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Jerry Vasilatos November 27th, 2003 11:23 AM

Galacticon 2003 Dvds Now Available For Pre-order
Hey everyone-

I am the editor and DVD producer for the official Galacticon 2003 DVD which will be available December 29th, Galacticon 2003 is accepting pre-orders now for the initial shipment so if you want a copy, please visit: or click here

Happy Thanksgiving to all and we hope you enjoy the DVD!

Jerry Vasilatos

Nitestar Productions

Micheleh November 27th, 2003 02:06 PM

Hi, Jerry!!! Welcome to Fleets... it's about time! :)

amberstar November 27th, 2003 03:29 PM

Hey this is great news!!!!!!



captmiloman November 27th, 2003 06:49 PM

I'd like to get a copy, but I don't have a credit card.

Micheleh November 27th, 2003 07:24 PM

The address for checks and money orders is:

DVD Preorder
Galacticon, Inc.
24301 S Via Montana Vista
Green Valley AZ 85614

Edit- I am doing all the merchandise shipping from here now.

The amount to send will be the cost plus shipping and handling, which is $32.45.

Ian_W359 November 30th, 2003 09:58 AM

I have a question.....

Can the DVD be ordered from outside the United States? (from the UK for example.)

By your command,
Ian W359

Micheleh December 1st, 2003 01:14 AM

Yes, it can. We will ship just about anywhere.

There is a slight glitch with the paypal code (Thanks, Julie!) but we're fixing it now.

jewels December 1st, 2003 06:02 AM

Let us know when it's fixed :)

Micheleh December 1st, 2003 02:10 PM

Ok, that will be fixed by tomorrow latest.

Plus- some possible highlights for the documentary! I'm negotiating with Universal right now for clip clearance for the tribute footage (Saturday night), as well as for material for the DVD and video game. Plus, it looks like we will have material from Tom Desantos' presentation as well. I'll keep everyone posted! :)

JediMasterGynac December 1st, 2003 09:09 PM

This is going to be so righteous! I can't wait to get mine!

Micheleh December 1st, 2003 10:03 PM

Fixed! :)

apollo1lls December 3rd, 2003 09:35 AM

I would like to buy the DVD, but i don't know if i can play it on my DVD player, because we have regio (or section) 2 in the Netherlands. My DVD player can also play regio 4, so i hope i can watch the Galacticon 2003 DVD!!!!
Can somebody help me out here.


Jerry Vasilatos December 3rd, 2003 11:12 AM

Re: Region Question
It will be an all region DVD.


dah66 December 3rd, 2003 12:10 PM

Ordered mine and used Paypal - no problems!


Ian_W359 December 3rd, 2003 12:31 PM

It is done, Imperious Leader!
Just put my order in on PayPal too - that was too easy!


By your command,
Ian W359

Jerry Vasilatos December 3rd, 2003 01:03 PM

Licensing Issues and the Wonderful World of Universal
Hey gang.

Try as we have, we will not be able to include the retrospective or tribute shown at the convention that I edited because Universal wants $5,000 per minute for their clips and the total amount of clips used equal 9 minutes (out of two programs totalling 24 minutes). I am very bummed about this, because the interviews with Mr. Larson, Laurette, Richard and Anne were a lot of fun to shoot and put together with the show clips. I am very proud of it as a producer director and editor and it was originally produced just for the convention to show to fans but we can't show it anywhere else unless we pay the licensing fees to Universal. Now I know how Richard feels about not being able to show the trailer anywhere else! :-( Make sure to show them how you feel by tuning out of this weekend's Sci-Fi abomination (the folks at Universal licensing Michelle talked to didn't even know the Moore hack job was a Universal show!)

Don't worry though, the rest of the weekend will be featured and there will be lots of other fun surprises on the DVD.


Micheleh December 3rd, 2003 01:07 PM

The good, the bad, and the funny....
Well. The good news is that the documentary is coming along and promises to look fantastic!

The bad (somewhat) news is that I jsut finished speaking to Universal, and they would be happy to let us use the clips from the retrspective and tribute- for $5000 per minute. (Eeek!) Needless to say, I don't have quite enough... ;) However, we will have all the panels and events sans clips. It will stil be amazing.

The funny... I tried to negotiate with them by saying that this documentary will promote Battlestar as a whole. The Universal rep said "We only negotiate in exchange for advertisign if there is a current product". I said, what about the new series?

She said, quote, "That's not us." *pause* "Is it?"


jewels December 8th, 2003 11:52 AM

Hmmm. I wonder what the videogame division would pay to get their promo on that dvd?

