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Antelope February 20th, 2004 10:50 AM

I looked forward and watched on the night it premiered on ABC. I watched every episode of TOS and BSG80 when it originally ran on ABC. When Saga of A Star World came out in the theatre I went and saw it in "Sensaround". I can still remember what that theatre felt like when the Atlantia exploded. I bulit a viper model and my brother had a cylon raider. Once the shows stopped I never saw them again until SCIFI started to run them again in the late 1990's. I still watch them whenever they are on and I am home, which has not been very often the last few years. I am not the kind that buys the DVD and watch it over and over but that's the way I am with all shows. I watched the mini twice and look forward to seeing all Galactica incarnations.

When I watched BSG1980 I enjoyed the show even though it was not what I would have preferred. I guess I am a bit more loyal to the "franchise" than to "TOS only". I guess that may go a way in explaining to a purist why I like the mini. I would love to see a Continuation made but I actually think the Desanto script is weaker than the mini. I like all Galactica has including those most would rather forget.

shiningstar February 20th, 2004 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by jewels
This is a getting to know you sort of question, so I'm putting it in the TOS forum so everyon can answer.... :D

Thanks jewels! :thumbsup: ..........summer of 78 for me.

Tibbetts February 21st, 2004 07:50 AM

I didn't become a fan until the Sci-Fi Channel aired the entire series in the 1990's. If it wasn't for the SFC I wouldn't be a fan today.

Dragon Lord

Titon February 21st, 2004 08:12 AM


I didn't become a fan until the Sci-Fi Channel aired the entire series in the 1990's. If it wasn't for the SFC I wouldn't be a fan today.
Man was i ever excited when the Scifi channel was announced. The only thing i was looking forward to seeing again was Battlestar Galactica. When it finally reappeared on tv after so many years it was like being a kid in a candy store again.


shiningstar February 22nd, 2004 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by amberstar
I know how you feel Shinningstar. My brother used to tie firecrackers to my GI Joes and watch them explode! I was soooooo angry with him.
I just wish I'd thought about the exlax thing back then.
Lucky for me he didn't find my BSG Toys!


You mean 'LUCKY" for HIM took my brother a week to
'heal' from that :devil:

but that was the last time he ever dared to 'touch' my things :devil:

shiningstar February 22nd, 2004 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Titon
Man was i ever excited when the Scifi channel was announced. The only thing i was looking forward to seeing again was Battlestar Galactica. When it finally reappeared on tv after so many years it was like being a kid in a candy store again.


It was like that for ME too.
I definately prefer the Oringal BSG as do my kids who's
favorite ep is Fire in Space and besides seeing Apollo and
Starbuck suspended on the wires ...............having Boomer
SMASH Boxey's Mushey ;)

Oh they like Living legend and the hand of God Too but
not as much as they Loooooooooove Fire in space.

trwnew February 22nd, 2004 06:03 PM

As for the memories. I was working patrol duty, the night of the premier, and stopped by a fire station in my patrol area and watched it with them.

shiningstar February 22nd, 2004 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by trwnew
As for the memories. I was working patrol duty, the night of the premier, and stopped by a fire station in my patrol area and watched it with them.

That's great Trwnew ..................welcome to the fleets. :)

trwnew February 23rd, 2004 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by shiningstar
That's great Trwnew ..................welcome to the fleets. :)

:muffit: Thanks, I been here since the board reopened and been lurking.

Airwolf February 24th, 2004 06:48 AM

I dont really remember when i became a fan, i guess i was only born in '77 and like alot of things that were aired alot in the 80's on brit TV it was ingrained into me and i have loved it ever since. But i was young and dont remember the first time i saw it, just a recollection that i wanted to fly a viper!

Rowan March 27th, 2004 08:11 AM

great stories guys tell me more

Eric Paddon March 27th, 2004 10:00 AM

By pure luck I caught the first hour of the premiere on ABC on 9/17/78 when I was nine but after that first hour I was still committed to watching Part 2 of "King Kong" on NBC and I recall switching channels and not being able to see the finish of that when the news interruption happened at 10:30 and forced an early bed for me (so even if I had stuck with Galactica I would not have seen the finish!)

It was when I caught part 2 of LPOTG that I suddenly became hooked and stayed that way ever after. It helped that there was such a barrage of storybooks and tie-in products to help me get immersed in all things Galactica at the time.

I remember the frustration of missing Part 2 of "Living Legend" because my Dad had already gotten tickets to a Rangers hockey game at Madison Square Garden, so my sister had to fill me in on the details. I remember being restless and bored by the Terra trilogy and then enjoying "Hand Of God" immensely and waiting for what happened next to come. 25 years later I am still waiting.

