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Raymar3d November 6th, 2003 11:09 AM

Demonslayers Forum RETURNS!!!
Greetings all,

It's been nearly a year since the Demonslayers Discussion Forum ended. At that time, Delphi had gone to a Pay version, and I just didn't feel like it was worth keeping it up.

On November 5th, I created a new and vastly improved forum:

The primary difference between this one and the previous forum, is that the new one is to support the Neverwinter Nights Persistent World of DEMONSLAYERS!!

If you want to finally get a chance to see my story that I've talked about for years, this will be the place. The film project is on hiatus until I get money to do it or a backer. So, it's now going to be a game!

Come check it out, register at the forum if you like playing role-playing games, and download the Neverwinter Nights demo and try it out.

My actual gameworld is architechturally built, but is a while away from fully playable, so it will be at minimum another month before it's active. But bookmark my forum, play some NWN, and get ready to have some fun!


Raymar3d November 6th, 2003 04:56 PM

BSG NWN conversion....
Anyone out there want to see one? Might be a good topic....

Anyone out there play CRPG's? I'm just curious.


thomas7g November 6th, 2003 06:23 PM

Hey! Congrats! I'm glad to see everything is back up and running. :D

Raymar3d November 7th, 2003 05:46 AM

Hi Tom

I hope you'll check it out. I've been hard at work converting my script into a playable game.

The other cool thing for Battlestar fans, is that Richard Hatch has agreed to provide a voice for Raynor, the father of Raymar. And, there's going to be a lot of other kick ass things you'll have to play to see.

Let's make the game launch date December 1st.

The entire game will not be complete by a long shot, but I'll have a playable module up, and people can start their characters, and start having fun with it.

A BSG mod would be separate from Demonslayers, but it's something I want to do for BSG fans if they participate in the Demonslayers persistent world. I figure a cylon suit and a male and female colonial warrior suit ought to be easy enough to make a mod of, then a full-on adventure module could be made. The engine is very flexible, and would definitely make it easy to make a BSG adventure. Some of you out there with the writing bug might want to think about it.


thomas7g November 7th, 2003 04:18 PM

woooo! that bg mod thing sounds like fun!

Raymar3d November 8th, 2003 07:34 AM

Security issues at my forum
Greetings all,

I wanted to let you know why I'm requesting you request membership to enter my site.

In the past, I've had trolls come in and disrupt it, and frankly, I don't want to have people that I don't know on the board. If you want to come and participate, I'd love to have you there. But, the key is, I have to know who you are, and I'd like to know what you're about before I give full access.

This is because the Demonslayers Forum will be
ONE: My intellectual property online.
TWO: I will need to know who's playing in my game for the protection of all players.
THREE: To keep moderation unnecessary.

Let me explain reason number three. I don't like to moderate. If people aren't anonymous, they tend to stay honest and much more civil.

That said, in an RPG, you can play ANY kind of character you like, so that's where your role-playing can happen and you can play a troll there if you want, in-game. :)

I shut down my previous forum because of trolls, partially. I don't want to do it again. If you're serious about participating and having fun in the Demonslayers world, I want you to be there. If you want to visit, great, maybe you'll enjoy playing later once you learn more about it. :)

I just want people who are serious about it and want to have fun. If you're willing to go through the approval process, which entails signing up with ezboards, then making a profile that has your name, email address, preferably something about you (if I don't know you already) and why you want to be part of it, and clicking the "request approval" button on my site, you'll be approved no problem. I check it frequently, so there's little if any wait. Bottom line, it shows committment on your part to be cool on my board. :)

Thank you in advance, and don't be discouraged if you just wanted to drop by to see it. In time, I may relax my criteria, but for now, it needs to stay this way.

Alternatively, you can also email me or send me a private message here if you'd like to participate to expedite the process. Demonslayers forum isn't a Battlestar forum. I don't want to compete with Colonial Fleets or Two-Brain's site. I don't care to have my board become a debate center for all things BSG. I LOVE Battlestar Galactica, don't get me wrong! But, that was also part of the reason I deleted the other forum, was that it really wasn't on-topic for the purpose for which it was created. This one will be. I will be inviting the Neverwinter Nights community to visit when it's actually playable, but since most of you know me from here, I wanted you guys to get a preview opportunity. The Neverwinter Nights community is huge, so I assume there will be several interested players coming from there when I announce it. But, you guys have been my comrades in arms for a long time, so you get first crack at playing if you want it. :)


Ken Thomson

Raymar3d November 14th, 2003 02:08 PM

Relaxed registration
Greetings all,

I have removed the registration approval requirement from participating in the Demonslayers forum, but I do request that people stay on-topic there and remember to keep content kid-friendly. That is my primary concern, as my kids and other people's kids may be visiting there.