The Licensing rep: Shoot, I'd have offered her a trailer ad for their miniseries dvd in exchange for that license fee and called it a fair trade. (fair cause 30 seconds of their dreck is quite enough to compensate for $45,000 in licensing fees and cheap as far as airtime goes ;) And they could show us as much about the videogame as they want to--it's cool. )

I'm mostly kidding. but they should have been ready to make a swap like that. Only makes sense. :rolleyes:

Belloby December 11th, 2003 08:19 AM

Loved the joke! But April Fool's isn't for another couple of months yet.

dilbertman December 11th, 2003 08:24 PM

Ordered two, one for me and one for a friend. Looking forward to seeing this.


dvo47p December 24th, 2003 10:21 AM


(I Made A Payment via a Secure Transaction!)


PS: I come home from Church, check my mail & T. Shawn Hardy is getting attacked on Christmas eve day! Here @ this stuff is current on Xmass?

I'll let our ever so articulate OWD enunciate away in vain with the minions of Apothis/Ted/RDM have labled our man from Nova Scotia, as "a disco loving militant fan boy who doesn't wash my stinking body just because I like Battlestar Galactica and not the mini version."

Gemini1999 December 24th, 2003 11:50 AM

I'm glad that someone bumped this up - I almost forgot to order this with all the holiday craziness... I've taken care of that now and at least I will get to see all the stuff I missed when I wasn't able to make the con. That, and lending Richard a financial helping hand.

By the way, how are the con DVD sales going? Did they sell all they wanted to? Just curious...

Happy holidays!

BSG_Sci_FiPulse December 30th, 2003 08:37 PM

When my bank balance looks a little more respectable after xmas holidays. I will definitely be putting in an order for this. If only to see some of the speakers and highlights, or an event I wish I'd been able to attend.

dvo47p December 31st, 2003 02:22 PM

I have not been to any sort of 'CON', since my boys where small. I wish I had gone to The Galacticon, another trip with a heavy deposit, had me off to OWD's counry.

I do belive this BIG TIDBIT bears repeating, Richard Hatch is in about, $50,000.00 in debt, on this The Galacticon. Do you think Terry 'Tigh' Carter and Mrs. Carter flew coach from Denmark, on there own dime. Think about this, Richard paid for two round trip first class for him, to let us see him, Battlestar Galactica's true fandom!

Help the man out, he is the reason we are here, use a Credit Card, you will have a New PayPal account, no charge! Go to Ebay buy me an antique duck, goose or shorebird decoy.

oldwardaggit January 4th, 2004 07:43 AM


Originally posted by dvo47p
PS: I come home from Church, check my mail & T. Shawn Hardy is getting attacked on Christmas eve day! Here @ this stuff is current on Xmass?

I'll let our ever so articulate OWD enunciate away in vain with the minions of Apothis/Ted/RDM have labled our man from Nova Scotia, as "a disco loving militant fan boy who doesn't wash my stinking body just because I like Battlestar Galactica and not the mini version."

Yup, I have never felt so much love in one place just because I prefer the original. LMAO

Think I better get a copy of the Galacticon DVD. I'm hoping that it's nothing but original stars doing the disco duck.
I'm such a loser. he he he he

dvo47p January 14th, 2004 08:11 PM

NEWS "Battlestar" <>
"jim chlubna" <> Add to Address Book
Subject: Galactica Re:Re:Re:Re:RE:Re:galacticon dvd

Hi, All!

Here are the latest updates, and Holiday greetings from all of us at

The target date for the DVD is Feb. 1. We apologize for the delay, but
Jerry Vasilatos had an emergency rush job and had to delay assembly.
Jerry is donating his time, which we are very grateful for. The DVD's
will ship as soon as they are printed- I'll keep you posted.

I have just finished shifting the merchandise operations here so we can
begin shipping items within the next 2 weeks. Merchandise orders with a
DVD will go out when the DVD's are sent.

That's all for now.. if you have any questions or feedback, let me know!

Michelle Giacalone
Galacticon Inc.

Starbuck January 15th, 2004 06:03 AM

Thanks for the update. :girl: :choco:

crash4587 January 31st, 2004 07:49 AM

Is this getting shipped this week?

Jerry Vasilatos February 20th, 2004 04:40 PM

Hey Gang. It's at the Replicator.
Things ran late because I was overcommitted to too many clients and we had some authoring issues to work out (there was too MUCH material to fit onto the DVD!), but I am happy to report the DVD is being pressed and will ship early March. Here is a scan of the complete box art for your viewing pleasure.


Raymar3d February 20th, 2004 07:46 PM

Hi Jerry,

Sure looks great!

Ken Thomson

P.S. I saw you sent me a private message, but it didn't go through so I can't read it. Apparently there is a 50 PM limit, and you were number 51. Can you re-send your message?

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