G80 was a nightmare that left us upset over the changes, but at the time because it was Galactica I stuck with it, waiting for it to improve. Then after that was cancelled it was no longer hip to say you'd been a Galactica fan since it seemed like yesterday's bread by that point.

About 1982-83 when the first syndicated rerun package appeared I started watching again, always skipping the episodes I didn't like. That meant I always skipped WOTG then (I didn't like it at the time because for me, Baltar's capture meant a downturn in the series) and the Terra trilogy. Today, I have a different opinion of WOTG but not the Terra trilogy. It was at that time that I actually started making my first attempt at a fanfic story at age 15, but at the time I operated under the naive belief that events had to be reconciled to G80 so it was set within that framework. I'm glad nothing of that story survives today! :)

After about 85-86 was when the reruns disappeared for the most part and it wasn't until Sci-Fi brought the series back in 1992 that I got reintroduced to the saga again, and also felt inspired to write my first major fanfic story. I enjoyed doing that and enjoyed watching and by 1995 I'd found the first discussion groups on the net and an outlet to share my writing so I remained hooked for life.

So while the fan interest had some waning years at time, I can still say that I was to a degree present at the creation on 9/17/78 and I've always been glad for that.

ernie90125 March 27th, 2004 10:10 AM

I have no idea when I got into Battlestar Galactica as since I was born in 1981, and my father was always a big fan, it was always watched in the house....

Before I was born, the first date my father took my mother on was to see Battlestar Galactica, with the surround sound setup at the cinema....

He always said how fantastic it had been, he had been totally mesmerised by it, and the sound.... When talking about the date, he would go on and on about the film they saw !!!

Despite my mother not being too impressed by anything, not being a scifi fan or "LOOK AT THAT SPACESHIP GO....WOW..." fan she decided to keep going out with my father.....

Had she have been put off (as she said she nearly was) then Battlestar Galactica would have prevented me from ever existing !!!!!!!

Sadly my father is no longer with us, but thanks to him I am now a Battlestar Galactica fan, and my poor mum still has to put up with it :-)


gmd3d March 27th, 2004 10:47 AM

well I was a fan from 1978-1979 when it arrived in Ireland after seeing the adverts on TV of course she was not to happy about having to take me , but kids can be very persistent as parants out there well know.
Anyhoo we went.. I got hooked and my mother well she said she liked Lorne Greene and I think Captain Apollo :D most of my childhood friends also went to see the movie It was great we all pretended to be Viper pilots on our bikes all the summer. untill Star Wars ESB came out in the 80s we played BSG,STARTREK,BUT STAR WARS was the biggest thing at the time so it was all Xwings and lightsabers.

:cry: :cry:
sorry i was over come with nostalgia I will try to control myself.


PlaidSquadron April 14th, 2004 09:40 AM

I was 13 when the first show aired. I already had the book (and was reading it surreptisously in math class before that fateful sunday)

I even came home early from school on that Friday and watched the Dinah Shore Show to see the interview with Lorne Greene. They kept saying "We will show you previews later in the show." The last two minutes of the show had some previews and all the cast standing around on stage. I was so hooked, I didn't care! I wanted the show to start right then, and to wait two whole days was pure torture!

betacloth April 14th, 2004 03:09 PM

I first liked BSG from when the original aired (1978). I think I have seen all of the episodes, but I have not seen it since the original aired. I did go see Richard Hatch in person when he came to town. I have one of the promo photos of him in his BSG uniform. :-)

JustinB April 18th, 2004 07:33 AM

I am nearly 30 and I was hooked on Battlestar Galactica when I was 6 years old. I looked forward to every Saturday at Midday tyo watch it. I used to pretend with my friend were were Colonial Warriors (with me being Apollo) and their brothers were cylons. :cool: As far as I am concerned BSG Rocks.

Apollon April 18th, 2004 07:51 PM

:warrior: I've been a fan since it aired on ABC back in 1978. :warrior:

doc834 April 19th, 2004 07:55 AM

I have been a fan for a very long time, compared to some the younger folks out there. It was a great alternative to Star Trek and Star Wars.

gmd3d April 21st, 2004 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by JustinB
I am nearly 30 and I was hooked on Battlestar Galactica when I was 6 years old. I looked forward to every Saturday at Midday tyo watch it. I used to pretend with my friend were were Colonial Warriors (with me being Apollo) and their brothers were cylons. :cool: As far as I am concerned BSG Rocks.

hey justinB just like me we used to play galactica all the time but i was Starbuck
and my mate was Apollo we built a large model out of wood for the galactica and viper we redesigned from world war 2 aircraft looked nothing like the vipers but was good enough for us. :salute:

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