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Vulpa II February 5th, 2010 11:28 AM

BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?
Hi everyone,

I am interested in opinions as to why there really aren't any Classic BSG fanfilms out there.
You can't hardly get through the DOZENS of Trek and Wars productions online. Star Trek: Phase II and Hidden Frontier are very inspirational to me in both production and storylines! I have actually been wanting to do a fan film series for the past few years. I have narrowed it down to two franchises: Classic BSG and Buck Rogers '79. But that's probably a topic for another thread.

I am just surprised with ALL the fans here on these boards, that there isn't more "output" in the fan film area like Trek. :?:

Perhaps it's due to the costuming? Cylon armor alone can cost thousands of dollars! And the Colonial uniforms aren't readily available (i.e. inexpensive) like Trek costumes.

David Kerin February 6th, 2010 08:53 AM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?
Sadly it might be the size of the fanbase. With Trek you can find a group of devoted fans in any city who will put time toward the effort(s). With TOS BSG we're fewer and a bit more spread out. There have been attempts to group together, but they seem to fall apart along the ways.

For myself I've decided to take on projects that I know I can pull off myself, and get them completed for better or worse. The latest thing I did was an animated fanfilm based on the younger days of Adama and Tigh. You can see it at

Also, being a smaller fan base means fewer eyes are going to be checking out the work. Anything I've done has been for my own enjoyment of the series, but it would be nice to get more people seeing it, and hear their feedback, good and bad.

Reaper February 6th, 2010 09:57 AM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?
I do think the Fan base is smaller for Classic BSG, but I think Vulpa is right, the availability of costumes is a problem.

One of the golas of Blackstar Squadron is to not only make finding costumed people easier to find, but to make some of these productions. One member, and a member of the Battlestar Callisto RP board, has done a series of short flms based on the Callisto.

I would LOVE to see larger films and it becoming easier for people to make the films.

And Vulpa, as much as I'd love to see a Buck Rogers '79 Fan film, I don't think I'm ready for Spandex personally lol :)

monolith21 February 6th, 2010 02:20 PM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?
It would take a braver man than I to throw on that white suit!

The costuming squadron was party put together out of frustration for those attempts to organize falling apart. Its coming together quite nice actually! Soon we should have a listing of people in pretty much every region of the world that either own or are working on a Colonial Warrior uniform or Cylon armor. Part of the mission statement is to make things easier for people looking to start up Battlestar projects.

Its not like the talent is out there to do this. There are enough people here on this board that have done heaps to make the effects aspects easier. I know of at least five different people who have written pretty cool and budget friendly fan film scripts.

The area that seems to be the hold up is the costuming. Star Trek fans can pretty much locate and purchase a costume for relatively cheap very quickly. If you have the money and an internet connection you can be ready to go within a week. Same goes with Star Wars fans. There is an array of costumes that vary quality and price wise ranging from off the shelf Rubies junk to custom commissions.

This has not always been the case for Galactica fans. A lot of information about the costumes and props is still coming out to this day and it takes a real commitment of time to put this stuff together. That said...we're hoping to make that A LOT easier!

We've been taking this year to do this up right. Global (where applicable) organization, contacts, and human resources. The rest is available right here on fleets to do an amazing job!

So lets hear it Vulpa an idea for a fan film? I might know a few people that would want to help!:salute:

ernie90125 February 7th, 2010 05:50 AM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?
Vulpa II - have you visited my website ?

It collects together all of the osBSG fanfilms, along with resources for future projects and free hosting for the videos too.

I'm about to add another couple of fanfilms very soon. If you do make a classic BSG fanfilm, I'd love to showcase it on the site.

monolith21 February 8th, 2010 02:15 AM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?
Having something on your site is a goal of mine ernie90125!

gmd3d February 8th, 2010 03:33 AM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?
I agree with what has been said above ..

