think of any good places to grab the back issues?

peter noble January 2nd, 2003 04:43 AM

AslanC, try or Ebay.


KJ January 2nd, 2003 12:54 PM

Speaking of the comics, when will Galactica get a comic book out? i want someone to finally get it right, either DC or it's Wildstorm imprint should get the copyrights to do the comics and revive BG once again in the comic book format. I would also like to so see the Technical Journal the Realm Press couldn't get off the ground be in print or get out to the fans in some fashon or other.

Two Battlestar Galactica related things that should happen.

1) New ongoing series!

2) Cross Section Technical Journal released finally!


Apothis January 2nd, 2003 01:35 PM

I think the worse thing that happen to Battlestar Galalctica was when Glen Larson agreed to doing Galactica 1980 the way the network wanted it done. I think he should have fought harder to get the show he wanted. He sold Galactica's soul for a quick buck and we are still paying for it today.

SS1 January 2nd, 2003 08:50 PM

Holy Sh*t A first time for everything

Originally posted by Apothis
I think the worse thing that happen to Battlestar Galalctica was when Glen Larson agreed to doing Galactica 1980 the way the network wanted it done. I think he should have fought harder to get the show he wanted. He sold Galactica's soul for a quick buck and we are still paying for it today.
I never thought the day would come when Apothis would say something so good and something I would agree on.

Yes Galactica 1980 is being thrown back in our faces for reasons not to do a continuation by people like Ronald D Moore, Bonnie Hammer and some Trekfans that are blindly following Moore's vision.

Well put Apothis.:thumbsup:

KJ January 3rd, 2003 01:35 AM

Whats happening to Galactica now is the worse thing, not being revived as a continuation and being made into a crappy remake, No extras packed, uncut episodes DVD set? no media coverage in shows like ET or mentioned by industry folk? A sleeping giant of a franchise being treated like Rodney Dangerfield, No respect whatsoever!

All this adds to Galactica's destruction for good, if not attended to?

vmnjn January 3rd, 2003 06:53 AM

I agree that the worst thing to happen to BG was its initial cancelation.

However, BG was a source of constant struggle and internal shakeups. The departure of Colla and his grand Battlestar fleet being one of the first of many "changes" in BG. It seems that many scifi shows suffer from "too many chiefs."

The various attempts to resurrect BG can be considered bad things too, in a way. Instead of creating one path that fans can rally behind or despise. The various comics, books, and even Hatch's courageous efforts have overloaded the continuity and relatively small fan base.

BG lacks the recent Star Wars liscences that insist on maintaining continuity. While some of the Star Wars work has hardly been good, it does not have the blatant conflicts rampant in Star Trek's continuity. I would prefer that BG would maintain one storyline but most of the "liscensed" works conflict to almost a Star Trek degree.

Moore's vision is merely another nail in the coffin of BG's continuity. I would like BG to recieve the same detail and care evident in most of the Star Wars, Babylon5, and even Stargate productions. However it lacks the support of those influential enough in Hollywood to prevent this.

While Moore's efforts are bad and misguided, they are merely the latest in a long line of "changes" suffered by a fiction with truly epic potential.

Cosmic Cleric January 3rd, 2003 12:00 PM

Re: Cancelation

Originally posted by vmnjn
However, BG was a source of constant struggle and internal shakeups. The departure of Colla and his grand Battlestar fleet being one of the first of many "changes" in BG. It seems that many scifi shows suffer from "too many chiefs."

Could you elaborate some on what happend to Colla? Or maybe point me to some info on the web about it? I was always curious as to what happened to get him fired (if it was being fired?).


vmnjn January 3rd, 2003 12:26 PM

Some Info

Has some info about Colla's original vision for the Battlestar fleet at Cimtar.

Can't remember offhand about details of his fate. Basically Larson wanted to redo the entire scene but couldn't afford to and also something to do with the Colla's work being protected by the SAG?

peter noble January 3rd, 2003 02:04 PM

At the moment, the worst thing that is happening to Galactica apart from the RDM madness is the bloody trolls on the Sci-Fi board. No doubt certain parties will be handed printouts on Monday morning of the latest shenanigans and our standing in the halls of TPTB will once again be diminished. :(


Apothis January 3rd, 2003 02:07 PM

To Peter
I was on there earlier today and I could not believing the flaming. I really feel bad for KJ since I don't know why there is so many on there that want him out. Every time he post, someone has to flame him. I don't get it. I imagine, Bonnie and Ron will be laughing up a storm on Monday when they get the printouts.

peter noble January 3rd, 2003 02:13 PM

I do feel for him. Unfortunately KJ, just exacerbates the problem by refusing to ignore the flames. A perfectly good thread can be totally spoiled IMHO.


Artemis January 3rd, 2003 02:46 PM

I don't even bother going there anymore. I only pop by when there is a link from here saying there is something interesting. If trolls were orcs it would look like the battle for Helm's Deep on that board. :spear:

michaelfaries January 3rd, 2003 07:06 PM

Re: Re: Cancelation

Originally posted by Cosmic Cleric
Could you elaborate some on what happend to Colla? Or maybe point me to some info on the web about it? I was always curious as to what happened to get him fired (if it was being fired?).
imho, qmodo (Susan Paxton) of Battlestar Zone web site fame is the resident expert within fandom on this. (No offense, Robert.)

You might want to ask her via the BG bboard or via her web site. I could chime in, but she does a much better job of explaining it.


KJ January 3rd, 2003 07:44 PM

Fret not Peter, i learned today although i can't name names and talk too much about such matter here, but those Smigs are here? Why else would there be votes against me even when posting Galactica news? Well don't worry anymore i'll take time off from there to post here? i let my harden skin shed but not again.

Thanks to Apothis and Michael Faries i finally removed my link to sci-fi for now? just let Lang and others fight against themselves. While i'm here i can enjoy a better discussion based thread atmosphere.


michaelfaries January 3rd, 2003 08:01 PM


Originally posted by Lord Kingjason
Thanks to Apothis and Michael Faries i finally removed my link to sci-fi for now? (...)
Don't thank me, KingJason. You were advised various times before not to feed the trolls, yet you continued... and continued... and continued. You ignored my heeds.

Normally, I'm diplomatic and focused. Frankly, you really ticked me off with your latest troll feedings. When one of my inside contacts recently tells me information that TrekLord only confirmed today with his own posting, the damage becomes apparent. Read my posting at which addresses this.

You have a clean slate here. I don't moderate; I don't run this bboard. I have no more special pull than anyone here, regardless of my work in fandom. I will say: I don't want to see the same attitude here that was exhibited there.


repcisg January 3rd, 2003 08:51 PM

No offence taken Michael :D

Susan's site is the quintessential source for Colla & Larson conflict.

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