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billy-home August 25th, 2006 02:53 PM

Cylon Centurion - Poser version beta1
Hi guys, as promised here's the beta version of the Old version Cylon:

Cylon Centurion - Beta1

I'm not sure how this is going to work in P4/PPP, since it was rigged in P5 and has dynamic clothing for the back cloth, one of the reasons it's a beta release.

There are a few things not right about it, the anim used for the eye doesn't want to work in this version, it works great in every other prog but Poser, also the dynamic back cloth is still not 100% correct, this was my fist attempt at using this feature and I'm still not totally sure of how to use it, it also needs to be move back on the z-axis a touch.

There's probably a few other things too that I've missed, things you guys will spot, so I'm looking forward to hearing any comments and crits you have.

Once he gets the all clear he'll be uploaded to the meshes section here.



Darrell Lawrence August 25th, 2006 11:49 PM

Just say when you are ready, and he'll be added :)

billy-home August 26th, 2006 02:52 PM

Will do mate :salute:

billy-home August 27th, 2006 03:08 AM

Some problems I can tell you about already, firstly ones I already knew about, the belt, armbands & shoulder armour can give you real problems when the figure is bending, especially in extreme poses.
The same goes for the back cloth.

Second I need to edit the cr2 to fix the problem with the genitalia.

Third there's another problem with the hip/legs connection, I've just had another look at the mesh that makes that part up and it's a real mess, I'll probably have to rebuild that bit from it stands it'll work up to a point, fortunately for us Cylons were never ones for extreme poses, even when they were shot LOL.



xodiaq August 31st, 2006 06:12 AM

My hat is off to you!
I own Poser but have never quite gotten the hang of creating materials for it (Im completely 3D stupid) and I've got to say thanks for doing this up for Poser!!

Spry September 1st, 2006 09:17 PM

Solid effort for a poser job!

Jan Reinar September 12th, 2006 01:05 PM

Thanks! :salute: I will test with Poser 6 and 4.03!

Unimatrix September 13th, 2006 09:31 AM

Yet another great model to figure out how to get into Blender...

billy-home September 13th, 2006 01:56 PM

Unimatrix, doesn't Blender import obj files? If not we'll sort something else out

I know the Poser obj mesh will be a solid 1 piece affair, but if you like i'll post a link to the individual obj parts I used to set this up in Poser, if that helps, (I'm also doing the same with the original LW version too). I really hope you do get it to work in Blender mate, and if you do, I also hope you release it yourself as a freebie to the community.



xodiaq September 13th, 2006 03:08 PM

Billy -

Fabulous job, I just have a quick question… for some reason I keep getting missing files for the silver reflection and the model never comes up with a hip section/crotch... is that something wrong with the one I grabbed or is that an early beta thing?

Very well balanced for pull/push kinetics, BTW!

billy-home September 13th, 2006 11:36 PM

Yep your right, the missing hip section is one of the things I need to fix, it's that way because of the base figure I used for the rigging, I need to edit the cr2 to fix that.
The reflection map is usually installed with Poser, but I'll remember to include it with the zip on the next release.



Darrell Lawrence December 23rd, 2006 09:26 PM

So is he ready for the Downloads area yet?

billy-home December 24th, 2006 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by Warrior
So is he ready for the Downloads area yet?

I suppose he's good enough for the Downloads area as he stands now mate, I've now had a chance to work on him for months, I had to work on the commercial Dystopia products, we decided to upgrade them all before we moved the lot over to DAZ.

I'm going to try and fix the hip/legs over the holiday period, I might give ZBrush a go for these parts this time, since I struggled badly making them in LW.



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