I was involved with a BSG project but alas it never worked out.

its is as David Kerin pointed out. it people and in right area.

and for me it the scale of the project ..

look at star trek or star wars .. depending of the story you do you have small sets relatively speaking. the Enterprise Bridge .. a x wing cockpit . even a portion of a star destroyer bridge would be easier to do than the Bridge of the Galactica. you can of course CGI it and use blue screen but still its a technical task that you need member of the production in the same city .. or at the very least the same country.

in the project I was involved in were where in different country's and time zones. the www is a useful tool but it still has some limits.

the are many great stories out there based on BSG but the few I read are still for the most part big stories .. massive stories ....

Here I think of Martoks story .. massive for a fan effort . epic really.

Russel Sanders audio story Exodus is a good one to try as it can be adapted as its a character story and has if my memory is correct a few locations.

I did spend time a few years ago planing out how I would have done it.

for the BSG i would use cgi characters and sets and forget using people who have there own lives and need that will cause problems ,..

that my 2 cent of info ..

Vulpa II February 8th, 2010 10:26 AM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?
Thank you, everyone, for your responses. I really like finding out other fans' perspectives.

Mono - I have a very basic story idea that I am working on right now. Not a lot of details yet, although I will give you a hint: it invovles Adama and the Imperious Leader meeting face to face. :eek:
My idea is to create a new set of adventures/stories with the original crew. I have found that as blasphemous as this may sound, the Phase II production has shown me it CAN work. It's a matter of casting the right people.
Initially, I was wanting to do a monthly episodic type of series (e.g. Hidden Frontiers). However, I think maybe one (or two, if I dare to think that positively) stories a year might work better - kinda like a miniseries.

Ernie - I have been to your site and that is what prompted me to ask the question. ;)
It was disappointing to see so few productions available. Granted, the ones that are on your site are very enjoyable to watch - and shows me that, yes, fan films can exist within Galactica's universe.

David - I agree with you. When you mention TOS Trek, people bend over backwards and are willing to spend their own money and volunteer time to help out anyway they can! That series has a lot of things going for it that Galactica doesn't have. :/:

monolith21 February 8th, 2010 11:50 PM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?
I'm an optimist. Star Trek and Star Wars have the human resources that make fan ventures a lot easier but we have some MAJOR talent. The models on this site alone show me that the resources are there.

The same goes for the costuming club. The idea and interest has been around for years. It just took a little push! I think people like Charybdis have done a great job. What we haven't really seen as of yet is a combined effort between the artists around here, the writers, and those that are ready to jump in front of a camera. Once those stars align it will be awesome!

What it all needs is a bit of organization. Not just the resources but the scripts, people with costumes (we're getting there), and those adventurous enough to build some small sets.

gmd3d February 9th, 2010 01:43 AM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?

Originally Posted by monolith21 (Post 298928)
I'm an optimist. Star Trek and Star Wars have the human resources that make fan ventures a lot easier but we have some MAJOR talent. The models on this site alone show me that the resources are there.

The same goes for the costuming club. The idea and interest has been around for years. It just took a little push! I think people like Charybdis have done a great job. What we haven't really seen as of yet is a combined effort between the artists around here, the writers, and those that are ready to jump in front of a camera. Once those stars align it will be awesome!

What it all needs is a bit of organization. Not just the resources but the scripts, people with costumes (we're getting there), and those adventurous enough to build some small sets.

there has been an attempt with the 14th colony fan film which most of the cgi end where sourced here. me be one and smallworld , mikala and more besides. casting was done and costumes made for them.

but the site closed and there has been no news of them since.

most likely real life has caused problems.

"I think if you want to make a BSG fan effort, move away from the Galactica as the vessel (I know we all love it but it too big on a fan budget"

pick another vessel the Celestra perhaps.

put some vipers on it.

like the episode "Take the Celestra".

you could have video link with the Galactica Bridge with out having to show the complete set.

but your still have to have your crew and your cast in or around where your going to film..

and you need a place to build sets and get cameras and stuff.. some of this you can build cheaply for a few dollars.

it is do able, but keep it on a scale that can be managed if your using people.

