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gmd3d May 12th, 2010 01:13 PM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?

Originally Posted by KJ (Post 300454)

Akin to Star Trek Remastered that what truly needs to come about and happen for the Battlestar Galactica fanbase. Heck that why i think so many fan projects exist on the net, because they chance all that legal mumbo-jumbo and try doing so themselves!

So here are some examples we could learn from in terms of how the comparison would be if the Blu-Ray offering gave us the Original & Remastered version on a disc. Shot by shot and minor changes that doesn't alter the story one bit, but definitely give a different perspective of the same action taking place.


it is a good way to also place the TOS BSG back into the collective minds and those that where introduced to BSG by the new show. effect wise with new audiences there is no comparison ,, Effects wise . ( I am not starting a GINO debate here just a observation )

If as Larson was saying on a recent interview I saw on the web (link post here some where ) that he has a new BSG movie in the work (we can hope)

it will also have new effect and I am almost 99 % sure it will be CGI ..
giving the classics a fresh look would be a solid idea too..

hopefully attracting new younger fans now watching SW and such more adventures of a different nature. with stories as deep and as rich as any currently out there..

KJ May 12th, 2010 02:11 PM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?
Seriously Paddon stop being a nuance to everybody with your garbage as its getting beyond ridiculous now.

I have no desire to keep this particular bit of the conversation going

Yes you do hence your still at it. Have the strength of character to walk away if you don't want to address it anymore. After that last bit i'm quite sure i don't have to respond, and i don't reckon even BST will let that "lie remark" slide neither.


Originally Posted by Eric Paddon
The unpleasantness originated with you

Wrong again pal, since you've been on here you've been nothing but vindictive and ignorant with remarks and opinions towards me and in general your a pain to deal with anyways. While i've been posting from the beginning (OR DID YOU MISS THAT BLATANT FACTOID) hello? I've stated for the record, that i won't ruin it for anybody on here after BST comments, and i won't so i'll let Taranis and folks handle the comments until the discussion bears some wild imagination from as many members as possible who want to get involved.


Originally Posted by Eric Paddon
I will not react passively.


Oh really! Take this nonsense elsewhere's we don't need it on here. Least i was genuinely annoyed by your attitude, now your coming out with threatening behavior. See if anybody sides with you now?

But how nice of you to direct that at me after BST warning though? ;)

Moving on...


Originally Posted by Taranis
If as Larson was saying on a recent interview I saw on the web (link post here some where ) that he has a new BSG movie in the work (we can hope)

Do you mean this one.


Originally Posted by Taranis
it is a good way to also place the TOS BSG back into the collective minds and those that where introduced to BSG by the new show. effect wise with new audiences there is no comparison ,, Effects wise . ( I am not starting a GINO debate here just a observation )

Right with the drive and passion behind it with the right crew it'll be something to regain some new recognition for the franchise!

Far as supporting your arguments Taranis, while different from ST Remastered Space 2099 is also journeying into that realm or enhancements so it too falls into this catagory of ours.

Hope its helpful as a example point and further pushes your viewpoints out there.

More to come


KJ May 12th, 2010 02:19 PM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?
P.S. Love Larson's interview, man's got sense. I certainly wish him well attempting do Galactica as a movie, and if he's that aware of the fanbase split hope he is also aware of the passion we've got for the series as of today!


Eric Paddon May 12th, 2010 02:20 PM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?

Originally Posted by KJ (Post 300566)
Seriously Paddon stop being a nuance to everybody with your garbage as its getting beyond ridiculous now.

Being a "nuance"? Not a very well-nuanced sentence! ;)


Yes you do hence your still at it. Have the strength of character to walk away if you don't want to address it anymore.
What a laugh, coming from the person who AFTER there was a moderator's comment about not getting personal then chose to extend the middle finger to that because he just felt like it. If hypocrisy were an Olympic event, you'd have a gold medal by now. And you then choose to keep unloading your crap aimed at me not even in response to posts I made but so you could keep lying about the nature of my initial posts in your discussions with others. I made posts about a POV that was relevant to the issue and was having a civil discussion. You chose to be petty and vindictive because you evidently have a hang-up regarding a contrary POV on this subject and you've then chosen to perpetuate things with more hit jobs and more lies regarding my posts and my character. That is the definition of a disgrace.

