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Archangel July 8th, 2004 11:04 PM

V: The Second Generation
Anybody else interested in the old mini-series???

Apparently a sequel is airing this fall.

bsg1fan1975 July 9th, 2004 03:03 AM

I am. I loved that show when it was on. I just hope that they make it on a night where hubby doesn't have something competeing with it on tv

thomas7g July 9th, 2004 04:55 AM

I loved it! I have the DVDs. It was a really good miniseries. Just close your eyes when the star child does her super powered thing.


I wish they would have given us the OTHER ending, the one where Martin sacrifices his life and flies the mothership and its doomsday device into space where is goes boom safely.


kingfish July 9th, 2004 06:30 AM

bsg1fan1975 July 9th, 2004 12:19 PM

beautiful. Will have to save my pennies for it!

July 10th, 2004 03:44 PM

It is my understanding that the new V mini-series will ignore "The Final Battle" and "V: the Series." It seems that the creator of V (Kenneth Johnson, who was not associated with any V production after the first mini series) didn't like the direction that other people took with his baby. The new mini will pick up where the original mini series left off. So, there is no star child, no red dust and no Ham Tyler. In fact, the Visitors have been in control for the last twenty years! While I am generally against changing established continuity, (do you hear me Ron Moore, Brannon Braga and Rick Berman?) I am willing to give this a chance. Kenneth Johnson is a good writer with a social conscience. I really liked his "Alien Nation" TV series and TV movies. It should prove to be interesting to see what he comes up with. Also Marc Singer, Jane Badler and other members of the original cast are rumored to participate. The above posts seem to imply that the new mini will air this Fall. I do not think that the mini is currently in production. The last I heard, Johnson was still trying to interest the network to go ahead. Maybe that is why the V: the Series DVD boxed set is being released later this month. Perhaps the powers that be are testing the water to see if there is enough fan interest to warrant making a revival. I can't wait to get my hands on the dvd set. There are many episodes I have not seen yet! :popcorn:

braxiss July 10th, 2004 05:30 PM

this sounds very good to me,i loved the first mini and accepted the second and hated the series, to have a new mini pick up where the first one left off is perfect for me, now i'll just keep my fingers crossed and wait

July 14th, 2004 12:15 PM

Here is the latest on the status of the new proposed mini series:

A while back NBC planned to develop a three hour TV movie sequel to the classic 80's alien invasion series "V", plans which changed to a four hour mini-series to be penned by creator Kenneth Johnson.

Now, The Post Gazette reports that Jeff Gaspin, NBC's miniseries and movies chieftain, said there was not enough newness to the most recent miniseries draft to green light it - "I just don't think it was different enough from the original, frankly. It wasn't as innovative as the original. It felt like a good sequel if we'd done it immediately after [the original], but in the 20 years that other space operas have come and gone, it doesn't feel as fresh as it did 20 years ago".

Gaspin tried to shop the project over to The Sci-Fi Channel, but executives there were not interested in the "V" revival in its current script form either. Gaspin's not giving up yet, hoping Johnson will develop a whole new story.

I found this news over at the Dark Horizons website.

Well, I, for one, am disappointed. I was really looking forward to seeing this mini. Maybe if Johnson decided to add tons of sex to the story the Sci Fi channel would be interested.


The 14th Colony July 15th, 2004 08:24 AM

I loved both mini-series, and hated the TV show. I would much prefer that they keep Ham Tyler in whatever storyline they present. He was one of my favorite characters along with the leads.

Archangel July 15th, 2004 08:50 AM

Yeah, same here. He was pretty much the only thing the writers did right in "The Final Battle". Supernatural Star-child? Geeezus!

The 14th Colony July 15th, 2004 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Archangel
Yeah, same here. He was pretty much the only thing the writers did right in "The Final Battle". Supernatural Star-child? Geeezus!

Gotta agree with your agreement, especially the Star Child nonesense.

July 25th, 2004 09:02 PM

You know, I've been thinking about why the remake was turned down by NBC. This occured to me: V is the story of an alien military force that arrives with the best of intentions. Over time, the people of earth learn the alien's true nature and form a resistance movement. The resistance works in the shadows, planting bombs and killing as many alien soldiers as they can with a degree of safety. Alien transport ships patrol the skies and life begins to change in sublte ways. Electricity and food distribution is spotty. The aliens randomly arrest the humans and are sometimes brutal captors. The resistance capture alien soldiers and execute them. The media is used by both sides to sway public opinion.

Everyone of these plot points occured in the first two V mini series. They have also occured, depending on your point of view, in the war in Iraq. I think NBC shyed away from the project because it would hit a little too close to home. What was a cautionary tale about the rise of fascism in the guise of a 1983 TV show would be politically incorrect as an entertainment in 2004. It would be kind of hard to root for a secretly organized group of people who go blowing things up for a cause.

I support our troops in Iraq and Afganistan and hope for their speedy and safe return to their friends and families.