I for one would love to see a completed BSG enterprise from the fans of this site. the knowledge base is here. the cgi ability is available but the important element is the human one

that's my view anyway :salute::salute:

Vulpa II February 9th, 2010 12:37 PM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?
While having lunch today, an idea struck me about Galactica fanfilms.
Trek and Wars have a virtually unlimited universe to play in. Trek has Starfleet that emcompasses hundreds (thousands?) of starships fans can adopt and command. Same thing with Wars - groups (good and bad) that can expand at a fan's whim.

However, with Galactica we are pretty much left with one Battlestar and a rag tag fleet of mostly non-military vessels. Yes, I know the Pegasus's fate is in question (although Larsen apparently had plans for its return in Season 2)
But unless the fans do a prequel to BSG, there aren't any other Battlestars to "play" with.

gmd3d February 9th, 2010 12:41 PM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?
I think you could do some BSG stories before the fall of the colonies ...and create a new ship perhaps a smaller class and start there .. you can also be more creative .. but that just me

February 9th, 2010 01:55 PM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?

Originally Posted by Vulpa II (Post 298955)
unless the fans do a prequel to BSG, there aren't any other Battlestars to "play" with.

Vulpa, exactly what I'm doing at the moment, had an idea for a long time for a prequel,
having enough time to do some fair amount of work on it is the hard part. Next hardest
part is creating names and places and a story that "could" fit with the existing bsg
universe. Where I am the galactica fan base is few and far between, that makes it difficult
also. I've done one animation and trying to get the second together. It's not easy, certainly
do-able though.


Kat February 9th, 2010 07:11 PM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?
Couldn't a fanfilm look at some of the survivors left behind on the colonies?

monolith21 February 9th, 2010 09:01 PM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?
Absolutely! The fan film I've been writing (and revising) deals with a few downed pilots just after the attack on the colonies. They come across some survivors and make plans to rendezvous with the fleet before it sets out. There are a few hiccups along the way.

In order to do an effective fan film I think one has to keep their strengths in mind and play to their assets. I have zero skills with CGI so any of that in my fan film will have to be done by someone else. So I chose to keep it simple without a lot of CGI required.

I'm also trying to keep it to around half an hour to forty minutes of story split into a bunch of smaller episodes. Even that is a bit over the top.

gmd3d February 10th, 2010 01:43 AM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?

Originally Posted by Kat (Post 298962)
Couldn't a fanfilm look at some of the survivors left behind on the colonies?

that´s the direction fan films for BSG could take easily.

Absolutely! The fan film I've been writing (and revising) deals with a few downed pilots just after the attack on the colonies. They come across some survivors and make plans to rendezvous with the fleet before it sets out. There are a few hiccups along the way.

In order to do an effective fan film I think one has to keep their strengths in mind and play to their assets. I have zero skills with CGI so any of that in my fan film will have to be done by someone else. So I chose to keep it simple without a lot of CGI required.

I'm also trying to keep it to around half an hour to forty minutes of story split into a bunch of smaller episodes. Even that is a bit over the top.
its is a good idea.

you could indeed have a few warriors downed and run across some survivors

its a do able prospect ,,

you could have CGI represent the parts of the original attack or use scene from the film .. other than that cgi of space or planet shots as your story progress .. but there are a few program out there that are free to use for cgi .

Look forward to seen it

monolith21 February 10th, 2010 08:35 PM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?
The hardest set will be shuttle wreckage. I know a few people that would be happy to work on fan films. All I really need to is to find someone with the visual effects skills to reign me in a bit and work up a plan for a realistic amount of CGI for this thing.

I know of two other fan films that are going into production very soon. Very fun!

ernie90125 February 11th, 2010 12:46 PM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?

Originally Posted by monolith21 (Post 298988)
I know of two other fan films that are going into production very soon. Very fun!

osBSG fanfilms ?


Charybdis February 12th, 2010 09:33 AM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?
Well, I have done my post OS Callisto series of short films which I call mini-eps. In fact, I am to begin editing the second part of my last one called Baltar's Revenge. All the footage is shot and I just need to edit it...stay tuned...

As always, Daniel will have it on his battlestarfanfilms site...

February 12th, 2010 04:34 PM

Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?
Charybdis, watched your mini eps some time ago, good work :salute:

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