*****Wrong again pal, since you've been on here you've been nothing but vindictive and ignorant with remarks and opinions towards me and in general your a pain to deal with anyways. *****

Thank you for that telling admission that it's personal grudges you harbored beforehand that made you decide to engage in a hit job instead of a conversation that Reaper, Taranis etc. were able to do.

Darrell Lawrence May 12th, 2010 02:23 PM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?
Knock it off, both of you! :mad:

KJ May 12th, 2010 02:29 PM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?
Knock what off exactly Warrior? Did you see my last P.S. post or not. :mad::mad:

Like i said, i'll be back when Taranis and others continue on without me, i'm big enough to leave it. Let Paddon hang himself cos he doing quite fine without me as we speak. But i've clearly moved on, so mind saying it as it is rather than drawn me back in with him. And go and address his nonsense, not me.

Thank you! :/:


Darrell Lawrence May 12th, 2010 02:38 PM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?
I'm addressing BOTH of you. Do NOT reply to each other in this thread, period. It takes two to tango, and you're one of them.

KJ May 12th, 2010 02:43 PM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?
And i'm addressing you right back, get your facts right when its bloody obvious the guy's just doesn't get it!

Watch each and every post regardless if i'm tangoing, i kinda got pulled onto the dance floor here, o.k.


Darrell Lawrence May 12th, 2010 02:57 PM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?
You replied to him, KJ... AFTER a Moderator had came in and ave a time out.

Do not respond to me. Just move on in your discussion. Period.

KJ May 12th, 2010 03:26 PM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?
Yeah and after said Moderator came in, LOOK at what he's allowed to put down so aggressively! And don't make the situation much worse, by saying we're both tango-ing. Please? If anything i've actually DID move on and engaged in the conversation present with comments and link requests, but soon as he's on the 4th page with us once more he drags the topics down with him and the outright "tone", of the place changes once more!

I might be responding, but not to the detriment of others on purpose, whereas he can't control his actions or 'mouth'.

So please do yourselves a real huge favor and acknowledge that fact rather than running from it, each time he bounces in here! Saying 'two to tango' is hardly a mature way of addressing anything?


Originally Posted by Warrior
Do not respond to me. Just move on in your discussion. Period

Don't respond to me either then!!! Cos you're gonna go with him anyways despite his garbage. Nah! LOOK i'm out period. In the meantime i'm gone o.k., cos i can see where this is obviously going. And i DID move on, pity for some they just can't let it go or acknowledge his disruptive actions everytime he's in here.

Taranis & Matador wishing you well my friends! :thumbsup:

You have my blessing in whatever you'll bring up on here! PM if you want anything on those links and articles we've chatted about.


Darrell Lawrence May 12th, 2010 03:29 PM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?
KJ, enjoy your vacation. YOU do not tell the OWNER of the site what to do. Your OWN behavior is what is getting you this.

3 days.

Reaper May 12th, 2010 04:19 PM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?
BST, I know a couple of us have now answered the questions for you, but if I may ask, what are your feelings on the issue?

Concider it me asking you the same questions if you like :)

BST May 12th, 2010 05:49 PM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?

Originally Posted by Reaper

BST, I know a couple of us have now answered the questions for you, but if I may ask, what are your feelings on the issue?

Concider it me asking you the same questions if you like .

Thanks, Reaper. I'd love to share some thougts about this.

Except for updating the master copy of the Galactica shows on a medium more durable than currently being used, why is it necessary to "update" the originals with new footage?

In response to this first question, I would say that I'm against selectively updating the originals with new footage because I don't like the idea of updating canon. I think that such updates may change the dynamic of the show.

When "updating" the original scene with what you "think it should look like" or "want it to look like", isn't that the same as "re-imagining" that particular scene?

This question was a definite poke at what was done with another show called Galactica, produced by the SciFi channel. The uproar, here and elsewhere in the TOS world, about the re-imagining was my primary motivation in posing this question. Does the wish for these so-called "updates" equate to "re-imagining" and do we now think that it's ok since we're the ones championing the idea? Personally, I think that it does, especially if it involves the use of scenes that can change the tone and dynamic of the show and also if it involves new scenes, dialogue, etc. It's like re-writing history.

We all know how others who "re-imagined" things named Galactica were vilified so, will we be doing that to ourselves as well?

I believe that we would be "birds of a feather" with Ron Moore.

Reaper May 12th, 2010 06:16 PM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?
now that I read your answers, I do believe we talked about this on another forum. the BSG Club I believe.

