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Dawg May 12th, 2020 03:51 PM

"The Ultimate Retcon"
This might be of interest to some.

Dawg May 17th, 2020 09:37 AM

Re: "The Ultimate Retcon"
Part 2 has been posted:

Gunstar Aries May 21st, 2020 01:05 PM

Re: "The Ultimate Retcon"
Thanks for sharing that Dawg. Really hits home, some things in part 2 I've been saying for years about classic BSG...


Jayworld May 21st, 2020 03:23 PM

Re: "The Ultimate Retcon"
Wonderful two part article that sums up exactly what most of us have been saying now for 17 years (has it really been that long). I also appreciated the fact that the author stated the obvious; Universal has never been able to figure out how to handle a franchise (look at the multitudes of remakes, reboots, etc.)

Gundark May 19th, 2021 05:27 PM

Re: "The Ultimate Retcon"
So insightfully written there, Dawg - spot on.

I am more than old enough to feel that nostalgia can be almost painful, on occasion. Sometimes when I re-watch the old episodes it hurts. Our Heroes, young, handsome, beautiful, in a story we knew & loved - and gone, it seemed, while we weren't paying enough attention.

Age is cruel.

Eric Paddon May 20th, 2021 03:45 PM

Re: "The Ultimate Retcon"
I admit I probably wouldn't write as harsh a post as I did in the comments section today as I did then for Pt. 1 because a couple things since then have helped me put lingering anger over what Moore did behind me. (1) The fine "Saga Of A Fugitive Fleet" audio drama that came out a few months ago gave us something in part that we'd always wished for which was to hear surviving cast members act the roles again even if they couldn't use the names and (2) I actually forced myself to watch the "essential" episodes of Moore for the first time in years and this time instead of feeling trembling anger, found it was easier just to laugh at how stupid and one-note everything he did was. Essentially the whole drama came down to the dumb philosophy of "all this has happened before" etc. and "which one is the Cylon?" So now I can look down on it with disdain instead of fury.

Gundark June 2nd, 2021 06:13 PM

Re: "The Ultimate Retcon"
I just ordered the audio drama from Amazon yesterday - I am anxiously looking forward to listening to it.

Other than the initial episode, which made me cry in my soup, I haven't watched any of TNS. I think I'll just put my faith in Eric's commentary and stick with my DVD's of TOS.

Eric Paddon June 2nd, 2021 09:12 PM

Re: "The Ultimate Retcon"

Originally Posted by Gundark (Post 315787)
I just ordered the audio drama from Amazon yesterday - I am anxiously looking forward to listening to it.

I think you'll enjoy it! Once you learn to accept the limitations it makes it much easier to enjoy how Daniel, the man responsible for it (who posts here) pulled this whole thing off.

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