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michaelfaries October 29th, 2006 03:50 PM - Going to a new owner!
Hi everyone,

Within the next week,, launched December 1998 in support of Richard Hatch's BSG endeavors, then Bryan Singer/Tom DeSanto's, will belong to a NEW owner.

Instead of the rumor mills spinning wildly, I've opted to make the announcement here.

Technically, I've been away from the BSG web front since parting and in mid-2003. remained operational with the hopes of eventually beefing up again. Between my career, health and family, BSG web work was very low on the priority list.

BSG has also been something of a love/hate thing for me since the launch of the 2003 mini-series and subsequent ongoing series. I've been privileged to know folks working on the new production; I've been privvy to some great information about the new series. But none of it sparked that inner fire, that passion that fueled me like Richard's revival efforts, then Bryan/Tom's. I still maintain their versions of BSG had the potential to excel BEYOND anything we're seeing from the current production.

It shouldn't come as any surprise that I'm moving on from BSG webmastering. My lack of updates and participation spoke volumes. Someone else needed to carry the site forward--and will do so with their own designs and content.

I'm VERY excited about who will be taking the reins of soon.

The site was originally launched by me on December 3, 1998 on the 20th anniversary of "The Living Legend, Part II." Instead of disappearing as the TOS Pegasus did (or blowing up, as the current series Pegasus did), the site lives on.

To those who were supportive over the years, you've had my thanks.
To those who continue to support all things BSG, stay the course.

This is NOT an easy announcement, nor an easy decision to make. My love for this awesome show won't die. However, it won't get any web site treatments from me, not any time soon.

Best to you all,
Michael :salute:

BST October 29th, 2006 04:03 PM

Michael !!!!

Welcome back, my friend.

You have been sorely missed around these parts. I do understand many of the reasons for your departure from the frenzy that calls itself fandom but, wish to also let you know that the door, at Colonial Fleets, is ALWAYS OPEN for you.

"We've been leavin' a light on for ya." :)



tracyb144 October 29th, 2006 04:15 PM

Great to see you Michael. :D
I hope you and yours are well.
Even though you are no longer webmastering, please don't be a stranger!

Tracy :)

Sept17th October 29th, 2006 04:27 PM who is the new owner?

Gemini1999 October 29th, 2006 04:36 PM

Michael -

It's good that the site will live on, even though in someone else's hands. It's nice to see you posting here at CF - it's a doozy of a post!

Oh, by the way..... How's your site doing these days?



shiningstar October 29th, 2006 06:20 PM


Welcome home :salute:


jewels October 29th, 2006 07:11 PM

Michael, good to hear from you, even if it's a goodbye of sorts. Hope you and your family are well and prospering.

Dawg October 29th, 2006 07:51 PM

Personally, I hope you'll stop by and say hello occasionally, Michael.

Good to see you around.

I am

StarshipTrooper October 30th, 2006 01:38 AM


It's good to hear from you Michael, and I hope you are doing well. Your presence has certainly been missed. I hope that you return to the fandom when you are ready, and that is in good hands.




gmd3d October 30th, 2006 02:10 AM

Loved that site for the art interviews etc. Hope to see you here again just to pass on your knowledge

KJ October 30th, 2006 10:48 AM

Mr Faries your return here is long overdue, even if it is to give us all sad news of sorts of you moving on.

If i never get another chance to say it. I'd like to say thank you. Think long ago i told you Michael that it was your websites both Galactica and that brought my attention to BG on the web with news of its previous continuation revival attempts (Hatch, Singer/DeSanto etc). And i've tried to share that with everyone else for the past few years too.

Galactica current fandom today owes you alot whether they know it or not! Kinda missed all those discussions we had about Galactica in the past on the old sci-fi board (in the good old days) along with Raymar3rd. Perhaps one day soon Larson will meet up with DeSanto before the 30th anniversary rolls around and you'll still get the Battlestar Galactica you've always fought for so passionately.

Take it easy big man! (you once put that picture up of you and Jewels from Galacticon remember :D ).

I wish you all the best in your life in whatever you choose to do.

:salute: :thumbsup:

Jason A.K.A. Kingjason


P.S. heh, i still have that old PM you sent me way back in 2003 about those Galactica merchandise things we once spoke of. Guess i've always kept it around for "luck" if you want to call it that? Seeing as you had yet to return here.

BST October 30th, 2006 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Lord Kingjason
Mr Faries your return here is long overdue, even if it is to give us all sad news of sorts of you moving on.

If i never get another chance to say it. I'd like to say thank you. Think long ago i told you Michael that it was your websites both Galactica and that brought my attention to BG on the web with news of its previous continuation revival attempts (Hatch, Singer/DeSanto etc). And i've tried to share that with everyone else for the past few years too.

Galactica current fandom today owes you alot whether they know it or not! Kinda missed all those discussions we had about Galactica in the past on the old sci-fi board (in the good old days) along with Raymar3rd. Perhaps one day soon Larson will meet up with DeSanto before the 30th anniversary rolls around and you'll still get the Battlestar Galactica you've always fought for so passionately.

Take it easy big man! (you once put that picture up of you and Jewels from Galacticon remember :D ).