In order to post, you'll still have to sign up with EZ-Boards (it's simple to do.) I would very much prefer if you introduce yourself at the board at least, and also by email if possible. If I know you by a screenname, tell me that, that's fine. I reserve the right to delete posts if they are of questionable content, or to edit them for language. That said, I don't want to ever have to do it. And I'm not trigger-happy about it. :)

Thanks for keeping the place clean and keeping the trolling out of the forum!



oldwardaggit November 18th, 2003 05:13 AM

I'm on my way there now Ken. :)


Raymar3d November 18th, 2003 05:42 AM


Great! Sign up and create a Bard PC! With as much musical talent as you have, you can import some of your own tunes and perform live in the world there if you like!



Raymar3d November 18th, 2003 05:59 AM

Neverwinter Nights
So, what is it? It's a computer-based Role-playing game, in the 3rd Edition of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons.

If you've never played, check out the demo, then go buy the upcoming GOLD version.

You'll get the basic game and the "Shadows of Undrentide" expansion all rolled into one, reportedly at around $29. An EXCELLENT buy!

Here's a link to the FREE demo:

You'll need the real game to play the Demonslayers PW game. Highly likely that "Hordes of the Underdark" will be required soon after it is released (likely in December). From what I've read about it, the new features are a must for things I want to do in this campaign.


Raymar3d November 18th, 2003 03:11 PM

Hordes of the Underdark -- GOLD

Hi all,

This expansion will be required to play the Demonslayers campaign once it is released. I hope some of you have downloaded the demo to give the game a try. It's fun!


Raymar3d December 3rd, 2003 08:10 AM

Target date for first module
Greetings all,

When's the big premiere day, you ask?

Sometime in mid-December looks like a good target for the first adventure. I'm waiting for Hordes of the Underdark to be released. If it includes enough features, then I can limit the amount of hackpaks needed to play, or even eliminate the need for them at all. I'd like to keep this simple at least at first, so all you need are the basic game, and the two expansion packs to play. I will probably make a portrait pack that will be the sole download required, and I will try to keep the filesize small in consideration of dial-up players.

(As of today, December 3rd) More news on "Hordes of the Underdark"....

It is shipping to stores, and may already be available to purchase. I'll be picking up a copy as soon as I can find it.

The Demonslayers world is proceeding well, and once the expansion is in-hand, I'll be expanding it further.

Target release for the Demonslayers NWN campaign is late December, early January at this point. On the bright side, it gives people time to get the game and expansions for Christmas! So, ask Santa!


Raymar3d July 22nd, 2004 08:59 PM

Hi Everyone,

It's been a long time since I posted to this thread, and that's because I've been busy actually working on my game!

Here's some cool screenshots for your enjoyment!

There are many more screenshots coming. I've currently built over 40 adventure areas, and created several NPC's and quests. Game goes up just about every friday night, usually all weekend long, except while I'm updating the game.

I would really love to have you come visit and play the game. I have dedicated my time entirely to finishing Demonslayers this year, it is the 20th anniversary since I started it, and so it's time to share with everyone. Visit my site and learn about it. Some of the storyline is going online, and in the game you can experience it.

My original cast is back together, we're filming new material this fall, and converting the old stuff from 1987 to cutscenes for the game, with a serious special effects facelift. :)


P.S. -- The character of Raynor, is going to be played by Richard Hatch if all things work out. He committed to doing it for me, we just have to work out details on logistics.

Raymar3d July 23rd, 2004 09:34 PM

Come read some of my story!

Copyright 1984-2004 by Kenneth Thomson Jr.

In the days before the arrival of the Red Moon, the destruction of Parandar, the rise of Allandor and their enemies the Izanai, there lived a man named Valeraphon. He was a mighty warrior, and leader of the largest clan of the Dragon Isle Antilla, (which has since become part of the Kingdom of Allandor). His was the only clan loyal to the One God. Many other territories existed, some evolving into true kingdoms.
Parandar, a territory to the northeast of Antilla, was one such proto-kingdom. The Parandarians were very aggressive, and sought territory and sacrifices for their masters-- the dark gods, as they were known. Antilla was in their path, and only Valeraphon's clan of Dragonmasters stood in their way.
From Parandar, another warrior arose. His name was Tarasin, a self-proclaimed "ruler of the world." He practiced the dark rituals of the polytheistic nations, worshipping the dark gods, and awaited the arrival of the Red Moon, which grew nearer...."

Hi all,

The link above will take you to an introduction to my story, and hopefully you will enjoy it.

Please come visit my site and tell me what you think.


Ken Thomson :devil:

Raymar3d September 15th, 2004 07:47 PM

Hi all,

I thought some of you might like to try the demo of Neverwinter Nights, just to see what it's like.

Here's a link:

My persistent world is up on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays mostly. Anyone want to try it?


julix September 17th, 2004 12:35 PM

I will tell my hubby about this link, he is a big time gamer! :thumbsup:

Raymar3d September 17th, 2004 01:22 PM

Cool. We welcome anyone who wants to play.

Ken :) :thumbsup:

julix September 18th, 2004 01:38 PM

I guess he has played NeverWinter you know the sccop for neverwinter nights2?

Raymar3d September 20th, 2004 05:53 PM

NWN2 is 2 years away.

There's still life left in the original. :)

Tell him to give my game a chance in about a month, and it will be a lot less buggy.


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