July 29th, 2004 10:00 AM

Did anyone get the V The complete series set? If you are a V fan it is worth getting. Marc Singer sure went for action-pose body language in the series. Each scene he is in looks like a panel from a comic book.

kingfish July 29th, 2004 01:14 PM

Not yet. Walmart is having the set on sale for $31.88.

bsg1fan1975 July 30th, 2004 03:35 AM

trust a dang network to be fracking worried about being politically correct instead of worrying about potential fans wanting a show to return.

Raymar3d August 5th, 2004 08:52 PM

Hey everyone,

As you probably read, Brian Westfall, Richard Hatch's friend and editor of Great War of Magellan passed away recently. He was also a good friend of mine, and while looking for information on the internet about his untimely passing, I also came across this. It's a little review of 'V' which he wrote, and shows a little of his personality to people who never met him, and I thought it might be nice to share it here, in this relevant topic, so you could all see what he was like.



Note: In the article, the Ken he refers to is Kenneth Johnson, creator of 'V', not in any way to me.
Here's a review of "V" the DVD by Brian Westfall:

" First thing to say about the DVD is that V has never looked or sounded so good before. It is much more of a cinematic experience to see it letterboxed to show the full 1.85:1 aspect ratio which Ken and his D.P. composed V in. It is sad to see that the gag reel is not included, however, the awesome behind-the-scenes reel that Ken also showed at the convention is included. And to be honest, if I had to pick between the behind-the-scenes or the gag reel, I'd choose the behind-the-scenes for sure. First of all, there are many funny moments in it as well, but also it gives much more insight into what atmosphere was like on the set, and how all of the story elements came together. It also showcases many of the talented people who helped bring Johnson's vision to life. I think it's cool to see the production designer and the director of photography; they are largely responsible for what V became.

The only thing that I have a slight problem with (and it is a minor one) is that I noticed that they totally changed the sound effects for all of the squad vehicles--whether they are landing or ascending. They no longer have that unusual and familiar "pulsating hum", but now have this semi high pitched jet turbine sound mixed with a low rumble. I personally prefer the original sound effect of the squad vehicles merely because their reverberating hum sounded more foreign, more alien to me. They now sound a bit more like a Harrier jet. The change in the squad vehicles' sound effects was likely due to one of two things: either it was an aesthetic choice--maybe Ken said "let's change it, I never liked it" or it could be because the original effect cues were lost or damaged for one reason or another. Back then they didn't have a digital reverb generator, and had to manufacture them organically. It may not have been as simple to re-manufacture the sounds as mixing a few specific cues off of a Yamaha board. They may have had to re-record the effect on a stage and may not have had references to how it was originally made. But like I said, the change in sound effect may have been an aesthetic choice. But I'm not complaining at all!!!! The sound effect thing is a minor detail that I wanted to point out. But V has never looked or sounded this incredibly awesome. It's beautiful. I will never watch it on VHS again!! It's all about the DVD. I do wish that WB had put it in a plastic keep case, not the cardboard snap case. V deserves a great case with a booklet as many DVD's have. But It is so cool to see it this way. I'm thankful to WB for producing and distributing it and I'm thankful to Ken for adding a commentary track, making sure the original shooting aspect ratio was preserved, for overseeing the awesome stereo mix of the original mono mix, for giving us the behind-the-scenes, and for trying to bring us the gag reel.

I know a place in Burbank that makes surround sound mixes from older mono-mixed films and TV shows. It's a difficult process. And it was a real rush to hear sounds from V now coming out of my surround sound speakers. Richard is sad that Universal didn't re-mix Battlestar Galactica for its DVD release. It's true, you pop the DVD into my system and all of the sound comes out of the front center speaker only. The surrounds don't get used at all because they released the DVD in mono. - Brian Westfall"

Another review:

Brian Westfall from California: "The fact that V is really a human story is what I find particularly interesting about Ken Johnson's miniseries. So many films today are being made to appeal only to the junior high school crowd, Independence Day being a good example, and they are successful because they make money. What filmmakers often forget is that they do not need to play down to kids in order to get them into theatres. Most adults in their mid-to-late twenties loved the original Star Wars (Episode IV) when they were young, and back then kids were not being played down to, but they still went to theatres in droves; sure there were many elements in the film that kids loved, but there were also many adult themes in the story that made it appealing to everyone -- young and old. That is why so many people still love Star Wars. As adults, we can still relate to the film, but in a different and perhaps even deeper way than we did when we were young. V is so successful because it is such a rich and involved story. Yes it is a story about aliens coming down to Earth, but it is the many sub-stories within that larger context that really makes the story interesting. The focus on each family and how we follow them throughout the miniseries gives the audience a realistic and varied depiction of how
people might react to any situation where personal freedoms are methodically taken away."

Edited by: Raymar Demonslayer at: 7/30/04 23:03

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