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thomas7g May 20th, 2003 04:21 PM

Buffy, the series is finally over.
After seven seasons, the show ends tonight!

I got to see an advanced look at it and it is pretty good. All the loose ends are pretty well tied. And it puts a good end to the story.

Even if you don't like a show, a finale written well is always fun to see.

Buffy ends tonight!!!

LucianG May 21st, 2003 09:36 AM

I thought it was extremely well done, though Buffy's powers of rengeration seemed "remarkable," even for a Slayer. That one thing aside, it was a great way to end the series. Well done, Joss and company!

emerita May 24th, 2003 06:05 AM

Not if you give her this url, Warrior...LOL We talk about the Bufster still...This might be a good withdrawl tool for her.......

Senmut June 9th, 2003 01:23 AM

The end of Buffy. All I can say is....


emerita June 9th, 2003 05:36 AM

Sorry you feel that way...some of the episodes were very entertaining....but...... you are entitled to your opinion.

Scooter2000 June 9th, 2003 05:58 AM

I am sorry to say that I didn't care too much for Buffy either. It just didn't do anything for me.

I do like Seth Greene on the other hand, Scott Evil rocks.

I am curious, was the TV series a continuation of the move or a remake?

emerita June 9th, 2003 06:06 AM

It was considered a continuation. The Bufster and her mom moved to Sunnydale after the school in the movie burned down and they comment on it in the first episode......and of course being a lasted seven years... :p

Scooter2000 June 9th, 2003 08:55 AM

Well that explains the sucess.

Artemis June 9th, 2003 10:12 AM

I am certainly going to miss Buffy. It was the type of show that you never knew what you were going to get each week. It could be funny, scary, serious or all of the above at once. It took risks, like having an episode which consisted of 40 minutes of silence, an episode I still think is one of the scariest ideas put forth. To have a smiling creature eviscerate you while you lie there unable to move or scream for help :eek: It could deal with present day controversies without being preachy. It is even the topic of college philosophy courses as well as being the subject of Ph.D. dissertations. It is amazing to think that one spoof B-movie could explode into such a huge franchise.

captmiloman June 18th, 2003 10:45 PM

7 seasons, 144 episodes. Pretty good for a series which was spun off from a box office failure. I have the DVD sets for seasons 1 & 2. Still need to get seasons 3 & 4. Joss Whedon should be damn proud of the cast and crew. They did a great job. Now, I hope Joss can get Angel back on track, even though Chrisma Carpenter won't be returing.

thomas7g June 19th, 2003 12:57 AM

NO MORE CORDY!?!?!?!?!

bummer! :(

btw- I read that the movie version of Buffy was all wrong. The producers forced the changes that made the film what it was. His original ideas were incorporated into the TV series.

That's the way he tried to make the film. :)

emerita June 19th, 2003 05:19 AM

Yeah, Cordy wants to be a Mom for awhile......

captmiloman June 19th, 2003 09:50 AM


Originally posted by thomas7g
NO MORE CORDY!?!?!?!?!

bummer! :(

btw- I read that the movie version of Buffy was all wrong. The producers forced the changes that made the film what it was. His original ideas were incorporated into the TV series.

That's the way he tried to make the film. :)

I've heard the same thing. The fine folks at 20th Century FOX throught of Buffy as a comedy due to the title. But we know it was much more than that. To anyone who hasn't seen the show, don't let the title fool you. Go out and get the DVD sets if you want to see a well written show.

Artemis June 19th, 2003 09:53 AM

I read that Cordy will make a few guest appearances in the next season.

captmiloman June 19th, 2003 10:02 AM

I read somewhere that James Marsters has signed on as a series regular on Angel, even though Spike met his demise in the Buffy series finale. Joss managed to revive Darla after she was dusted, so I guess anything's possible, especially in the mind of Joss Whedon. I've also read that Marsters is currently out on the road with his band.

Senmut June 19th, 2003 10:38 PM

FWIW, personally I much preferred Forever Knight.

Artemis June 20th, 2003 10:32 AM

I liked Forever Knight but it was a much different type of show. Buffy was more of a mix of serious, funny, sarcastic and over the top stuff. Forever Knight was the usual cop show with a twist. Kind of a Kolchak the Night Stalker but less campy. I also thought it was heavy on the Anne Rice Louis/Lestat relationship between Nick and LeCroix.

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