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havoc315 December 18th, 2002 05:49 AM

As I saw attacks become personal yesterday, I decided it was time to shut down the board and finish my work.... For those postulating that I was wasting too much of my time on the board, they are correct. My idle boredom kept me working till late last night.

I will not apologize for stirring things up here, I did not engage in personal attacks... I respected other viewpoints, I debated openly and honestly. My mistake, a flaw that I know I have, is that I just simply don't give up. Even when an argument simply goes in circles, repeatedly, I will generally just keep going. For that aspect, I do apologize.

But I don't apologize for stating my view firmly, and I especially won't apologize for holding my view. That said, I'm shocked my view would even be controversial.... when my entire view is this "keep an open mind." I never knew it would be so controversial to simply not be prejudiced.

You won't be hearing from me for a while.... As I'm about to board my Viper (commercial jet) and head out to the Galactica and it's Rag-tag fleet (actually, a Royal Carribean cruise ship) and seek out the ancient ruins of Kobol (actually ancient ruins in Mexico), while doing the best impersonation of Starbuck that my wife will allow (gambling, cigars, drinking.... just no love triangle). When I return, I may or may not peek back in.

Before I go, I will briefly and succintly state what I've been trying to say all along. This is not meant to start a flame war, its simply meant as a message to RDM, Richard Hatch, Tom DeSanto, and BSG fans everywhere:

The original Battlestar Galactica was a good show, never given a fair chance by the network. Richard Hatch has shown great love and devotion for the show, and his faith is a major reason that any new project is even going forward. He deserves our respect, and SciFi/Universal would be foolish if they did not at least give him a chance to pitch his ideas.

That said, I will not blame Ronald Moore for any injustice done to Richard Hatch. Mr. Moore is accomplished within his own right, he has a history of producing and writing quality science fiction. He is going forward with a remake. In entertainment, there have been good remakes, there have been bad remakes... It's much too early to know the results of his efforts. From rumors and leaks, we have heard that the remade BSG will have similarities with the original, as well as differences. Personally, I like most of the changes I have heard, I think they hold real potential. I respect those who believe the changes are horrible.... But in reality, none of us can really say whether the changes are good or bad, till we see the final product. If well-written, acted, etc, a female Starbuck could be great... If poorly written, acted, etc, the character might be a big mistake.

RDM might succeed, he might fail...... but he should at least be given a chance. Because for me, here is the truth: I want a new Battlestar Galactica... whether remake, continuation, spinoff, I want the show given another chance. I want it to succeed. But it can never succeed if its not given a chance.

Which brings me back to my original, and my only real point: Let's keep an open mind. Sure, lets discuss all the BSG ideas out there. We're not all going to agree. Sure, let's debate our views on the merits. But let's not rush to judgement on every rumor. Let's not put the original BSG on such a high pedastal that nobody else is allowed to touch it.

Let's just keep an open mind.

Titon December 18th, 2002 06:00 AM

Good luck Havoc, make sure you bring alot of anti-biotics with. Hehe.

Those cruise ships have had alot of sick people lately.

I hope your not one of them.

Have a good trip.

Stevew December 18th, 2002 06:02 AM

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Yall Come back. It was fun, honest
Steve:D :D :D :D

vmnjn December 18th, 2002 06:47 AM

That is the problem...
That is the problem with those who will not let something end.
I know, I was one for years.
Fortunately, in hindsight, my first divorce cured me of that.
Best of luck, and in the classic refrain...
"Don't drink the water."

peter noble December 18th, 2002 07:05 AM

Have a good trip and a Happy Christmas havoc315.



Apothis December 18th, 2002 07:12 AM

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

dah66 December 18th, 2002 07:17 AM

Have a safe trip.


crash4587 December 18th, 2002 08:21 AM

Let's go Mets
Hopefully Santa has a surprise for us, Enjoy your trip

N Aviator 71 December 18th, 2002 09:01 AM

Havoc, I've actually enjoyed listening to the debates.

Have a good trip!


Artemis December 18th, 2002 09:40 AM

A Mexican cruise sounds a lot better than where I'm going. Do come back, I for one always welcome well constructed debates.

