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Fragmentary June 16th, 2005 01:38 AM

Batman Begins!
This movie will blow you away!
Is that a promise? Yes it is.

Just to let you know where I'm coming from, I didn't like the earlier Batman movies. I thought Jack was great in Tim Burton's first one, but other than that I was unimpressed. And they just went downhill from there.

But this time out. Oh man. This is probably the best movie I've seen this year. Better than Star Wars even. I won't go into it until some other folks get around to seeing it so we can talk, but seriously, if you guys have any interest in seeing this movie you have to do it. It absolutely is worth it.

Oh and the supporting cast... Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, Rutger Hauer, Liam Neeson... oooh Liam Neeson (so cool) these guys are all perfect. And no one, not one person, ever winks into the camera. This movie is as real as can be.

And the director Christopher Nolan doesn't shoot this like a comic book. It's a rich lavishly shot flick with awesome shadows and iconic visuals. Gotham has never come close to looking this real. Really shooting in Chicago instead of on a soundstage makes a world of difference.

So much for keeping this short. Just go see it. :D :salute: :Nsalute:

Titon June 16th, 2005 05:38 AM

Sounds awesome Frag.

Have to check it out!


peter noble June 16th, 2005 09:11 AM

It's a great film, a blockbuster like blockbusters used to be before plot and great acting got thrown out the window.

See it as soon as possible!


Gemini1999 June 16th, 2005 10:01 AM

I was going to see the film anyway....

But, after 2 glowing and enthusiastic reviews by people that I like and admire, now I am REALLY looking forward to seeing it!


martok2112 June 16th, 2005 05:36 PM

I just went and saw "Batman Begins" and was blown outta my seat. I feel like THIS was the Batman movie I have waited for, for years!

I also agree with the fight critiques...reminded me too much of Mortal Kombat...couldn't really keep up with the action, in most beats.

I did enjoy the mystique of Batman as he took out bad guys one by one, covertly, as his ninja training came into play.

The story was very engaging...and the little kid who played young Bruce was good. All the actors ate up their roles. I especially liked Gary Oldman as Jim Gordon, and the way Gordon was portrayed.

The only other thing I might balk on is that Batman's growly voice reminds me (all too frighteningly) of Ace, the Batdog on Cartoon Network's "Krypto the Superdog".

The music in this movie was killer. And when I watched the end credits to find out who the composer was, my jaw dropped as I read that two powerhouse composers were used in this movie...Hans Zimmer (Gladiator), and James Newton Howard (The Fugitive).

I liked the real-world feel of this movie. No campy supervillains, a sprawling, yet non-gothic cityscape that was Gotham. This movie does INDEED blow all of the other Batman movies out of the water....without a trace.

Oh, and the Batmobile kicks arse.

A great movie. Hopefully, if sequels are made (and I am sure they will be), they will stick to THIS method of story-telling, and not revert back to the campy, goofy motifs that haunted the last two Batman flicks.


shugotenshi June 17th, 2005 11:41 AM

I do know that ace the Batdog is played by Scott McNeil

I'll go see it tomorrow.

Orion August 30th, 2005 02:38 AM

i saw the movie and i was fascinated by it, it really covers the story of batman and not just some crap like the old ones. i'm waiting for the sequel to see if it continues like that...

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