I do see where you're coming from and understand the feeling. As I've told Eric off the forums, I do respect that opinion, but for me, I think we could still respect the source material and highlight some changes.

thanks for answering :) And yes, I did see where you were going with the GINO references there :)

jewels May 12th, 2010 10:08 PM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?
Eric will also be getting a vacation for editing a mod.


gmd3d May 13th, 2010 01:32 AM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?

Originally Posted by BST (Post 300587)
Thanks, Reaper. I'd love to share some thougts about this.

Except for updating the master copy of the Galactica shows on a medium more durable than currently being used, why is it necessary to "update" the originals with new footage?

In response to this first question, I would say that I'm against selectively updating the originals with new footage because I don't like the idea of updating canon. I think that such updates may change the dynamic of the show.

When "updating" the original scene with what you "think it should look like" or "want it to look like", isn't that the same as "re-imagining" that particular scene?

This question was a definite poke at what was done with another show called Galactica, produced by the SciFi channel. The uproar, here and elsewhere in the TOS world, about the re-imagining was my primary motivation in posing this question. Does the wish for these so-called "updates" equate to "re-imagining" and do we now think that it's ok since we're the ones championing the idea? Personally, I think that it does, especially if it involves the use of scenes that can change the tone and dynamic of the show and also if it involves new scenes, dialogue, etc. It's like re-writing history.

We all know how others who "re-imagined" things named Galactica were vilified so, will we be doing that to ourselves as well?

I believe that we would be "birds of a feather" with Ron Moore.

Hi BST . the only scenes that I am think of updating are visuals effects scene , no single scene with an actor in it would be changed dialogue or other wise. only visually enhanced so that it will be persevered for a future if it need it.

updating the effects would have no baring of the over all story only in a visual sense and would not, in my mind change the over all impact of the show, save for the new clearer effects

its my personal conviction that it will only help and insuring its future ..

again I will say that the Visual effects are not standing the test of time, while still exciting (if used to much in the Series)

younger viewers now are been brought up on current shows .. (insert name here) are looking at modern visuals which are clear and are for the most part exciting. watching it once would possibly no impact on some one seeing it for the first time. but we all have watched it many times ...

and it the subsequent viewing are the test now for shows .... they never thought like in other shows about future DVDS and other High Definition hard ware etc.

Will our classic show stand up to that in the years to come ...... while the stories and the characters are always watchable and entertaining.

I cannot say the effects that help to drive the show (its is sci-fi after all.) are not holding up well ....... and thus shortening the battlestar shelf and sales life.

younger Viewers demand more now I think ......

what surprised me is the resistance to the idea, even if the new shots where done the same either with the same models or cgi (as much as possible).

Darrell Lawrence May 13th, 2010 02:31 AM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?
^^^What he said^^^

BST May 13th, 2010 06:15 AM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?
Well, truth be known, there are actually a scene or two that I think could be "improved" but, I just don't like getting too comfortable with the idea of updating canon. ( I absolutely do NOT like when 'updates' are made like the one in Return of the Jedi, at the celebration, where Hayden Christiansen's "spirit" image replaced that of Sebastian Shaw. )

The one scene that I think could be harmlessly updated and actually improve the overall sequence is the final assualt on the 2 base ships by the Pegasus. My suggestion for an improvement would be to actually insert footage of the missiles, on a trajectory toward the base ships, and to also clean up the laser shots.

Another would be the shield effect, projected from the Galactica, during the missile launches by the Terrans and the Eastern Alliance. That "blue thing" has always looked a little hokey to me.

Reaper May 13th, 2010 06:32 AM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?
BST, that's most, if not all I'd want to change. I made a few other suggestons earlier of effects taht I'd change as well.

I did say that I wouldn't support changing any dialog, or the acting scenes themselves. That is the core of Each show and that Core is what made us all fans.

And I HATE the replacement of Shaw at the end of Jedi. It's a HUGE mistake.

BST May 13th, 2010 06:37 AM

Re: Remastered BattleStar Galatica?

Originally Posted by Reaper (Post 300615)
BST, that's most, if not all I'd want to change. I made a few other suggestons earlier of effects taht I'd change as well.

I did say that I wouldn't support changing any dialog, or the acting scenes themselves. That is the core of Each show and that Core is what made us all fans.

And I HATE the replacement of Shaw at the end of Jedi. It's a HUGE mistake.

[yoda on]Ah, smart cookie, you are.......In agreement, I am.[yoda off]


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