LucianG December 18th, 2002 09:46 AM

To Havoc:

Have a great trip and stay well.

To all:

Overall, it appears that it was a good, though tedious debate. Both sides had some good points, but I'm not sure if either side really swayed anyone on the fence.

That said, I must say I strongly disagree with one comment above:


RDM might succeed, he might fail...... but he should at least be given a chance.
This implies that RDM has a RIGHT to produce the "Ron Moore's Battlestar Galactica." The ONLY reason he SHOULD be given a chance is that he was HIRED to do the job by those with the authority to do so. Based on Ron Moore's statements, many of us believe that there are others who can do a better job. Since they have the ability to hire and fire, a la DeSanto, we should be able to make our opinions known to convince those with the authority to make a change. They've done it before, so who's to say they can't do it again?

Should he be GIVEN a chance? No, he should EARN it!


December 18th, 2002 10:22 AM

My apologies again and enjoy the cruise.

You lucky bastard! :D

Freezing my ass off in Canada :(

emerita December 18th, 2002 01:33 PM

That's ok Warrior, you can go out on my boat..... that is when I finally buy it. I've got it picked out........I live on the ocean, only natural that I should have a

Have a very good and safe trip, Havoc....( one of my favorite X-Men characters, by the way)...You are a good debater, but remember, those in this forum are very dedicated to BSG and follow their hearts when speaking and don't really mean to be hurtful.....but don't let that stop your opinions.....

I'm considering going on an Alaskan Cruise....I almost went on the Dirk Benedict cruise, but it didn't pan out.

Sci-Fi December 18th, 2002 01:51 PM

Has anyone else noticed the very familiar name that's been camped out in the browsers' gallery for the last eight hours?

Apothis December 18th, 2002 01:53 PM

I have but I usually have my browser open to the forum because I like to read from time to time when I have lull in the action. I notice Havoc has been on too but he may have his browser open too like I do.

thomas7g December 18th, 2002 02:34 PM

Re: Wrap-Up

Originally posted by havoc315
I will not apologize for stirring things up here, I did not engage in personal attacks... I respected other viewpoints, I debated openly and honestly. My mistake, a flaw that I know I have, is that I just simply don't give up. Even when an argument simply goes in circles, repeatedly, I will generally just keep going. For that aspect, I do apologize.

But I don't apologize for stating my view firmly, and I especially won't apologize for holding my view. That said, I'm shocked my view would even be controversial.... when my entire view is this "keep an open mind." I never knew it would be so controversial to simply not be prejudiced.

As an admin/moderator I have to point something out. I did alot of defending of your views and chastizing your opponents for personal attacks.

A lot of the anger yesterday was from you personally hitting the same nail over and over and over against everyone and every post that had a different opinion. It was that unrelenting repetition that was driving ALOT of people to anger. And thus were causing the attacks against yourself.

Tat doesn't excuse THEIR behavior. And I have talked to many about it. But you were the source yesterday. Even though you kept your replies pretty cool. It wasn't your opinions that caused the anger, it was the continual hammering of them.

That said I don't want anyone agreeing with me in a followup. I want yesterday to end.

Lets get back to wishing you a very good vacation. I do sincerely hope you do have a good vacation. I personally thought you brought alot of valid points to the discussion. And I enjoyed debating for once an adult who maintains a mature attitude and doesn't use personal attacks. (after some of the forums I've made and modded elsewhere that is a BIG relief)

And Merry Christmas!


havoc315 December 18th, 2002 02:34 PM

yup, I didn't even notice that the browser was open to this page till I went to shut down now. I've had a *very* busy day...

Thanks to all the well-wishers... a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday to all....

and to all...........

thomas7g December 18th, 2002 02:57 PM


Originally posted by Warrior
I trust you mean the Who's Online page :)

I watch it everyday.


Artemis December 18th, 2002 03:03 PM


Originally posted by thomas7g


Doesn't he watched everyone through their computer screens too. :eek:

Artemis December 18th, 2002 03:57 PM

How could I forget those creepy eyes? :yikes:

thomas7g December 18th, 2002 04:48 PM

I'm mooning you Darrell.


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