I wish you all the best in your life in whatever you choose to do.

:salute: :thumbsup:

Jason A.K.A. Kingjason


P.S. heh, i still have that old PM you sent me way back in 2003 about those Galactica merchandise things we once spoke of. Guess i've always kept it around for "luck" if you want to call it that? Seeing as you had yet to return here.



I had a nice big, old smile on when I read this. :)

julix October 30th, 2006 04:39 PM

You and I have only had brief exchanges but I have heard nothing but raves and honor when you are mentioned. Thank you for letting us know! I wish you well in all your endevors.

Stevew October 31st, 2006 05:03 AM

Good to hear from you. We had some good times and you will be missed. I wish you all the best where ever your path takes you. I hope it will lead you back
All the best to you and yours
:thumbsup: :) :)

KJ October 31st, 2006 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by BST


I had a nice big, old smile on when I read this. :)

You should, cos i meant every word of it!

Michael was the first who gave me the benefit of the doubt when i first appeared on the scene. And gave me info on the "then" revival efforts in PM's occasionally. In return i loved to report all the Galactica news from Bristish magazines whenever they appeared and gave them out online to all you North American BG fans.

That and Michael was always straight with me, i could tell.

It kinda pissed me off what Ted and his Gino boys tried to do to Mike a few years back and all. But they'll get theirs one day don't you worry. What goes around comes around!

Yeah i'm hoping Larson delivers something soon since he owns those movie copyrights to make a Galactica movie (or Pegasus one judging by those old rumors?) cos its nearly 18 months since he made that degree at a convention here in England and got it from the man himself on camera saying so to boot, so it would be in everyone's interest to pretty soon e-mail Mr Larson's website and ask whats up on that front.

Can't be that hard to have a dinner meeting with Tom DeSanto can it?

And should Michael be close association to DeSanto or met him at Galacticon, i'd hope for some justice in this world and let Michael Faries have some part in all that pre-production hoopla of an up coming announcement of yet another but this time a fully "guaranteed" Galactica continuation revival.

Michael at least deserves all that for his hard work and efforts for all these years putting out fine Galactica websites that promoted Battlestar Galactica's name out there in the early days of the internet!


michaelfaries October 31st, 2006 10:31 AM

I can't begin to tell all of you how your words have meant so much to me.

I mean, let's face it: I haven't been around these parts for ages, yet the friendships and well-wishings are ever present. (Esp. when I've been incommunicado for so long.) It makes it incredibly more difficult to let go of The site was the catalyst to my involvement in BSG web fandom! It was my starting point. It set the path which led me here, to Colonial Fleets. needs to grow, though. The new owner will see to that.

To Sept17th: The new owner gets to make his own announcement. :) All in due time.

It's nice to know ALL of you are doing well. I'll try not to be too much of a stranger. More from me later.


KJ October 31st, 2006 11:25 AM

Sept17th taking over the Pegasus site is great news Michael. :salute:

I'm truly happy for him, so if he's reading this congrats Sept17th. Cos i'm sure he'll do you proud. With Sept17th 14th Colony Galactica movie in development, he'll have no better place than to give fans news of its updates and well as running a site dedicated to the classic Battlestar Galactica in general. That and i'm sure will now be regularly updated. Hope the site will have all the old pages stored for old time's sake though? Cos you've left behind quite a legacy to be very proud of Michael.

It'll certainly be interesting to see how Sept17th will handle the old Pegasus Agrippa Squadron pages in terms of BG news on the new and improved site etc. Wonder if the old jokes pages with "Battlepants Galactica will return and all too? When i'm not too busy i might want to check out the Pegasus site to see what'll be so new and all.

Laters Mike and take care of yourself! And don't forget old KJ and those good old days :cool:


michaelfaries October 31st, 2006 12:34 PM

Sorry, KJ - that was mean as "To Sept17th" (as an answer to the question he'd asked above).

The site owner will be revealed sometime soon. Best for everyone to check next week to learn who. ;)

Michael :)

gmd3d October 31st, 2006 12:40 PM

A Mystery .........hmmmm a whole week ,,

michaelfaries November 1st, 2006 11:59 AM

Update: The slowness known as Network Solutions domain transfer processing is underway. Maybe we'll see the new coming online before next week. Again, I'm leaving any announcements to the new owner. It's his baby now.


Originally Posted by Gemini1999
Oh, by the way..... How's your site doing these days? is doing quite well! I actually embarked on a new venture into eBook publishing earlier this year. And I wrote an eBook of my own, too.

My plan was to branch this eBook publishing concept to Battlestar fandom. When my career went into further overdrive (and a severe lack of free time) I shelved the effort. I'm hoping to get another set of Space: 1999 eBooks published before the end of the year, as well as finish another eBook.

The nice thing is: The framework for eBook publishing is freely available via Creative Commons License, in conjunction with's Open Source Content Model. See:

On the content front, I'm adding tidbits to the site here and there. Besides the eBooks launch, the other big item was the release of a number of fan-based remastered/re-edited Space: 1999 Year One episodes and other goodies. Another site has graciously hosted them: See for the files.

Michael :bg04:

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